The Path - Epilouge05 (by: FallenAngel)

Well Prince would have stomp her to death if he lost his patience with her bullshit😅

That’s what happened she was babblin bout babies and Samantha purchased Prince and thank James for that letting the fucking door open on the safe room :man_facepalming:


OOOOOOOOOOOOI I wonder if they accepted large fluffies

Samantha is testin that ground, Prince was the first.

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No i mean run away

Depends on Samantha’s take

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hmmm even this thing

You are gonna need to make a Whole repository and a story about that~


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From what I gathered James was a decent to good trainer but when some or just Goldbitch turned out great in the looks department and won best in show, that’s when He got a big ego, micromanaging, and belittling the other employees, and straw the broke the camel’s back, that turned a suspension into firing was his failed assault on Cass. I mean really trying to assault someone on a Shitrats word, that’s the hugbox stereotype that people make fun of.


Prince and Cotton are so lovely together :purple_heart: your fluffy designs are always top tier! Plus it looks like James’ impending downfall is due to his own arrogance and idiocy :smiling_imp:




So Goldie ran away from a nice set up because she probably didn’t get skettis enough or whatever, ran into the scarred Smarty and had a litter with him ( I’m assuming the babies are all hers in that herd? ), and now is pregnant with the other Smarty’s brood? Trying to be sure what sort of time line it all happened in. Also Prince has a shimmering mane? I like it, gives a nice contrast to people saying green is a ‘poopy’ fluffy color to have that as a shimmer instead.

And dang, James, all you had to do is properly raise already pretty fluffies to not be hellgremlins, but now Samantha’s going to have to mostly farm out actually raising the babies of at least three of her top mares because of their spoiled attitudes. Love how he seemed to think he had anything at all to do with the fluffies being ‘pretty’.


She saw what she could have had if she wasnt impatient or a bitch. She has no right to complain. Shes going to anyway.

What kind of training did James actually, training for show isnt all that hard to do. Basic commands, walk proudly, sit, stay, dont bite the judge when they touch your junk. He was easily replaceable.


That’s what I was wondering.

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I now imagine him with a thick Austrian accent. lol


So basically….Best Fluffy?


I wonder if he is a long lost relative of Brute and Shark?

Goldie was demanding babies that time and Samantha had acquired Prince , but the bitch was so fuckin impatient added James dumb idiocy not closing the door have her ranaway and met with Joe and became his mate, and yes most of the foals are hers but she cared less on them as they are average and hated Nightstar for being “ugwy” and spoiled her bestesh blue idiot.

He is just a coincedence gene bonus born growing up big

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Yeap he just gotten that bad ego for some reason.

Also he trained them but spoiled and wrongfully tellin them they are the prettiest mares than the others which causes every mare he handle into bitch mare😒

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