The SkettiLand Trappers; How to train your Goblin part 3 (Creeper)


The blue and green maned unicorn mare went rigid as the electrical currant ran from Earl’s metal fingertips into her forehead. After a count to ten he stopped and the mare now stared blankly into empty space.

“Alright here we go. (Ahem) Wingy pointy fluffies are the scariest monsters ever and give you the worst heart hurties ever. So badly that if one ever came near you your heart could stop. Seeing one makes you want to scream and cry and make all the scaredy poopies you can. They want to eat you, give you bad special huggies and forever sleepies. … Alright that should do it.”

While he waited for the mare to regain consciousness he dug his phone out of his pocket and started recording.

“Welcome back folks it’s been only a week and a half since Goblin has been fully weaned and as predicted from my beta tests for Goblin’s little drug cocktail has kick started puberty early. That and he’s already the size of a fairly large tuffy and still growing. Should easily hit forty five pounds before he’s done. So, you must be thinking “early puberty you say? So that must mean?” Yes, he’s already asking for a special friend. Well, I’ve gone and prepped a special one just for him and it’s time to start the next phase. Looks like someone’s waking up.”

-Buh… Whuh?.. wewe fwuffy? Who am ou? New daddeh?-

“Nope you can call me Boss and I’ll take care of you. Your name is Missy now and I even have a safe place for you and a special friend too! And if you get along you’ll even get sketties!”

-Tank ou! Tank ou boss! Missy wuv namsie and new speciaw fwend! Dis am bestest bwight tiem eva!- The mare cheered with sickeningly pure joy in her voice. -An an sketties am bestest ting eva! Wuv boss su much!-

“Alright we better go then, we can’t keep your new special friend waiting.”

Clipping his phone to his vest he scooped up Milly and left his workshop and walked to the corral in his back yard. Covering the mare eyes with a blindfold he told her it was all going to be a surprise to see it all at once then unlocked the chicken-wire door. Inside Goblin sat in the middle of the pen looking bored as he batted a large bouncy ball away from him then used his telekinesis to roll it back to himself. When he saw what Earl was carrying he couldn’t contain his excitement, he stood up on his back legs wagging his tail in a dog-like manner, something he picked up from Odin. At least they were getting along, but the real surprise for Earl was that his wings had grown large and strong enough for him to glide a little. And if he flapped hard enough he could flutter an in off the ground for a second or two but it left him panting hard afterward and the not so little colt was almost lifting off with excitement.

-Boss find speciaw fwend fow Gobwin?! YAAAAAYYYYYYY!! Thank ou sooooo much! Wub Boss!-

“Alright, alright, calm down. We don’t want to scare her now do we?”

Goblin plopped down tail wagging away eye fixated on Milly who giggled excitedly wiggling away under Earl’s arm eager to meet her new special friend. Setting her down on the grass in front of him Earl took off the blindfold and Milly squinted her eyes, momentarily blinded by the bright midday sun but soon adjusted and got a good look at Goblin.

-SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! MMMMUUUUUNSTAHHHHHH!- A torrent of shit soaking the grass behind her. -Nu hewt Miwwy!-

Milly bolted for the other side of the cage, shitting and screaming the whole time and a confused Goblin followed. Like any other fluffy she ran eyes closed blindly running face first into the chicken wire and fake bush corral fence hard enough to give her a small cut on her nose.

-Why mawe caww Gobwin munstah? Nu am munstah! Just wan be speshaw fwend an pway an haf babbehs an be famiwy.-

-NUUUUU!! Nu wan bad speshaw huggie fwom munstah! SCRREEEEEEEEEEE!! Stay way! (huff… heave!.. Hgck!) Heawt have wostest owwieeeeessss!-

Milly fell over on her side clutching her chest wheezing and struggling to breath, foaming ever so slightly at the mouth then went limp, eyes still open frozen in horror. Goblin looked absolutely crestfallen at this point poking a hoof at Milly’s body but was already starting to get cold.

-Mawe go foweva sweepies? Why? Why mawe scawed of Gobwin?-

“Oooh, Goblin that too bad. She seemed like a good fluffy when I found her, looks like she wasn’t so good after all. She lied about liking alicorns but I guess she couldn’t hide her fear once she saw you.”

-Den… Wut Boss say am twue… Aww fwuffies hate Gobwin.- Hanging his head about to start crying.

“Not all but most do yes. I’ll keep looking for you but I can’t promise anything. Tell you what, go i side and play with Odin while I clean this up.”

Goblin sniffled and trotted off out the corral up the back porch steps opening the door with his powers and shut it behind him. Earl picked up Milly’s body by the mane and dropped it in the burn barrel at the far end of his backyard then got the hose and sprayed away the excess shit till the grass looked clean. Stepping back inside his house to check on the two Odin was pulling on his favorite rope toy with Goblin on the end mimicking his growls while being dragged across the kitchen floor.

Three days later Goblin was in his corral and Earl was now presenting him with a pretty pink and green maned pegasus mare. The second the blindfold came off she flew into an absolute rage, screeching and charging at Goblin ramming her horn into his chest with all her might then reared back and jabbed him again. Goblin could only look disappointed, barely feeling a thing other than an annoying poke.

-Kiww munstah! Gif wowstest owwies! DIE! Screeeeeeeee!!-

The mare kept up with her assault screaming and making impotent threats of death and murder against Goblin, any other fluffy would be bloody pulp by now but it was starting to piss him off. The ugly green and brown maned alicorn’s brow furrowed and raising a single hoof hit her once on the side of the head. The mare now laid in the grass silent bleeding from one ear and he simply huffed and sulked his way back to the doghouse leaving the mare twitching on the ground, derped but not dead.

five days later after letting Goblin stew with loneliness with little more than Odin and an enfie toy to occupy him, Earl brought him a pretty little yellow and pink maned earthy.

-Hewwo new fwend! Fwuffy names am Wemonade!- The little mare beamed with excitement. -Gunna be bestest fwends!-

-Weawwy? Fwends? Yaaaayyyyyy! Gobwin haf fwend!-

“Well if you two are getting along I’m gonna go get some work done and I’ll chack on you two later and if you’re getting along, I’ll make sketties for dinner.”

Well it was cheers and shared joy between the two fluffies as Earl locked the corral door behind him and went inside to wait for the real show to start. It didn’t take long as the two batted a ball back and forth between each other when Goblin went to chase after the ball when it got away from the two, Lemonade ran up a bit him on his left haunch.

-Owwies!- Goblin shouted more surprised than hurt. -Why Wemonade give bities? Nu pway nice!-

-But… Dats how fwuffies pway wiff munstahs. It am da bitey game! wike dis!-

Lemonade hopped up putting her front legs over Goblin’s side and bit into his ear hard, He yelped again bucking her off managing to keep his ear intact. Rubbing his sore ear he looked at her scowling then ran up and bit down on her ear hard enough to rip it half way off.

-Screeeeeeeee! Why Gobwin munstah give owwies!?-

-Dat feew wike game now!? huh? Ou am bad fwend! Nu wike ou!-

-Hu hu huuu! Heaw pwace haf sooo many hewties! hu hu hu hu! Why Gobwin munstah gif owwies to Wemonade?-

-Nu! Am! MUNSTAH!!-

A hard psychic blast sent Lemonade sliding across the grass and bouncing off the chicken wire door just as Earl had unlocked it having listened in from the security cams.

“Alright you two what the hell is going on here?” Faking ignorance.

-OWWWIESSSS!!- Shrieked Lemonade

-Wemonade am bad fwuffy! Cawwed Gobwin mustah an gave bities an caww it game!-

“Damn and this one seemed like she was going to make it. Don’t worry bud, I’ll get rid of her and keep looking.” Picking Lemonade up by the tail and leaving the corral and taking the phone off his vest. “Well folks that’s the third one so far and we have so many more to go. So cue the montage.”

Over the next month Earl would randomly bring in one mare after the other, always reset to be either extremely afraid to aggressive in one way or another always leaving Goblin crushed inside. Several of them he had to actively fight and even kill when they tried and failed to castrate him. So after thirty days and fifteen mares Goblin looked like he was about to give up entirely Earl brought him a plain brown and blue maned alicorn mare who looked nervous even being there. Goblin just sat there swatting a tennis ball between his hooves almost not paying attention to when the mare was set down in front of him and her blindfold pulled off.

“Goblin, don’t you want to say hello to Nugget?”

-(Sigh)… Hewwo Nugget.- Still focusing on the ball.

-Yay! New fwend am wingy pointy too! New fwend am soo big!-

That got his attention and finally looked up at Nugget taken completely by surprise that another poor colored alicorn was sitting in front of him.

-New fwend otay? why have saddies?-

-Othew mawes meanies to Gobwin, give owwies and saddies.-

-Awww… Nugget give huggies an make evewy ting aww bettew.-

The little brown mare was full grown but half of Goblin’s size, her little leggies barely able to wrap half way around his body. Goblin stiffened for a moment waiting for the impending attack, a bite or headbutt or something but when when it didn’t come he melted into her embrace, careful not to crush her.

“Alright before I go, Nugget, come here I have something for you.” Pulling the vial of gene/hormone cocktail from his pocket. “Now open your mouth and hold out your tongue. This is going to taste bad but you have to swallow it, its medicine to help stay strong and healthy. Be a good girl and you’ll get a treat.” Kneeling down with an eyedropper ready.

Nugget looked hesitant looking over to Goblin.

-It otay, it yucky but Boss give sugah cube aftew dat is nummy.-

Nugget looked back to Earl and opened her mouth and he gave her a single drop, Nugget’s face scrunched up but managed to hold it down then was given a sugar cube which she loved.

“Goblin you wont be getting anymore medicine from here on, you don’t need it anymore. Now there’s one more thing before I go, there will be no babies until I say so. You can still have special huggies but I’ve already made it so they wont happen, babies have to be earned. Do you two understand?”

-Nu Babbehs? But Nugget wan be mummah. Be bettah mummah den Nugget’s meany mummah. Nugget nu be mummah?- the little mare reared up to plead.

“Ah,ah,ahh! Good fluffies don’t beg or demand. You can be a mother when you earn it, starting by taking your medicine when I say. There will be things both you and Goblin will have to do to earn them and the more you ask the longer the wait will be. Until then enjoy yourselves.”

-Otay Boss, Gobwin do best to show can be good daddeh.-

-Nugget pwomise too.- Sounding slightly sad.

“Good, Now I have to go to work, hunting monsters and bad ferals to keep you safe. If I don’t they’ll keep breaking in trying to hurt you and take your home. I don’t suppose you’d like to help me, Goblin?”

-Sounds scawey, nu wan go.-

“That’s too bad. Oh well.” Shutting the corral door. “Well have fun.”

Earl wasn’t even one step on his back porch before he heard -Dat biggest no-no stick eva!- and the enfing started by the time he shut the backdoor behind him. Taking the phone from his vest he turned it to himself.

“Well now we let them stew and get really attached to one another for the next week then we give Goblin that push he needs to start the training phase. Now some of you are asking “Why are you splicing Nugget?”. Simple, I don’t need a super fluffy breeding machine, I just need her tough enough to survive Goblin in the long run. He’s pretty damn strong now and accidentally hurting Nugget is detrimental to my long term plans. See ya in a week.”

One week later Goblin and Nugget were deep in the honeymoon phase, on the third day a near accident made Earl up her dosage to daily to get her up to size quicker but otherwise went smoothly. Today Earl was making his rounds in the corral, shoveling out the poop pit and topping off the trough’s kibble and water. Goblin was showing off for Nugget climbing on top of the doghouse and gliding off to land in front of her as she cheered clacking her front hooves together. She had easily grown one and a half times her original size but her wings were still too small to work at all and Earl wasn’t going to let her get any bigger at this point, she was durable enough now.

“Alright guys, I’m off to work hunting monsters and ferals. It can be a tough job and I could use you help Goblin. Big and strong as you are, you could do a pretty good job.”

-Munstahs scawey… Nu wan gu… Sowwy Boss.-

“Too bad. Well I’m off and I’ll be taking Odin with me so you two are on your own.” Shutting the corral door. “Have fun.”

Odin jumped into the van almost faster than Earl could open the door and climbing in himself and he drove off down the road out of sight. It was only a few minute drive to Jake’s and SkettiLand E&C, where he pulled into the driveway, parked and pulled out his phone checking the security feed from Goblin’s corral. The two were enjoying yet another post coital cuddling session, well, the temporary heightened sex drive wasn’t unexpected which was the other reason Earl needed Nugget in the first place.

“Time to meet the rejects, Goblin.” Opening another app on his phone.

Goblin sighed contently spooning with Nugget in the shade of a blanket Earl had tossed over the top of the corral, enjoying a nice midday nap oblivious to the secret door on the corral’s far end opening. Four large unicorn stallions stepped out, each as big as Goblin sporting some kind of mutated disfigurement. Kraken, a red and blue maned mutant with a pair of stubby tentacles growing out his back and several more in place of a tail seemed to be the leader. Lizard, a yellow and purple maned one with clawed hooves and patches of scales over his body stood on his left. Two-face, a green and red maned one with a split twin face with a central joining eye in the middle on his right. Quasi stood behind them an orange and green maned mutant with a hunchback full of bony spikes and an overdeveloped left front leg. The four surrounded the sleeping couple, angry and jealous of this little paradise they found themselves in and the two undeserving monsters who occupied it.

-Wake up dummehs!- Shouted Kraken kicking Goblin in the head.

-OWWIES! Huh?.. Munstahs!- Goblin gasped sitting up

-SCREEEEEE! Gobwin hewp!- Nugget shrieked as she was dragged from his loving embrace.

Quasi’s massive left arm kept Goblin pinned while Lizard and Two-face pinned Nugget face down and ass up in the grass and Kraken stood between them.

-Dis am Kwaken’s wand nao an ou two poopies nu desewb dis wand an gun go foweva sweepies, maybe be nummies. But fiwst we gonna haf some fun wif da a poopie mawe an ou gonna watch. heh heh heh hehhhh. Dummeh munstahs-

Nugget was turned to face away from Goblin so he could get a good look at everything that was about to go down as Lizard began to mount her, his junk rubbing dangerously close to her special place.

-Nu wan! Nu wan munstah huggies! Screeeeeeeee! Gobwin pwease save Nugget! Hu hu huuuuu!-

Lizard’s balls stretched straight back pulling taunt in midair while the mutant started shrieking and was suddenly dragged backwards leaving deep claw marks in her hind end. Quasi saw the glow of Goblin’s horn and stomped the side of his head again cutting his temple open and breaking his focus leaving lizard to clasp at his aching balls. Kraken and Quasi were now collectively stomping away at Goblin’s head and body their hard hooves cutting him open and almost fracturing bones with each his. Roaring out in pain and rage the sudden psychic blast sent the two flying back and now two face stood slack jawed holding Nugget’s head down watching Goblin get up on wobbly hooves.

-Get. Off. Speciaw. Fwend. NOW!!- The glow of his horn almost blinding.

Lizard pulled himself together and countered with a towering fountain of sparks from his own horn right in Goblin’s face enveloping his body. Shrieking through the stinging sparks singeing his fluff he released another pulse of force sending the sparks back at Lizard who now rolled around covering his eyes and crying. The stink of burnt fluff filled his nostrils while he tried to blink away the spots in his vision he saw Lizard at his feet holding his wounded eyes and in a moment of rage snapped Lizard’s horn off under his hoof. But he didn’t stop there, he kept going, his hard bony hooves cutting deep into Lizard’s head over and over rupturing both his eyes. Lizard swung blindly shrieking and crying with a lucky swipe leaving three deep claw marks over Goblin’s left eye forcing him to back off. A second barrage of sparks on both sides from Kraken and Quasi covering his whole body blinding him as he staggered back eyes clamped shut leaving him open for Quasi’s powerful left hook. Something definitely broke now, the agonizing pain in his right wing was a dead giveaway, the end now dragging on the ground as he tried to stand again only for Quasi to smack the wound again. Quasi raised his left foreleg again for another strike while Kraken took this opportunity to turn his attention back to Nugget and when he saw him try and mount her again Goblin stopped Quasi mid-swing. Quasi grunted and strained trying to bring his foreleg down not noticing right away his whole body lifting into the air then his elbow bent in the wrong direction, bone now piercing flesh. His shrieks alerted Kraken who turned around just as Quasi came flying back first towards him, the mess of random spikes growing from Quasi’s back dug deep into his chest and face sending both tumbling away from Nugget. They landed in a heap together with Quasi on top pushing his long spikes even deeper in, leaving Two-face by himself still holding Nugget’s head to the ground. Goblin was barely able to stand at this point, left eye shut and bloody, wing dangling uselessly patches of burnt fluff everywhere, horn still glowing brightly.

-Get… off… Nugget.- Spitting blood on Lizard’s quivering body.

Two-face shoved Nugget aside confident that Goblin’s injuries were enough to ensure an easy victory his own horn started glowing. His entire head spun around three times ripping it free from his body, falling to the grass and Goblin collapsed right after. Nugget slowly crawled to Goblin’s side, sniffling and sobbing the whole way bleeding from the deep cuts in her haunches and hugged him on his left side.

“Let’s go get some takeout. Whadda ya say boy? Get ya a coney dog?” Earl looked over Odin who barked happily at the words coney dog. “Yeah that’s my boy.” Throwing the van into reverse and heading towards town.

About an hour or so later after a side trip to Carol’s office to share some fast food for lunch date Earl pulled his van into his driveway. He could already hear the pained cries of the the fluffies in the corral as he climbed out his van so he cleared his throat, stretched, clipped his phone to his vest, put on his best BS look of concern and ran for the corral.

“Oh my god! Goblin! Nugget! Are you okay?” Swinging the door open almost hamming it up too much.

-Hu hu huuu! Speshew fwend haf biggest owwies! Boss hewp, Gobwin nu wakies!- Nugget wailed more concerned for Goblin than herself just as Earl had programmed her. -Munstahs! Munstahs! twy an hewt Nugget an gif bad huggies an… an… hu hu hu huuuuu! scawed!-

“Calm down, calm down let me take a look at him. Oh he looks like he’s in bad shape I need to take him I’ll be back for you when I’m done.” Carrying a limp Goblin out the corral. “Odin! Guard her.” Pointing to Nugget.

Earl carried Goblin to his workshop setting him on a table he busted out the med kits and set up an old dental x-ray machine he had “salvaged” from his last trip to Cleveland. It took a few scans to cover Goblin’s whole body but so far as best he could tell his wing had a clean break and maybe a mild concussion on top of all the cuts and bruises. With clippers, wet sponge, needle and thread and a local anesthetic he got to work, first by resetting the bone in his wing, binding it firmly then scanning it again to check his work. Then there was the eye, one claw had split open the eyelid but thankfully the eye itself was fine, stitching that shut was the most tedious task using his finest needle and thread. The three claw marks were definitely going to leave a permanent scar on his face but his breathing was still strong. It took nearly two hours sewing shut several dozen hoof shaped cuts over his body but they were small and shallow enough to not leave any visible scars through his fluff. When the last know was tied he then wrapped all the stitches in bandages and left him there to go get Nugget.

Goblin felt numb and sore all over at the same time trying to figure out why he couldn’t see out his left eye then remembered why and the danger he thought he was still in and woke with a start of panic. Fumbling to get up but too numb from the drugs he flopped down hard on his side but kept trying to get up.

“Hey, hey, heyyyy. Easy there bud, your safe.” Earl said in a comforting tone. "The monsters got you pretty good huh? You’ll be alright but you need to hold still.

-But what bout speshew fwend! Nugg–

“She’s fine, and right here. Turn your head left.”

Nugget was laying next to him with Earl slowly and carefully stitching the three open wounds on each of her sides. As soon as Goblin saw her he wiggled and fidgeted to turn around despite Earl’s attempts to hold him still but he wiggled free only stopping when he was nose to nose with Nugget. She smiled weakly for him high as shit from the painkillers and sleepy from crying and screaming.

“She wont be walking for a bit and definitely no more special huggies for a bit but your in no shape for that your self for a while. How you feeling there?”

-Owwies. sooo many owwies.- He sniffled setting his head down on the table.

“Yeah, I’ll give you something for that. I have to say I’m proud of you. Looks like you held your own against those monsters, I mean four at once THAT’S something to brag about.” Pauseing his stitching to point the needle at Goblin.

-W… why munstahs come? How… How munstahs find home? Why Boss nu stop munstahs?- Goblin wheezed through sore ribs.

“Well monsters are hard to find sometimes, they’re sneaky and get into places they don’t belong and I need help to find them. I didn’t have enough help to find them and they got into your home and they hate alicorns like you and Nugget. But, if you were out there with me then they wont be able to find your home and keep Nugget safe.”

-Wan go.- Goblin murmured.


-Hate munstahs. Hate fewaws meany fwuffies. onwy wan gif hewties to Gobwin an Nugget. Wan gif owwies back and keep speshaw fwend safe.-

“Well I’m glad to hear that, when you’re all better we’ll start training. Till then rest up.”

Fetching a large plastic laundry basket with a thick blanket in it and carefully picked up each fluff and set them inside carrying them inside the house. Transferring them to the dog bed in the laundry room he surprised them with a can of fluffy sketties for each, the joy on their faces couldn’t be expressed by mere words. Leaving the two to eat, slowly but diligently, and stepped outside to the corral as he un-clipped his phone from his vest.

“Well folks let take a closer look at the damage our little warrior did to the rejects. Well shit, Lizard’s still alive, barely. Well not for long.” Extending the hidden blade in his prosthetic and stabbing Lizard. “Now let’s take a look at Quasi and Kraken over here.”

-Boss Hewp! Qwahzee haf wostest hewties in weggie!- Quasi sqealed and wiggled pinned on his back spikes stuck in Kraken’s dead body.

“Now this here folks is what I’ve been trying to pull off with these modifications. Quasi here is the heaviest one here at sixty pounds and Goblin launched his ass like a football, the original Goblin could barely manage a twelve pound bowling ball. This is why I only used unicorns that could make sparks, I needed a theoretical bench mark for improved psychic potential. Time to put ya down Quasi.” Stabbing the mutant reject in the heart. “Well folks I’ve got a corral to clean out and bodies to burn so when I update next we’ll start his training as a hunter and fighter. Till then remember Huggies never, hurties forever.” Turning off the recorder app then opening his phonebook and putting it to his ear. “Hello Forever Fluffy pets cloning facility?.. Yeah I’d like to set up an appointment for a memory chip implant.”


Don’t forget your name after the title

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Earl should go for a drama audition with those fake act he did to reinforce goblin’s determination to eradicate feral fluffies.

Looks like Goblin’s next mission is feral onslaught.