On the snowy streets of Detroit there is a pink earthie mare, her hoofs red and stinging from her trek through icy sidewalks.
Her name is pinkie-pie, an MLP edition fluffy. Her owner a brony in his 40s who had to move back with family and couldn’t bring pinkie-pie with him since they already hated his MLP obsession when he was a kid and hated fluffies even more. He was so broke he couldn’t even pay the fee fluffy shelters demanded to take in domestics ever since Detroit cut their budget to the bone. In turn ferals were now executed on the spot unless they had good colors and thus could be sold to breeders and mills to increase the shelters’ meager income.
The brony left pinkie-pie in a cardboard box in an alley near the sleazy apartment building in which he used to live. Told the mare to wait there for sketties and pinkie-pie as any fluffy when offered that ambrosia did as she was told and stood there waiting.
Her owner never came back.
This was last september.
Now is december.
At some point last month pinkie-pie let a blue pegasus stallion hump her in exchange for a moldy cupcake. Soon enough she gave birth to 7 foals.
As she makes her way through the snow 5 peeping bundles in different colors can be seen on her back. The first foal to go was a dark brown “poopie” unicorn colt. He became a nummie-babbeh when pinkie-pie couldn’t find any food to make miwkies. The second died when she made the little caramel pegasus filly walk alongside her to lighten the burden of carrying her better colored foals. The little foal’s legs froze after walking just a block, pinkie-pie leaving it behind since helping the filly meant carrying yet another foal. The filly eventually became stuck to the concrete below as ice formed under her.
Now the filly is one with the sidewalk.
At this point pinkie-pie is desperate to find a home. Unfortunately she took a wrong turn a while ago and instead of going to the nicer suburbs like Lodi Township where she stood a chance of being adopted she went straight to the ugly parts, the ones full of dilapidated wooden houses that you see in documentaries about urban blight. It was dark as there was nobody in this part of town and most street lamps were broken. Pinkie-pie went from block to block looking for a house with the lights on.
At the very last moment when she felt she couldn’t take another step she saw it: a house with hoomins inside.
Trevor was an opiate abuser and dealer. After loosing a turf war in downtown detroit he decided to crash in one of the abandoned houses and use it as stash house/distribution center. After all addicts would go to the end of the world for smack.
As he was cutting the product and placing it in baggies he heard the familiar sound of fluffy hoofs scratching a door. It was nothing like the sound dogs and cats make, it was almost like a squeeky toy hitting wood.
“Haha yes!” -said Trevor as he rose from the old busted-up sofa in the middle of the room. He walked to the front door and opened.
“Just as expected”
“Huuu-hic-huuuu! he-hewwo mi-mistu! pwease he-wp pink-ie-pie, wegg-”
“Yeah sure come in…”
“Wu? we-weawy?” -said pinkie-pie dumbfounded by the sudden generosity of this human. She had tried to get a new owner for months but all she received were death threats and the usual kick that send her flying back to the streets.
“Follow me”
“N-nyu daddeh can pinkie-pie git sum nummies to make miwkies fo babbehs?”
Trevor didn’t reply, he kept walking towards the kitchen, pinkie-pie following behind him with her babbehs still on her back now enjoying the sudden yet meager indoor warmth coming from a filthy hearth where Trevor burned old furniture for heat.
He then reached another door, one with peeling yellow paint that had something written with a sharpie on it.
“The Pit”
He opened and a sudden wave of stench hit both Trevor and Pinkie-pie. The stench of fluffies, their feces and their corpses.
Pwe-se he-wp La-Lawwy kaf! nu wan fo-foweba-kaf!
The whole basement was nothing but fluffies, hundreds perhaps even thousands. Trevor didn’t bother counting them anymore.
But first some backstory…
Location wasn’t Trevor’s only problem, supply was actually the biggest one. After his crew got iced getting enough product became a problem. You can only cut smack so much until even the least demanding addict goes somewhere else to get a fix. Sudden scarcity meant no money so Trevor had to look for other ways to make cash.
On a trip to the woods to meet with a supplier he saw a familiar dope-fiend kicking a green dumpster.
“Come on git out ya shitrat!”
EEEEEE! pwase stahp!
peep! scawy!
Suddenly a light brown unicorn mare with an orange mane bolted out the side of the metal dumpster waddling full speed towards the street.
Mummah wun way! wun wa-KICK!-EEEEEE! wowest huwties!
“Got ya cunt!”
The mare toppled over, one of its legs bent in an ugly way, the foal falling to the ground peeping in fear.
Trevor walked over as the dope-fiend went straight for the foal before it could waddle away and hide.
“I knew I saw some good colors on this bitch! hehe! time to get PAID!”
“Yo, whats the deal with the shitrats?”
“What?-oh hey Trevor, how ya doin’? it’s me Mike!”
Trevor didn’t remember the guy’s name, just that he bought heroin from him a few times and he probably had AIDS.
“Hey…so what’s up with that?”
“Oh yeah, you see” Mike said as he brought up a cyan pegasus filly with a rainbow mane “people actually pay good money for shitrats if they got the right colors you kno’ what I’m saying? this guy I know Tyrone told me about this. Beats hauling copper pipes all around town man”
“So you a breeder?”
“What? haha no man! why bother when these shitrats pop new ones for free? just have to hunt them down”
“Uh-huh, so how much you get for them”
“W-well” -said Mike suddenly scared at the realization that he talked too much and now Trevor might be kicking his ass to get his recent haul of rare foals- “this blue one I could get maybe a couple benjamins, stores then sell them for more”
Trevor raised an eyebrow.
Mike was starting to sweat bullets…
“I tell you what”
“Oh jeez” whispered Mike
“I’ll give you $400 worth of oxy pills for that foal”
“Whu-what? seriously?! alright Trevor!”
In reality Mike was getting scammed: the pills were expired Chinese counterfeits Trevor couldn’t sell even for ten bucks. He then took the filly to a fluffy shop/breeder downtown and like Mike said they paid him over $500 for it. There Trevor learned about rare and valuable fluffy colors and combinations. He also learned that that filly (called a “dashie”) was very rare which is why it was so valuable. Meanwhile the average good colored foal could get him between $10 and $50, but still not bad for something he could get for free.
Of course that would work if he wasn’t a lazy asshole that can’t be arsed to go around town hunting bio-toys, one of the reasons he’s a drug dealer instead of getting a real job.
Well that and being a violent psycho…
It was by accident that he found a way to make money off fluffies without having to put any actual work. Being the only occupied house among blocks and blocks of abandoned and condemned houses fluffies escaping from pest control vans naturally flocked to him begging for a “nyu daddeh”. He used to kick them out or club them if he had a bat near him.
Now he simply invited them over…and threw the fluffies into his basement. Of course not all of them got invited. From what he learned at the store he knew that brown fluffies and some shades of yellow and green were worthless, and so when one of them knocked at the door Trevor disposed of it, often violently.
But enough history, back to the present…
Buh-huh, wha-a dat ny-nyu daddeh? asked pinkie-pie
“Why, your new home my little furry cunt!”
Pinkie-pie looked down at the mass of miserable fluffies huddled together, waddling in the dark. Standing on top of a mix of their own shit, fluff that fell off their bodies and what looks like…bones. There are only stallions and mares in different states of pregnancy. No poopie fluffies, no ugly ones, all good colors.
Before the mare could even think about bolting out of there Trevor held her head down with his foot, just enough pressure to keep her from escaping without crushing the plastic-like bones of her skull.
With her jaw stuck to the floor and her teeth almost cracking from the weight of Trevor’s old stained timberlands Pinkie couldn’t even huuhuu the pain away, not even peep or chirp.
“Now lets see what ya got…” said Trevor as he started looking around the mare’s back moving the fluff to see the foals.
“Shit, shit, shit, this one can get me around $70, this one maybe $20” he said as he picked up a mono-red pegasus colt and a burnt orange earthy colt with the beginning of a blue mane." He then placed the two colts on a bowl near the door.
“These are useless…” -said Trevor, holding the 3 rejects in his right hand as he lifted his foot from Pinkie-pie’s muzzle.
Huuu! -said the mare as she covered her face with her tail, but before she could say anything else Trevor just threw 3 of her foals down the stairs.
Art by Coalheart
“HERE’S YOUR DINNER BITCHES!” -he said as the foals flew through the air. A piss-yellow filly slammed against a footstep of the rickety stairs then bounced to the dirt floor.
An emaciated navy blue unicorn dam with a white mane managed to jump into the air and catch the filly in her mouth.
The filly couldn’t even call her mother for help before the dam bit on its tiny head destroying her skull. The mare then swallowed the filly whole, and while the foal’s brain was exposed the filly was still very much alive and concious as she went down the dam’s stomach.
“Ba-bbehs…gwow b-big…an…stwong” -said the nameless broken mare after eating the filly. Despite her terrible living conditions in the pit she was unable to avoid repeating the phrase hardcoded by Hasbio engineers decades ago.
Other starved fluffies rushed to get to the other 2 foals as Pinkie-pie looked how the two foals, a blue-green unicorn colt and a dirty light-pink pegasus filly were torn apart and cut to pieces between the teeth of the fluffies below, the horror rendering her speechless.
While all this happened a light red earthie dam with a yellow mane screamed- ‘biggest poopies!’ -announcing the arrival of a new batch of foals. After a while her four foals came out: one stillbirth, one mono-black unicorn, the others…
With whatever strenght she had left the orange mare picked up the unicorn and licked it clean…then put it in her back and started walking up the stairs, every step taking a gargantuan amount of effort.
She didn’t bother to even clean the other foals let alone carry them. She knew better.
They were poopie fluffies, worthless to ‘daddeh-twevow’
It only took a few seconds for the rest of the pit’s herd to react.
“FWESH NUMMIES!” -yelled a filthy purple stallion, as he and other fluffies raced to get to the newborn morsels cheeping on the ground.
As the mare reached the top she looked up to Trevor, completely ignoring the newcomer pink mare.
“H-kaf!-hewo da-ddeh, fwuf-fy bwing pwettiest ba-kaf!-bbeh”
“Nice! good job cunt” -said Trevor as he unwrapped an old snickers and threw the white-ish looking chocolate towards the mare which devoured it in seconds. Trevor had a bunch of expired candybars and other junk food he got from boxes during dumpster diving. This and whatever barely edible trash he had was the only food the fluffies in the pit got.
Well that and ugly colored foals…
“And this is for your fuck-buddy” -he said as he tossed the mare a moldy twinkie. The mare picked it up with its mouth then raced back down. At the same time a raggedy starved orange unicorn stallion with what used to be a pure-white mane started climbing the stairs.
Both fluffies met half-way, the mare then dropped the twinkie on the steps. Immediately the stallion picked it up and began eating it, tears of joy falling through its dusty cheecks.
It was the first ‘gud nummies’ the stallion got in a month.
“So…” -said Trevor while looking at Pinkie-pie which was still frozen in place trying to process what had happened to her foals- “…this is the deal: you get the best stud down there to give you some fuckhuggies and if you make some pretty foals for daddy you get a reward like orange bitch just did. No foals, no nummies, get it retard?”
“Whu-wa…babbehs…wa” -was the only thing pinkie could say before Trevor unceremounsly kicked her down the stairs where she landed face first into the dirt. As she raised her face she could see countless miserable stallions, mares and dams. They had such nice colors yet were living like this…
“And remember: kill all the browns, ugly greens and shitty yellows!”
"YUS DADDEH!"-said a chorus of fluffies below.
Trevor slammed the door shut and everything went black. Only some faint yellow light from a street lamp made its way through a dirty basement window. That and a bit of sunlight was the only thing keeping the fluffies from the pit from total darkness.
As for Pinkie it only took her a little while to be raped by a yellow pegasus stallion who was eager to make good foals for his daddy and get some special ‘nummies’…or at least get to eat some fresh chirpie-babbehs instead of more rotten cauliflower.
Pinkie has no idea if her new babbehs will be good enough for her daddeh, however one thing is certain: no adult fluffies ever get out of The Pit alive.
…or dead.