The return of Fluffyman! (InfraredTurbine)

Can you guess who it is ?
That’s right
It’s in my old…Old works… If someone can guess right who it is, I’ll fix the name in the title, if not, I’ll reveal it later this week xD

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


…Fluffenstein’s Monster?


Is it one of your ocs or another member of the community?

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It was someone’s idea that I had to make true
But you can consider it OC

Fluffy Man?

Kinda looks like his left hand glove skin thing.


Exactly :smiley:

Yeah, I totally knew that off the top of my head. I didn’t go looking thru your posts or anything. I’ve got stuff going on and can’t spend time on nonsense like that. Like work, or whatever.

How’d he die? Or was he buried alive?

it didn’t
it never did

Oh no not that guy again :scream::astonished:

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Do you think his chest teats can hold another liquid in them, like acid or something? Like, he’d just have to squeeze his milky places and they’d spray out a few meters.

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The hero we need and the villain Fluffies deserve.

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LOL, reminds of the original Pet Sematary movie.

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Maybe he’ll have regular fluffy milk in a few of them, and occasionally, without breaking eye contact with his opponent, he’ll spritz a quick spray of miwkies into his mouth for refreshment during battle, or just to weird out the other guy.