The Real Monsters Here Ch. 1 [By BFM101]

This story follows on from Bad Meets Worse, I’d recommend you read that first to better understand who Jason is and what he’s been though.

Jason looked down at the bloodied sight in front of him, he couldn’t help but feel disheartened by these unfortunate turn of events.

The uptight Primrose had finally managed to end her worthless life, freeing herself from Jason’s grasp. And all it took was choking herself to death on their newborn foals, HIS newborn foals.

There was six of them, most of them big like their father, some with his twin-horns just jutting out of their skulls. It had only taken three of them for Primrose to suffocate herself with; Jason found them lodged in her throat, all of the already drowned on their mother’s own spittle. The other three were also dead, all of them having missed their crucial first feeding, starved to death without ever knowing love or milk.

For the second time in less than three months, Jason had lost his entire family.

He felt… saddened didn’t feel like the right work, disappointed maybe. Part of him always expected Primrose to try something, but to lose all of them… Jason had to wonder if the Sky-Daddy was telling him he wasn’t suppose to have a family, he wasn’t supposed to be a…


Jason froze, not wanting to believe, not wanting to hope unless there was something to hope for. He looked down at the three foals that Primrose hadn’t swallowed, the trio had pulled together for comfort, using what little strength they had to find each other when all they knew was darkness and pain.

And as Jason stared at his dead children, he saw one of them move, it was weak and it was slow, but it was movement.

It was a colt, a two-horned like him, big for a newborn, likely the only reason he survived. His Fluff was a light, mossy green and his mane a creamy yellow, not a pretty foal but Jason cared not for looks, just so long as his son was safe.

With steady hoofs, he gently lifted his son up and placed him against Primrose’s teats, instinctively the colt began to suckle, greedily gulping down the first ever meal in his short life. Jason saw his son’s face recoil at the taste, Primrose’s body was already starting to turn, her milk going sour, any later and it would’ve been inedible. Jason watched until the colt had had his fill before he dropped the greying nipple and loudly belched.

Jason had bought his son a day, maybe two if he was lucky, but he needed more milk, and he wasn’t going to find it here. Placing his son on his back, Jason set out to find something, anything that could help him, allowing him to be the father he was trying so desperately to be.

From across the way, The Old Fluff spotted Jason leaving his Factory Home, part of him knew that he’d likely never see the hulking brute again, it saddened him to think that but he knew there was nothing for him in this place but blood and bad memories.

The Old Fluff bid him a silent farewell, then lay his head down and closed his eyes, ready to take a long rest.

Jason had been walking for a full day, across vast fields and through dense forests, he had heard his son chirping from hunger for hours now, since even before they went to sleep. In the last few his cries had gone softer and weaker.

It pained Jason to hear his only remaining child like this, even more so that he didn’t have the voice to sooth him, sure he could hug his son, he could hold him tight and lick him clean, but Jason’s lack of a voice meant he could never sing to his child, never comfort him with a parental song, never tell him that he was loved and he was safe. All he could do was silently hope he would find he could find salvation soon.

But knowing Jason’s luck, all he found was trouble.

He pushed his way through the trees until he found a clearing, a small area of flat-ground that housed a small human home, potentially a large cottage, brick walls made up a two-story house, leading up to a stone chimney and a thatched roof. In the back, towards where Jason had come out, there was a pen, a large run of chain-wire fence surrounded the property, inside the fence were four small wooden enclosures, each just big enough for a Fluffy family.

And in the chained fence, there was a large hole.


Jason could see the vicious display even from a distance, there were a number of Fluffies at war with each other, more than he could count, almost all stallions with at least three of them already dead. The rest were viciously bucking hoofs and slamming hefty punches at each other, there wasn’t one Fluffy in the entire pen that didn’t have some form of blood sprayed onto them. From what Jason could see there was at least four mares, two of them were cowering behind a large orange unicorn stallion, the poor guy looked exhausted, but it kept snarling at anyone who came too close, another mare, was already lying discarded to the sides, blood and… other fluids coating her yellow backside, alongside the pool of deformed foals around her.

The last was the one screaming.

“Dummeh mawe shuddup, yu am wucky Winestone gib yu bestesh tummeh-babbehs, betta dan dummeh cowt eba gib.”

A bright grey, almost silver Alicorn with a blinding white mane was attempting to mount the screaming purple mare, even from a distance Jason could see she was pregnant. As she screamed for her attacker to get off her, her hoofs reached out to one of the dead stallions, a light green Pegasus with his head caved in, her dead mate and father of her young.

Jason knew he had no business here, that he’d done things just as cruel as these invaders and worse, but his thoughts were on his dying son, and Jason didn’t want to see another babbeh die today. Carefully resting his son on a soft pile of leaves, Jason made sure the foal was hidden from sight and made ready to charge.

The silver stallion entered the purple mare, she kept screaming as she felt her inborn foals rocked and shook by the stallion’s uncaring, violent actions. Her eyes could only look towards the bloodied corpse of her mate, her first and only love, silently praying for him to return to her, so that their children had a chance to live.


Suddenly the rapacious stallion was ripped from her, the purple mare used the new freedom to rush towards safety, her special-place was bruised and bloodstained, but no too-soon babbehs had come out of her. With her heart relaxed, the mare looked up toward her saviour, and almost screamed at the sight.

A massive moss and dirt covered stallion stood in front of her, bigger than any Fluffy she’d even seen, dampness and mould emanating from his very body. In front of him, the silver stallion lay on the ground, bleeding badly from the two puncture wounds in his chest and abdomen where the monster’s twin horns had slammed into the rapist’s body.

The stallion, Rhinestone, gargled out pathetic words of mercy. “Wa…wai huwt Winestone? Wines…stone am gu…gud Fwu…fwuffy.”

The hulking creature only snarled at Rhinestone before ripping his head back, slashing his horns up and out of Rhinestone’s body, spaying blood and guts across the grass. The purple mare watched Rhinestone take his last few, painful breaths before he died, mere feet away from her beloved mate.

Jason turned around to the rest of the enclosure, now with a little more context he could work out who the invaders were, the orange stallion protecting the two mares was one of the natives, that much was easy to see, which meant that the two Alicorns trying to juke him into making a mistake were part of the invading herd. Just over the way, two more Alicorns were battering another stallion, a light blue unicorn although that light blue coat was getting darker and darker with each bloodied stomp to his soft body. The final invader was not far from Jason, another Alicorn, bright sparkling monochrome red, he was lording it over the final native stallion, a soft pink unicorn with a white mane. Jason could only tell he was a stallion because he could see his special-lumps, but with one eye gouged out and one of his legs broken nearly completely off, Jason could tell the red Alicorn would likely try to emasculate the poor guy soon.

Five invaders, all stallions, all Alicorns, Jason had fought off numbers like this before but Alicorns were smart little bastards. He’d have to be quick, catch them off-guard before they realised what was happening.

The pink stallion, in absolute agony and pain, lifted a broken hoof as he tried to crawl towards comatose yellow mare, their neverborn children ripped out of her through violation and not a thing he could’ve done to help her.

“Peh-see am sowwy speciaw-fwiend, neba wan yu yu habe wowstesh huwties an bad huggies.”

The red Alicorn laughed. “Yuw dummeh speciaw-fwiend gib Spy-nuh bestah gud feews, Spy-nuh hope she nyo hab Spy-nuh tummeh babbehs, cos ugwy pinkie dummeh neba gib hew babbehs gain.”

The Alicorn, Spinel, stepped behind Percy and pressed his horn to the pink stallion’s ballsack, ready to rip it off, Percy gasped at the sharp point touching his most precious area, before a gust of force took it away again just as quickly. Percy looked to the side and saw the horror in front of him.

Jason slammed his full hefty body into Spinel’s side, there was a loud crack as several ribs were broken by the impact. Spinel howled in pain as he tried to lash out at his attacker.

“HUUUU!!! WOWSTESH EBA HUWTIES! Whu dawe gib Spy-nuh huwties, take sowwy hoof…”

Spinel tried to smack Jason in the face, but the bulkier stallion was prepared, he turned his head just in time to catch’s Spinel’s leg with one of his horns, impaling it straight through the limb. Then with a violently twist he snaped the bone in half.


By now everyone’s attention was on Jason, all of them, invader and native alike, all of them wondered who this monster was and why he was here.

The two invaders attacking the orange stallion froze at the disgusting sight of Jason’s moss covered body, the orange stallion recovered first and slammed his horn into the eye of one of his attackers, piercing straight through to his brain and killing the Alicorn dead. The other saw the writing on the wall and ran away.

The other two Alicorns attacking the blue stallion saw the challenge and took it up, they rushed towards Jason, both relishing the chance to take on someone as immense as Jason.

“Heh, Zuh-coh-nia gib biggesh munstah foweba sweepies, den hab aww da pwettiesh mawes. The first stallion spoke, his white coat glinting in the sunlight.”

“Nu-uh.” The second stallion, bright blue, almost turquoise in colour spoke up. “Toh-paz gib munstah wowstesh huwties fiwst, den foweba sweepies, make munstah intu wittew mawe fow……UGK!”

Fed up of waiting, Jason charged at Topaz. His twin horns pierced through both of Topaz’s eyes, the blue stallion was likely dead but his body was still twitching as Jason’s horns stabbed at his brain. Jason didn’t know if Topaz could feel anything, but he liked to imagine he could.

Beside him, Jason could smell the piss of the terrified Zirconia as he watched his friend die in a horrific fashion.

Suddenly, from the house, they all heard a woman’s voice cry out.


Jason ripped his horns out of Topaz, shattering the bastard’s skull and leaking his brains onto the grass as he did, and turned towards Zirconia and Spinel, both of them were long gone having ran off once they heard the human’s voice. Spinel was hobbling away, Jason could’ve caught him but he remembered his son, and decided to leave the bloodshed for another day, he had more pressing matters to attend to.

Instead he turned his attention to the human woman coming towards him, a look of anger and fear on her face, she was older than most human Jason had seen, her blonde hair turning white in places, wrinkles already starting to make their home on her face, she might have been a few pounds on the wrong side of overweight but none of it was from laziness, just genes catching up on a hard-working body. Her name was Marget ‘Maggie’ Hudson, and she was a tough old bird.

And at this moment, all her attention was on this strange, monstrous, blood soaked Fluffy in her garden.

“You should’ve ran with your friends you sick fucking…”

“NU MUMMAH!” Percy cried out. Maggie looked over, and as though the fog of anger was lifted, she seemed to notice his injuries for the first time.

“Oh my word, Percy, what… who… how…?”

She dropped to her knees and pulled Percy close, being careful not to touch his missing eye or broken leg, then one by one she spotted the other, Percy’s mate lying unconscious in a pool of blood, semen and dead foals, the light blue stallion trying hard to breath through shattered bones and broken spirits, the pregnant purple mare screaming at his dead special-friend to wake up and save their babbehs, the orange stallion collapsing into an exhausted stupor as the two mares he protected wailed and tried to hug away his pain.

So much pain, and she didn’t know where to begin the healing process. Then her eyes glanced back down at Jason, he hadn’t moved since she charged at him, hadn’t spoken a word.

“Who are…”

“Munstah hewp Fwuffies mummah.” Percy managed to squeak out.

“What did you say?”

“Munstah hewp Fwuffies, gib meanies wowstesh eba huwties and foweba sweepies. He am gud Fwuffy.”

Maggie looked back over at Jason, and part of her wasn’t even sure he was a Fluffy.

“Why did you help them?”

Jason stood in silence for a few seconds, before silently turning away, Maggie opened her mouth to shout after him but Jason turned back and motioned for her to follow.

Jason led Maggie to the treeline where his son was still laying, the noise had unnerved him, as had the stench of blood, but he was alive and healthy enough to cry out, though even now Jason could hear his son’s stomach growling.

Maggie knelt down and gently picked up the foal, she was surprised how big he was considering he hadn’t opened his eyes yet, but given the size of Jason she figured that made sense.

“This is your son?”

Jason nodded.

“And you helped my Fluffies because…?”

Jason pointed at his son, then pointed at his own stomach.

“He’s hungry? He needs milk.”

Jason nodded, the faint tickle of a smile growing on his face.

“Where is his moth…?”

In her hands, Maggie felt the colt turn over and start weakly suckling on her thumb, soft tears on his face as the precious milk he needed was denied to him yet again. She knew then that questions could be saved for later.

“Ok, we’ll get him, and yourself, something to eat, then we can talk about what comes next.”

Jason let out a breath he felt like he’d been holding onto for days, his only son, his last foal was going to be safe. And all at once, the fatigue, the stress and the endurance of the last couple of days came crashing down on him, and Jason fell to the ground as a long sleep took over him.


Sweet mother Gaia this was beautiful! It actually makes me happy I see Jason again! I can’t wait to see what’s next!


So much RAPE! Makes me angry, but good stories make you feel things.

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I hope Jason would at least stay and well less violent to the resident fkuffies but damn he run the invaders like a truck!

Fucking Primrose just killed herself who knew she can :joy:


Awww… poor Jason lost nearly all of his Babbehs. I hope he found a nice home with this herd…


Man, I hope the foal gets what it needs


More please, I love Jason and I have a need to know what will happen next before I start mentally self inserting myself and make things up xD

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