The Path - Epilouge10 (by: FallenAngel)

Man you are BREAKING her, kinda deserved though.

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Thought so. Goldie is, pardon the pun, a goldmine hidden inside a mountain of shit. I hope some of her eggs meet some of Dugā€™s juice at some point, even if it means one product has to be sold to the otherā€™s holder or a third party.


Well that will up to you guys since Im reachin the end of this story. Will be moving to finish the other story as well.

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You heard the Angel, people! If we want to see Dugā€™s genes get combined with Goldieā€™s, itā€™s up to us! Whoā€™s with me?!?


Errr thats on your own story if you gonna do that :sweat_smile: but canonly what I end in my side was the end if it.


This is so satisfying to watch that bitch turned into a ugly enfie pal since she believed herself as the fairiest of fluffies but she was only good to fuck for her genes.At least is put into good use! :slight_smile:


I definitely want to give Dug a posthumous cameo. Maybe have the Death of Fluffies reap him. I can already imagine what heā€™d say about Dugā€™s predicamentā€¦


Yes, my prayers have been answered

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Hahaha she finally got what she deserves.

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Still wanna say munstah, so she thinks if she behave her one time good, she get her stuff back. So her mind will still be a shitrat mind.

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