The SkettiLand Trappers; How to train your Goblin- Part 2 (Creeper)

Earl sat at one of his workshop benches with his laptop in front of him with several books strewn around it, opened to assorted pages, all on fluffy genetics and recorded anomalies. He scribbled down relevant findings on an old loose-leaf note book, flipping between message boards, conspiracy sites and DM-ing amateur fluffy gene splicers to compare notes and vids. He even found himself being noted on one site as having created the meta mutants himself for the sake of bragging rights and then they turned on him…Yeah fuckin right, he thought to himself. Eh, he’d hack and crash that assholes hard drive later he had more important things on his mind. The music he had blaring in the background almost drowned out the alarm going off on his phone had the vibration feature not got his attention. It was set to go off at eleven PM, it was time. Collecting a pet carrier from the floor next to him, he left his cane behind but still had his brace on his leg, he walked out to the outdoor corral lit up by his back porch’s flood light. On the far side in the cover of the fake bushes shadow he opened a secret hatch and dumped three fluffies inside he had prepared earlier and shut it then got his phone out and started recording him self.

“Evening folks it’s currently eleven ten at night and I’ve prepared a little surprise for my experiment. Now to recap like in my previous videos once a fluffy discovers their powers they develop an instinctive knowledge in its use. Like the original Goblin the clone has now begun to forcibly take the mare’s milk all week and already weighs five pounds at just four weeks old and most of his teeth have grown in. He’s becoming a beefy boy I can tell ya. An absolute unit compared to his pound and a half siblings. Now let’s get out of sight and set these little guys loose.”

stepping inside the back door he picked up his .22 rifle and opened the remote app on his phone then watched the security feeds. Goblin had taken the top spot on his adoptive mother’s back, not that she wanted him there, so she held the derped Fred in her forelegs. Then the curtain to the front of the doghouse moved aside and in walked in three stallions, a blue and green maned uni, a yellow and green maned earthy and a red and yellow maned earthy.

-Wake up dummeh mawe! Dis am smawty wand nao!- Shouted the yellow earthy.

Daphne stirred in her sleep with a snort and started to doze off again while the foals had woken up looking up at the stallion with hazy half closed eyes. Then the self proclaimed smarty hit Daphne on her flank hard enough to knock Goblin off her back and on top of Velma who squealed in shock and pain, and finally waking Daphne.

-Wook, dummaeh mawe haf poopie munstah as bestest!- The red stallion laughed. -Dummeh mawe too stupeh to know munstahs fwom bestest!-

-Munstahs bewong in da poopie piwe!- The blue uni added grabbing Goblin by the scruff in his teeth.

The red stallion grabbed Daphne by the tail dragging her out of her bed while the yellow kicked the rest of the foals along following the rest outside. Goblin kicked and squirmed around with surprising strength, managing to wiggle free just short of the poopie pile and he sprang up smacking the stallion across the face leaving a deep gash on his cheek. the stallion retaliated by charging the oversized foal headfirst knocking him against the doghouse hard enough to wind him long enough for the stallion to pin his head to the ground.

-Gunna teach munstah wesson! Munstah gunna gif beastest moufie feews, heh heh heh.-

The stallion clasped Goblin’s head between his front hooves and started to pull him towards his quickly growing pecker then the sound of a screen door slamming open made him look that way. Goblin took this opportunity to lurch forward jamming his horn into the stallions urethra and gave it his strongest psychic blast. Blood splattered in every direction as the blue stallion screeched rolling around on his back his pathetic dick looked like a exploding prank cigar soaked in blood and Daphne snapped.

-Nu mowe! Nu mowe! Save daffnee fwom munstah babbeh! Do anyfing! anyfing! Gif enfies! Housie! Nummies! Be speciaw fwend to fwuffy who gif foweva sweepies to munstah! hu huuu!-

The two remaining stallions looked at each other then to Goblin and started to run at Goblin when there was a loud PAK! and the red earthy’s head exploded, the yellow smarty froze in his tracks.

“HEY!” Shouted Earl his rifle sticking through the chicken wire door.

-Bo (PAK!)- His head popping with a single shot.

Unlocking the door Earl shot the last stallion in the head then knelt down next to Goblin who by the looks of him was still reeling from what Daphne shouted.

“Hey there tough guy. How ya holdin up?”

-Mummah… Mummah say mummah wan Gobwin go foweva sweepies…- Sounding more depressed with each word. -Gobwin. Hate. Mummah!- Now growing enraged.

He face soaked in blood little Goblin ran around Earl and right for Daphne who was holding the rest of her foals close. Fred was still oblivious, Shaggy clung to his mummah for dear life chirping away and Velma cried over her broken front leg and Goblin couldn’t take it anymore.

-Ou am wowstest mummah eva! Ou no wuv! Ou no give miwkies! Ou onwy give owwies an saddies! Ou wuv Shaggy mowe den Gobwin an he poopie too! Take wowstest owwies!-

The bolt of psychic force knocked Daphne on her back and sent the other foals tumbling but he didn’t stop, he kept launching blast after blast she was thrown around the enclosure like a rag doll. After about a dozen hard hits Daphne’s face was swollen and bruised as she wheezed between sobs and Goblin was looking winded from it but he pressed on. Daphne suddenly started to gasp for air pawing at her throat as he body lifted into the air while her bowels emptied across the grass then finally went limp but still hung mid-air.

“You can let her go now, Goblin.” Earl said in a calm tone, resting his right hand on his back.

Daphne’s body dropped as the glow of Goblin’s horn faded and he plopped his but on the ground looking up at Earl, his eye’s were soaked washing away tiny lines of the blood that soaked his face.

-Why mummah no wuv Gobwin? uuh huuuuuuu…-

“Because she was a bad fluffy like these ones that tried to hurt you. Did you see how fast she joined them when she met them to hurt you?” Goblin starting sobbing even harder. “Hey, hey, hey, its okay, you don’t need her any more you’re a big fluffy now. Come on I’ll clean you up.” He groaned in exaggerated pain while standing up and rubbing his bum leg.

-Am da…Boss otay?..(Sniff!)… Weggie haf owwies?-

“Yeah, a monster hurt me pretty bad a long time ago. I fight them and other bad fluffies.” Stooping over to pick Goblin up. “They’re everywhere and get into places they never should, like your home and mine.” Locking the chicken wire door and heading inside.

-Gobwin no wike meany fwuffies."

Setting Goblin in his sink he blocked the drain with a strainer so he didn’t fall into the disposal, he turned on the faucet slowly adjusting the water till it felt comfortably warm while the foal freaked out.

-No! No! Wawa am bad fow fwuffy!- His little hooves banging loudly against the metal sink as he tried to climb out. -Why Boss wanna give foweva sweepies to Gobwin?! hu hu huuu!-

“Calm down you’ll live I promise. Now give me one of your legs. C’mon c’mon.”

Goblin sniffled and held out a leg and Earl ran his hand under the stream and poured some of the water on his leg and repeated a few more times. Goblin looked at his wet leg feeling the warmth of the water and watching as some of the blood started to run off while Earl soaked a wash rag then started wiping him off. Shuddering at the cloths touch at first he was soon cooing with each stroke enjoying the closest thing to affection he ever got, so much so he didn’t even notice himself being moved under the running faucet. Adding a few drops of baby shampoo to the rag he started scrubbing a little more thoroughly and Goblin started to giggle and play with the suds. After showing him how to hold his breath he rinsed his head and wrapped him in a microwaved warm towel setting him on the kitchen table. He rolled around in the towel trying to dry off faster his little hooves occasionally smacking the hard wood with a loud clack causing him to stop and smack a hoof against the table a few times. Each time it made a loud bony clopping noise each time then looked to Earl who was pouring some foal kibble into a food processor with some milk from the fridge. After a quick trip through the microwave Goblin was presented with a small bowl of lukewarm mush and he sniffed it a few times then ate some while Earl took a chair. Taking a vial from his vest pocket he dunked a tooth pick in it and held it to Goblin’s face who scrunched up his face but obediently opened his mouth, giving him two drops this time. When Goblin finished his sugar cube reward he was scooped up towel and all and carried to the laundry room next to the kitchen and set down in an old puppy sized dog bed next to Odin’s own bed where he slept. Odin looked up groggily then sniffed at Goblin and started to growl.

“Odin, no! Play nice.”

The dog gave a confused “Hhmmmm?” cocking his head to the side then looked back at Goblin again.

“Leave it! lay back down and behave. That’s a good boy.” Scratching him behind the ear.

-B-b-bawky munstah scawey.-

“Alright you two are going to be spending a lot of time together so you’re gonna have to learn to get along. Odin, guard it.” Pointing to Goblin.

the old husky/shepherd adjusted himself in his bed, plopping down with a tired huff resting his head near Goblin’s side and went back to sleep. Before leaving he pulled a tine teddy bear from his vest and gave it Goblin who clung to it with pure joy in his tear swelled eyes. before Earl could leave the two to sleep the sound of scrambling hooves on a hardwood floor made him pause at the doorway when a sudden weight latched onto his bum leg. Goblin was hugging his ankle tightly as he could rubbing his cheek against his pant leg.

-Wuv Boss. Thank ou.-

“Alright you too, now back to bed. I have a mess to clean up before I can go to bed.”

Goblin ran back to his bed his tiny toy levitating into his arms he curled up and was quickly snoozing away. Grabbing a garbage bag from the kitchen he went back outside to the corral and started filling it with the dead fluffies before turning his attention to the foals. Fred was dead, his neck looked broken from being tossed, so into the bag he went. Velma’s other front leg was broken and so was one of Shaggy’s, a couple of splints and some time and they could go back to the fur pens with the rest awaiting for their day to be skinned. But first Earl had finish one last thing taking his phone off his vest clip.

“Well folks phase two was a complete success, Goblin is responding well to the hormone and genetic cocktail and his loyalty to me is absolute so far. Tune in again when we start his training in his powers and skill sets, the first Goblin took to rudimentary reading and swimming so I expect the clone should be just as easy. And remember huggies never, hurties forever.” Holding up two metal fingers as electricity arched across the tips. "Till then let’s get these foals patched up and back to the skinning pens.


Oh Earl…typical Earl playing with his toys again. What the ppl say in the message board isnt that far to the truth. Wonder he bump into someone there that he shouldn’t cross.

Well hope this clone would be much better and a more wiser than his original seems Odin have to follow what Earl said for now

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love the youtuber/vlogger perspective, nice touch with the catchphrase

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