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Simon’s got that Super Saiyan Swagger.
I believe you have accidently connected the tips of her ears? Or is this a stylistic choice?
Reminds me of…
Thats my choice how i do when the ears are down.
Sorry, nevermind.
Nice! these brats still have their hind legs are more than what they deserve, but it’s for convenience of breeding, Even now that they lost it all they are horrid brats thinking they can do no wrong, cut our their tongues or vocal cords so they can’t make any annoying noises.
Well, this is then the end. Can wait for Cast out of Eden to get new pages
You guys are eager for that ending as well
I wanna see Goldie get some Dug Chug.
They milked three months of fluffy loads out of him. How much do you think that is in liters?
Dug was sold by Cassandra to a different mill.
It appears someone didn’t secured the final weeks collection and they dropped it during transport.
Exactly, that mill owes her one. They can part with a bottle of Dug Chug, right? They wouldn’t have any without Cassandra…
What a happy resolution. All’s well that ends well I suppose.
I was curious what happened to Sky and Glitter. Glad to see they all got the same fate in the end. Also, is that pink foal a unicorn?
Enfie Mare Special is always a good way to go to get rid of a Bitch mare. After she no longer produces any Alicorn or Good colored fluffy, you can continue her suffering by simply searing her Hoo-ha shut and cutting the back legs before rigging her in a Milkbag set up.
Yeap it is
I honestly would read a whole comic series of her going back and forth in this state, like at the end she shows she’s “learned her lesson” so reward her by dying her fluff back to pink maybe giving her a wig and some prosthetic legs and just wait for her to act up again then repeat the cycle slowly getting worse and worse so she breaks down completely
Yeah, no one going to believe she reformed in two weeks. Time for the next batch for the bitch. And to check on Dan and his new mate.
Might I suggest a Harem of Stallion’s for Cotton ;D
She’s broken, physically and mentally
It’s still not enough, she should suffer more
The ears are down? JFC