The skettieLand Trappers; Goblins and other munstahs - A Ranchero Fluffalow prequel.part 2 (Creeper)

Earl swayed happily side to side as he strode through his newly built workshop with a cane and smaller brace, the smell of freshly dried paint still lingered in the air. Jake was right behind him carrying a large box of assorted parts, along with Mark, Jr, Bill, and just about everyone else they knew, even Jimmie was lending a hand.

“This is the best day ever! I have dreamed about this workshop since the day mom taught me how to draft up blueprints. There’s my new fully loaded wood shop over there with the metal shop next to it, there’s my engineering studio! I got two,TWO, car lifts, plasma and jet cutting tables and a CNC machine! I’ve always wanted a CNC machine! the parts I can make now! OH! I got MIG, ARC, and Oxy welders! Oh then there’s-”

“Hey! Before have another nerd-gasm would you like to tell us where to put this shit?” Jake interrupted giving the box he held a shake.

“Right, right, sorry. Heh, kid.” Gesturing to him self. “Candy store.” Gesturing around the shop.

Directing his friends he pointed out with his cane which box of parts went where he assured everyone his smoker was already up and running promising them burgers, hotdogs and ribs when they were done. during the semi-chaotic move of parts from Earl’s cramped old garage an old thumb-drive fell out of one of the boxes and Earl quickly scooped it up and tucked it away in his pocket. once the move was finished the evening was topped off with a casual BBQ party and when the group departed for home Earl was left to tour his new shop alone. Pulling up a stool at one of his many new work benches he opened his laptop and plugged in the thumb drive. After a few seconds of skimming through the files he realized which drive this was and pulled a notebook from his backpack and played the first file.

The video played the image of a small muted green alicorn sitting on a dirty wooden table looking pissed off and directly into the camera then Earl’s voice started to narrate.

“Subject is a muted green and brown maned weanling, initial examination shows almost all his teeth have grown in and is male putting his estimated age at one month. The subject is also a telekinetic with a wicked psychic punch and was acquired in trap fifty four today along with a red monochrome filly and a blue and pink maned unicorn mare. Claims to be his sister and mother, they call him poopie monster and act generally afraid of him, shows general disdain for both. We’ll start with a reset and start him on the dick growth supplements mixed in with his wet kibble.”

Earl’s hands reached in view, the left wearing a heavy rubber glove a taser in the other, the gloved hand wrapped around the alicorn’s neck and the taser was pressed to his forehead.


the alicorn went rigid as the narration counted to ten then let go, then began the commands as the alicorn stared blankly into empty space.

“You are a good fluffy that always does what his owner says, makes good poopies in the litter box, does not ask for anything and hates and hurts any fluffy that does not have an owner.”

After a few moments the life returned to the alicorn’s eyes blinking and shaking off the funny head feels then a small food bowl full of mushed up kibble, water and shady internet “get a big dick” drugs.

“Eat up subject 14 tomorrow your training starts.”

-Fwuffy name am Subject Fowteen?- Looking up from the food.

"No! You haven’t earned one yet. You’ll get a name, if you pass. Until then you refer to yourself as fluffy and answer to SubJect 14. You are to call me “Boss”, understand. "

the file ended and the next one played, an over head shot of Subject 14 in a plain white room with several other poor colored alicorns. all of them were yelling and crying laying on their sides their little dicks fully erect to the point of hurting and was why they were crying. two of them a mud brown and stale piss yellow one suddenly let out an ear piercing scream and all the blood vessels in their dicks exploded, shredding their meat.

“Day 5 with Subject 14, Subjects 17 and 19 were given the cocktails with “hammerall” “Elephant’s leg” and “Dickerdowne” have washed out. Gonna cut the “Hammerall” and go back to “hanginhorse” the former has killed six already the former only one. Subject 14’s overall length and girth has increased by 5%.”

The next file played with subject 14 standing alone in the white room on the opposite side was a pet carrier with a very irate looking blue and pink maned unicorn mare.

-Dummeh poopie munstah! Fwuffy gun kiww munsta!- Slamming her hooves against the carrier.

“As per the resets neither mother nor child recognize one another, all old memories have been erased. the mother has been reset with a murderous hatred for poor colors and alicorns.” The video paused for this part and started to play again. “Alright Subject 14 it’s time to start your combat training. see that fluffy over there? Did you hear what she said? she’s gonna kill ya if you don’t fight back. this is what every fluffy that isn’t an alicorn will do to you. Go for the eyes.”

the cage opened by remote and Starlight charged straight for Subject 14 who was surprised by the aggressive adult mare much larger than him and swatted him with her hoof. Hitting the ground head first he spat out a glob of blood as he tried to get up then Starlight bit down on his right wing lifting him up by it then started shaking. On the fourth shake the tiny wing tore free and Subject 14 tumbled to the floor, flopping limply as a rag doll. Standing over him he chirped and peeped in pain as he felt teeth on both sides of his head lifting him up the pressure getting more painful every second. Kicking and screeching the sides of Starlight’s cheeks started to glow and her entire jaw snapped off and hung loosely by a strip of flesh and he hit the floor covered in blood.


-Muh… Mummuh?-


The next file played as audio only.

“Day ten with Subject 14 and the reset has completely worn off and cooperation has become difficult without damaging the subject further. Looking into modifying a shock collar for dogs till then I’ll just rest him again and start from scratch.”

The next three files were skipped and another audio only file played.

“Day thirty.” Sounding frustrated. “Every time subject 14 rediscovers his powers the reset starts to wear off. Finished the collar, will start training with it tomorrow.”

the next file played, Subject 14 sat in the white room with a modified shock collar around his neck with a lock on it. He struggled to kick it off when his whole body spasmed and he almost fell over, catching himself at the last second.

“Alright this it how it works, you do what I say when I say and if you don’t…”

Subject 14 went rigid again and fell over this time after an extended jolt just to get the point across.

“Now since we won’t be starting from scratch, again, today we’re gonna start with some group combat, I’m gonna pair you up with Peirce McKrakin, he’ll show you how to fight big groups of fluffies.”

the door opened and in strutted in an adult grey and brown maned alicorn stallion, he looked down to the young colt and smirked at him.

-Wook an weawn wittew one an watch ou sewf. sum fwuffs wike to gif bad huggie befow foweva sweepies.-

that was the only instruction he could give before the door opened again and six random fluffies stormed in, all with the raging alicorn hate reset. before the last could make it through the doorway Peirce was on them, launching himself at the nearest one gouging out an eye and he began to narrate.

–Gu fow see pwaces!- Jamming his horn in the first one’s eye knocking him and the one behind him down. -Give stompies to bendy spots on weggies!- Breaking the left leggie of the left side fluffy. -Den sowwy poopies to see pwaces!- Spinning around to shit the the face of the right one. -Den mowe sowwy hoofies!- Mule kicking the shit faced one, making him bite his own tongue off. -Den mowe stompies!- Crushing the face of the half blinded one. -Den give big scawdies! MUNSTAH GONNA NUM OU!- He screamed in the back left’s face and he fainted.

the back middle had his horn bitten off while his throat was crushed under hoof leaving the back right one as the last. he cowered as he backed away from Peirce, seeing how easily he took out the rest he knew the pain was imminent, then he saw the one that fainted stir and awaken while Peirce’s focus was on him. The one that had fainted did his best to sneak up on the alicorn from behind then reared back to stomp on his spine. On the way down Peirce lifted his hind end up for a big mule kick and drove both back legs into his face when his hooves landed snapping his neck and finished the last with a horn to the neck.

-(Huff!)… An dat… (Whew!)… Is how ou kiww bad fwuffies. Nao, is ou tuwn.-

Earl stuffed the dead and crippled in a bag and left the room the video fast forwarded till he came back with a large pet carrier and kicked the door shut.

“Alright the only rule here is no powers Subject 14, use them and I zap you. Peirce, stay out of it but make sure he doesn’t get too hurt.” Setting the carrier down.

when he shut the door behind him the carrier door opened and six assorted juvenile fluffies marched out, all his own size including a monochrome red filly.


the red filly tackled the surprised colt knocking him on his back she reared back to stomp on his head and he kicked her back legs out from under her and she flopped down on his chest. smacking her off get barely got to his hooves before another bit his tail and started pulling as another came charging at his side. he simply jumped letting the one on his tail pull him back out of harms way while the other fell on his backside leaving him open to a blast of sorry poopies to the eyes from Subject 14. the charging fluffy waddled past and Subject 14 stomped both his front hooves into his sister’s leg snapping it then gouged out an eye. he turned to face the other four who were trying to surround him as the fifth turned around to join but half way around Subject 14 broke his back right leg. He then broke the front as he ran at the next ramming his horn into its eye, giving it a few head stomps for good measure when two of the remaining three tackled him to the floor. collectively they started to trample him and just as Peirce started to move in the three flew backwards sliding across the floor, Subject 14 tried to get up and got zapped again, dropping him. struggling to his feet he staggered to the shit blinded fluffy and broke two of his legs, it’s shrill screams regressed into agonized peeps. the three others had recovered by now and the closest hit him from behind smacking his head into the floor. Peirce stepped in at this point swatting the little fluffy away and when the rest tried to attack he smacked them down hard enough to knock them out but not kill.

-Dat was bad. we gun need mowe twainin.-

The video cut as Earl entered the room then the next played, various clips of Subject 14 learning how to use his telekinesis to unscrew things, manipulate latches and increase his lifting capacity. the next file was a security video of the makeshift pens in the back of Earl’s garage with audio. it showed Subject 14 as his looked over the side of his pen at the young rusty red and green maned uni filly in the pen across from his, she looked back unafraid.

-Hewwo. Wingy-pointy new fewnd?- She asked -Why saddies? Ou have owwies?-

-Yeah, nu wike it hewe. Boss am meanie. wan famwy back. fixed famwy den Boss bweak dem again. hu hu… (Sniff)-

-Its otay, big bwudda Pwince say you am stwong an magic an gun be good huntew.- The mare tummy began to growl. -(Whine)… Su hungy,Boss nu give nuff nummies. huu…- Looking sullen.

Subject 14 looked around and saw the big bag of kibble leaning against the far wall then his horn started to glow. the bag rocked back and forth a few times then toppled over, spilling a few fistfuls of kibbled that quickly clustered together and rose up in a ball floating over to the filly’s pen overfilling her dish. letting out an elated squeal she gobbled up as much as she could eating half of it before she plopped down on her backside with a satisfied burp.

-Fank ou new fwend. Fiwwy’s namsie am Thundah-cunt.-

-Fwuffy am Fwuffy but Boss cawws Fwuffy Subject fowteen.-

-Ou get namsie when ou am huntew… Subject Fowteen wan the west of da nummies?-

the next file played, Subject 14 sat on a table as the camera panned back as Earl walked in view from the waist up behind the table.

“Day sixty-seven today we’re gonna start work on increasing Subject 14’s TK lifting capacity. progress has been slow so far so I’m trying a little incentive based training.” Reaching under the table.

Earl set Thunder-cunt down on the table strapped in a sitting position to a square board with two sliding tracks on both sides of her. over her head was a five pound bowling ball attached to the tracks held suspended in place with a pin through one track.

“I know you care about this little mare and don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. A little tip, put the bag back if your gonna steal food.” Giving him a good zap from the collar. “Now the ball weighs five pounds, your lifting capacity is four. If you can hold this up for a whole minute, you wont crush your friend.” Placing his hand under the ball he raised it to the top and pulled the pin. “Ready? Catch!”

Letting go the ball dropped down fast and stopped millimeters from Thunder’s head who winced hard ducking down as far as she could to not get hit. Subject 14’s horn glowed brightly, his face strained and grunting with the effort.

“You need to lift it this high.” Pointing to a notch near the top of the track. “C’mon Subject 14 or its forever sleepies for your friend! Don’t you care for your friend.”


The bowling ball slowly started to lift up as a trickle of blood started to flow from his nose but he pressed on taking a full minute just to raise it the whole two feet up. His other nostril stared to bleed he grunted an strained to hard he even shat on the table a little while Earl counted out loud his vision began to blur and his stance faltered.

-Subject Fowteen pwease stay wakies! Nu wan foweva sweepies! hu hu huuuu! Save Thundah! Save Bestest fwend!-

“Ooh, “bestest friend”, that sounds awfully close to special friend to me. Thirty seconds to go better keep with it Subject 14.”

Shrieking in pain and strain he shat wildly on the table and blacked out falling over on his side, his fading visions last sight was the ball falling.

“Good job Subject 14! With three extra seconds to spare!” Catching the ball at the last second. “Looks like you care for her after all. Congrats Thunder-cunt, you live. For now.”

the next video was a multi-cam topographical view over a very simple maze with various posts with assorted security and trail cams mounted on them, the screen read day ninety five. dozens of shit colored alicorn fluffies navigated it and anytime one was caught in a camera’s view they would get a zap from their shock collars with a recorded voice play “I see you!” in its ear. One cam focused on Subject 14 who had learned by now to peek around corners and then blast the camera knocking it down or breaking it then leading the rest through the maze.

“Okay boys now you have to do it in the dark!” The light shutting off and the night-vision kicking in. “On a side note I’d be pissed he’s breaking so many cams if it wasn’t so damn clever.”

the next file was of Subject 14 head-butting another random fluffy in the face, who was being held in place while Earl shouted at him to go for the eyes.

-NU! Nu wan do dis nu mowe!- Stopping to look up at Earl. -Nu wike it hewe! Hate’chu! Wan weave! Wan famwy back! Wan…ZZZZZTTT!!- Falling over.

the next file was the security feed in the garage, the one pointed at 14 and Thunder’s pens, The little mare lifted up over the pen’s fence and gently set on the floor. Subject 14 lifted up next and after a few moments of poking around they found an old underinflated basketball and batted it around for awhile. 14 would make the ball move around with Thunder chasing it giggling and eventually retreating back to their pens when they heard approaching footsteps.

The next file played and Thunder-cunt was back in the bowling ball rig with a seven pound ball an inch over her head this time and Subject 14 bleeding from his nostrils, to the point of tears trying to budge it up. He and the ball both dropped at the same time and the heavy ball left a nasty gash across her face leaving her derped as well.

“This has been day two-fifteen, (Sighs), Prince Albert better not throw a tantrum over this. Maybe if I tell him 14 did it I could have them fight it out for dominance. Team only needs one leader.”

the next file played a first person view from Earl’s clip on hat cam as he walked down stairs in the middle of the night, in his PJ pants, looking at his phone’s perimeter alarm.

“Sons of bitches break in my property, better pray I don’t catch yer ass.” Looking at the gun in his other hand.

he stepped outside onto his front stoop and looked around and saw his garage door ajar before he could step inside he heard the distressed cries of a fluffy in the yard. flicking on his phone’s flashlight he followed the cries to the edge of his property where he found Thunder-cunt and Subject 14 convulsing from the repeated collar shocks.

“Whe-heh-hell! Took you long enough to try and escape. I practically had to leave to door open I made it so easy even for a shit-rat, I was wondering if you wanted to stay.”

-Pweath bahth nu huwtieth fow fowteen!- Pleaded the derped Thunder-cunt. -Nu wun way gain pwomith!-

“Now, you see that little flag?” Pointing to a small neon flag on a wire stake. “That the line that marks my land. You leave and ZAP! If you want it to stop you have to crawl back to this side of the line.”

-Pwease boss (ZZZZZTTT) … Hu hu nuu, nu mo (ZZZZZZTTT!) Screeeee! (ZZZZZTTT!) Fwuffy be good! Nu mow (ZZZZZZTTT!) Nu mowe pwease!-

“Well then get crawling.” Grabbing Thunder by her mane. “Your friend is waiting on this side.”

Slowly between shocks Subject 14 dragged his body back the few paces he had managed to go before the collar kicked in getting several more shocks. as soon as his neck passed the flag he collapsed face first in the grass huffing, wheezing and choking out sobs.

“Now get your ass back in the garage with the rest! MOVE!”

Getting up Subject 14 achingly waddled his way back to the garage stopping every few yards to pitifully look back at Thunder still dangling from Earl’s grip.

“You turn around one more time an I’m gonna kick you the rest of the way!”

Subject 14 picked up the pace trotting back to his pen, Thunder was dropped back into her and then he was grabbed by his mane and tossed inside a carrier with a pad lock and left facing a wall.

“Remember this, you little shit-rat monster, you’re mine and you’ll never escape me. I’m infinitely smarter than you and you just may as well get in line.” before shutting the garage door he shut off all the lights and yelled inside. “You’re all in the dark tonight because of Subject 14!” Slamming the door. “(Yawn)… Too fuckin early fer this shit… This is the start of day two eighty-five. god damn, I’m going back to bed.”

the next file played showing Subject 14 strapped into a PVC restraint rig wearing a VR headset, gag and his prodigious member stood fully erect.

“Congratulation Subject 14 you’re moving on to the next phase after what you pulled last night It’s time to drive hime you’re my little monster. Today I got the fabulous Miss Kitty from The Inkwell tattoo’s and piercings to do a custom job for me, on you. You ready Miss Kitty?”

“Jesus Christ,Another little fucker with a five inch pecker. What do you feed them?” Said a woman off camera.

“Lot’s of stuff but right now a pinch of viagra.”

“I see that. Alright, so another saw-blade set right?”

“Here’s the custom heads and guards I made.”

A heavily tattooed pair of rubber gloved woman’s hands reached into camera view holding a piercing tool. Starting at the base of Subject 14’s shaft and carefully threaded it around the urethra. Unscrewing the pointed and handle ends she then put over it a flat brass oval plate with two holes for each end of the new piercing then screwed on a sharp pointed saw blade like head on each end. Subject 14 squirmed and cried through his gag, trying to plead for it to stop as Miss Kitty repeated it four more times up his shaft and finishing with a gut-hooked prince Albert at the end.

“What do you got him watching on that any way?”

“Hm? Oh! Yeah I made some recordings of his mother and sister on what they thought of him before I reset them. Turns out his own dad was gonna stomp his head in the morning they were chased out of their nest, they hated him that much. I got it playing on a loop in there.”

The next file started with Subject 14 sitting in the bare room looking down at his piercings with a sad depressed look when the door opened and Earl walked in with Thunder-cunt tucked under his arm.

“Now that your piercings have healed up I think you earned a little reward, Subject 14.” Setting Thunder down in front of him. “You haven’t seen each other in a month and since you’re both grown fluffies now I think you both deserve to be special friends.”

the two fluffies who had been excitedly hugging out their reunion heard that they looked up at Earl and asked with cautious hope in their eyes almost in unison…

-Den, we haf babbehs?-

“Yep and to help that along I got this.” Taking a spray bottle off his belt.

he gave a few heavy squirts of it’s contents to Thunder’s special place and Subject 14 instantly became erect his eye’s locked on target but then looked up at Earl.

-But what bout pointies in no-no stick?-

“Don’t worry they will make it feel so much better than regular special huggies and make it easier to give her special huggies. You see Thunder never has had special huggies before so it makes it harder to get in there and those will help. And it might hurt a little at first Thunder, but it’ll feel good after a moment. Now why don’t you two get started.” Sticking a syringe in Subject 14’s neck and left the room.

Subject 14 practically jumped on Thunder knocking her down hard and his throbbing member got to work.


-ENF! (GRUNT!) ENF ENF! (GRUNT!) ENF ENF ENF!!- Biting her mane to pull her closer.


-Good!.. FEEWS!!-

Falling back on his but the post nut clarity setting in between heavy breaths he finally noticed all the blood and bits of Thunder’s shredded special place dangled off his piercings. Thunder never stopped screeching trying to drag herself away from Subject 14 leaving a trail of blood and near liquid shit.

-Munthtah! hu hu huuuuuuu… Nu… mowe… owwieth!.. saf Thundah… fwom…reeeee… munthtah-

-Sp… Speciaw fwen… Otay?- Walking around to her front to see her face.

-SCREEEEEEEE!! Munthtah! Nu mowe hewtieth!.. Nu … mo…- The light fading from her eyes.

-Fwuffy am munstah?- Tears welling up in his eyes. -Speciaw fwen? Speciaw fwen?-

“Oh my it seems you’ve gone and given your special friend forever sleepies!” Earl stifled a laugh as he re-entered the room. “And with special huggies no less! Only a real monster would do something like that!”

-NU! Nu am munstah!-

“But look at what you’ve done! Your mummah was right you kill fluffies even when you love them!”

the obvious confusion in his eyes read the conflicting thoughts in his mind and something inside finally broke as the tears flowed freely.

-Fwuffy… am … hu hu hu… munstah…huuuuu… Sowwy speciaw fewn. nu mean too gif foweva sweepies… munstah kiww fwuffies-

“That’s right and the only place you have where you can belong is right here with me and the rest of the other monsters. You ready to do what I tell you with out a fight?”

-Munstah do wut Boss say. Munstah pwomise.

“Good. Welcome to the Bad Huggy Boys, Cock Goblin.”


Any other creature and a training regiment like this would be a recipe for disaster and a back stabbing


I have a feeling things won’t end very well.


This was Earl past experimentation or his current “secret” shit again.

I remember this alicorn, well he lost his family due to the experiment and now even his special friend and Earl laugh bout it and his ego spanting out on the failed escape attempt.

I know Earl had his bad past but seriously why still do this that will haunt him again and wreck everything. :confused:

this is a prequel series, so this is the birth of the Goblin. nothing new…yet.

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Ah ok ,still his past project can be bit frustrating to see how he experiment stuffs like these and it comes back haunting him.

I do hope his bloody new workshop is more tougher this time around “in case” of another “visit” from his past work or just random metas. :cold_sweat:

Its almost be a sarcastic joke to Earl if a creature or meta appeared and the family would have look at him he would say “Nope, I didnt do that!”

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