The Right Fluff (By: NoNameNoSlogan)

This is my first time posting/making anything like this, hopefully I got all the tags in the right place… Might post more stuff, might not, I dunno…

Cost of a Foal-in-a-can: $5
Cost of a prototype missile: $10,000
Getting to send a Fluffy into space and still make it in time for Pizza Friday? Priceless.


gwond contwoow tu mager tum…


My only critique of how amazing this is? Spuntix fell out of orbit about 2 years after it was launched. Other than that, Brilliant! Welcome to the community.


Lmao :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I wonder if Fluffies would have been useful in an alternate timeline where space travel got started 100 years late, after fluffies were a thing.
They would have an advantage over dogs and monkeys because they can speak and are more easily replaceable than either.
But they’re very fragile and it would be really hard to make them survive launch.
And 90% of the communication you would receive on the ground would be “SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SCAWY MUNSTAH NO WUN FOWEBAH SWEEPIES”


Neat-o, but I’m wondering what motivated the USAF to do this. “Use it or lose it?” Ascertaining the effects of pressure loss on a fluffy foal? Has the General lost their marbles?

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All of the above.


I wanted to put a little something else up there, just to give the distant shot of the rocket a little more scale. I know Sputnik de-orbited, but I was torn between drawing Sputnik, the ISS, a Polish Cosmonaut, another Foal-in-a-Can rocket from Russia, or Elon Musk’s Tesla. Sputnik was just easiest of all those to draw…


You don’t have to explain yourself to me or anyone. You draw what you want and we’ll all enjoy it. Fluffy ponies in space is an under explored theme and I’m glad someone is doing something with it.

If we keep this up fluffies are gonna infest other planets…


In my headcanon, they eventually do.

Yeah, Sputnik is so recognizable too.

100% Elon Musk would do this for shits and giggles if fluffies were real

American moment

A new, creative, record-breaking way to kill a fluffy! :laughing:

Still more dignity than the Space Force.