The reward for being a smarty (carniviousduck)


Better ‘reward’ him further by shaving him and covering him in ants.


“Daddeh so dummeh?”

Sounds like you don’t want your teeth either buckaroo


clouttoken has the right idea; looks like its time for smarty to begin his “journey” to litterpal


Give this pathetic dumbass more pain. Take an eye and shove something in all its holes.

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Sounds like he’s asking to lose something else

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Please tell me a little home surgery turned him into a literal dickhead.

It still has an attitude, so clearly, it hasn’t suffered enough!

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Good luck trying to piss now, shitpig

Ooof, calling daddy a dummie instead of a meanie? That’s a clear sign he hasn’t learned his lesson.

Might want to make that a journey to a combo-pal(litter-pal + Enfie-pal).

Anatomically speaking he should still be able to piss unless it’s been either cauterized or surgically sealed shut, he just won’t be able to aim it.

Now that would be hilarious; unfortunately, after closely examining the picture, I have come to the conclusion that there was no recent horn replacement surgery as there would otherwise be bleeding or at least a shaved area around the base of the horn. Though he could have still impaled the removed organ onto his horn.

It’s also a bit ambitious to think a Smarty would ever be walking around with a penis that large…

You missed some leftover horn there.

Hahahaha yeah he get what he deserves.

“Why daddeh so dummeh”- god I cackled like a madman at that line :skull: xD