Hi, I was wondering if anyone had made a piece of fluffy media where the fear of god is placed into these gullible little shits. Describe the idea of hell to a fluffy and tell them that they’re gonna go to “forever hurties” land where they will experience the unceasing agony of every imaginable type for all eternity. Watch them have a complete mental breakdown and develop a crippling fear of death, not willing to play or do anything that has even the slightest chance of resulting in injury or death. Then tell them later once their about to die of old age that they’re going to die and go to hell anyways and they just wasted their entire short pathetic life cowering in fear and watch them completely break down into a delightful mess
I have!
I called it “Hurty Land”, and the abuser used it to basically convince a mare that her foal would go to fluffy hell if it died under certain conditions, specifically, I think it was “If a human isn’t hugging the fluffy when it dies, it goes to hurty land.”
He then proceeded to kill her foal in front of her.
Good times!
Earth is Hell to them already.
Honestly the concept of reincarnation as a fluffy again should scare them more than anything.
Hell isn’t just an idea in my headcanon.
I have as well, I was working on a long story idea about an aggressive Christian preacher (the ‘fags burn in hell’ type) finding his garden invaded by a herd of fluffies, and deciding to teach them good Christian morals, which involved no special-huggies before marriage, no intermixing of their colors, and potentially nailing their Smarty to a cross for calling God a ‘dummeh’
Well they’ve already got the child abuse part down pat
Shit, you could get 12 years of fear and an absolute wasted life of a fluffy too afraid to do anything or be bad in fear of going to hell.
Actually thinking about it alot of people do this too
The old works and hive canon was that there is a fluffy pony afterlife. Just fluffies were designed to be as inoffensive as possible by Hasbio so they won’t ask questions or even believe in an afterlife as that would scare kids or offend religious parents if it’s the “wrong” thing to teach their kids. So they never believed even if you tormented them to believe in a hell or told them they were going to heaven for being a good fluffy at the end of their life.
For most fluffy ponies, life on earth was hell already between being feral and targeted by abusers and exterminators. So there was no reason to believe things would get any better as well. Only survival mattered.