the SkettiLand Trappers; moonlight over Ranchero Fluffalow (creeper)

Ranchero Fluffalow worked primarily as a Dairy farm, the milk from fluffy cows was naturally sweet and creamy making it a popular ingredient in ice cream and low-fat creamers. it was also a mill for stores and vending machines and fluffy wool from the fluffalow for clothes and yarn. it was dozens of acres of tightly fenced in fields with four huge multi-floor barns each filled with 5ft by 5ft pens each numbered and filled with a one fluffy cow and many had a foal as well. the floors were dimly lit at night as the fluffy cows slept. the front door of one of the barns slowly creaked open in one of the nearest pens to the door a fluffy cow slept, like most of the newer fluffy cows she was slightly shaggier than a regular one as was the foal that slept by her side. A light sleeper this mare groggily lifted her head to see the moonlight shining her in her eye through the barn door, confused as to why it would be open during the “dawkie times” the tag clipped to her ear read 452.

why bwite sky baww wakie fo fibe two?

the latch to her pens gate lifted and it slowly creaked open but the fluffy cow, still too asleep to fully notice what was going on didn’t see the four round shadows walk in. before she knew it she felt something hit her hard in her head and she lurched forward knocking stranger down only for the other three to stand up and gave her sorry hoofies till she was out cold.

452 was awoken to the screeching chirps and cries for help from her mummah, her eyes shot open while she tried to get up only to feel two heavy tuffies pin her down on each side of her. in front of her she watched as her calf was being eaten alive by a small herd of ferals, her little leggies already torn off they stopped just short of crushing her head. she was pinned under the hoof of the groups smarty, a muted green alicorn with a brown mane and tail, missing a right wing and a scar around his neck that looked like a bawky munsta bite.

Bebbeh! why gif huwties to bebbehs!? Bebbehs awe fo huggies an wuv! gif bebbeh back to mummah pwease...huu huu huuuu!

Shaddup stupi moo mawe!- the smarty yelled as one toughie gave her a hard sorry hoofie on the head. - Ou wisten gud. Stupi moo mawe be hewds new miwkie nuwse and ou can keep bebbeh, ow ou say nu an ou be won anyway an woose weggies an hewd gits new enfie toy.

NUUU bebbeh too widdwe for bad speshaw huggies! too widdwe!

452 was somewhat bigger then the feral herd she shot up to her hoofies knocking both tuffies over she charged the alicorn yelling munsta with tears in her eyes. she suddenly stopped moving forward as her hooves failed to reach the ground, the alicorns horn glowing with an extremely strained look on his face.

Huwwy up stupi's! -grunting under the strain.

the two tuffies got on both sides of her and kicked her in the gut with their hind legs before she finally dropped. they pinned her again with another tuffy pinning her head to the ground under his hooves.

take hew back weggies. -ordered the alicorn with a grin.

452 felt a hard pull on her back legs and the feel of blunt teeth digging into her soft flesh, she screeched and cried as they pulled and pried. But, no matter how hard she kicked and pleaded her little leggies were torn off at the knee instead of the hip.

stupi miwkie mawe tuffy. weawwy stwong.- commented a tuffy from behind her

452 sobbed and cried out for the wanch mummah to come save her and her babbeh when the tuffies finally let up. she tried to crawl to her limbless foal still under the alicorns hoof, who only lifted his hoof to smack down the already agonized mare.

wook.- he demanded.

her eyes were still locked onto her babbeh.

wook at Cawk Gobwin!- his hoof pressing back onto the foals head. -ow Cawk Gobwin gib foweva sweepies.

she finally looked up at him, he was smiling but it filled her racing little heart with dread while his horn started to glow.

m-m-munsta! munsta!

Dat's wight an dun ou forwet it. now wook hewe.

looking back to her foal she noticed his growing no-no stick it was almost ridiculously over sized even for an alicorn and it dangled just over her foal’s head.

pwomised hewd enfie toy, Cawk Gobwin bweak new toy if gif enfies so...

with a kick he rolled the foal away and was immediately snatched up by a big fat orange tuffy with green mane who wasted no time getting his pathetic no-no stick into her special place.

NUUUUU BEBBEH! hu hu huuuu babbeh to wittwe for special huggieeess!

heh heh hehhh, stupi miwkie mawe big an stwong. make big babbehs, stwong babbehs hhmmm- walking behind 452.

he mounted her but before he got to work he leaned in close to her ear, her eyes clamped shut trembling and crying.

Ou nu gonna wike dis, heh heh heh. ENF ENF ENF ENF!

huh hu huuuuuu...

Earl sat at his kitchen table eating a BLT in his bath robe watching himself on the TV news while arguing with someone on the phone. between the charred corpse and the video from the semi’s dash cam he had proven the existence of the Meta mutant variant. his van was intact but half his gear in it was wrecked, the trailer, toast, and he was down a Skettiland live trap and now the sheriff was riding his ass. he was done at this point.

“(sigh) look Janice-… No, I’m not talking to the sheriff right now I’m talking to my little sister and I’ve about had it. you’ve been riding my ass for the last two days about that damn flamethrower and I’m telling you for the last time it’s Conners’, he paid me to fix the sticky flow valve so he could turn it off when he needed to. Who, by the way, I now owe two tanks of gas to that i used up killing the fucking monster that tried to KILL YOUR BROTHER! Get your priorities straight Janice or so help me, it’s on. remember what happened last time it was on?.. Yeah, with pliers this time so you’ll never be able to put it back together again.” hanging up before she could answere.

limply tossing the phone on the table he took an angry bite of his BLT just as Jake came in knocking at the the same time while calling out.

“Hey Earl, you still alive in here? Hey there you are…aaannd your not dressed yet. Jesus those bruises.” Noticing the marks trough Earls half open robe.

“I know right? legs too.” Standing and opening his robe.

GAH! Put some fuckin underwear on." Shielding his eyes.

Eh, it’s nothin you ain’t seen in gym class showers." Closing shop and returning to his BLT.

"30 years ago and hoped to never see again. thanks for ruining that by the way. Sheriff Brody still giving you crap?

“Yes Janice is and i’m done with the whole topic for the moment.”

“Okay then how bout this? who’s car is that out front and why do i hear your shower still running with you not in it?” A sly grin spreading over his face.

“Yeah, I found myself getting a little hero worship last night. Local defense attorney who used to take her job stress out on fluffies till she got a visit from a certain blue monochrome mutant and had to give it up. then she saw me on the news and tracked me down to thank me, i, uh, treated her to a night at Jimmies and it kinda turned into a long night… and morning.”
Earl excused himself and went to the bedroom the fetch the woman’s clothes from the bedroom and left them in the bathroom as the water turned off and started assembling another BLT on the stove. his guest had finally stepped out from the bathroom, a fit but curvy woman in he mid forties in a pinstripe dress suit. Jake could care less but if he had to hazard a guess she looked to be half black and maybe Latino and way out of Earls league in his opinion, she introduced herself a Carol and took her sandwich to go giving Earl a long goodbye kiss and her number and she left.

“Hm, by the time I’m done with that one I should be able to pass the bar exam.”

“I’m ashamed of you. are you using that woman for her mind?” A shit eating grin spread over his face.

“I know I’m such a bastard.” a smile poking out the sides of his mustache.

“Alright Romeo, i got the boys outside. we’re taking the day to pound the dent’s out of your van and i think i got a line a new trailer to replace the old one. get dressed we got a day ahead of us.”

452 had cried herself to sleep and did so all day even as the chirpy and talky babies drank their fill from her teats and woke from the moonlight shining over her. her foal had been worked over by all the tuffies and nummie finders then tossed into the pile of four other brown pillowed pregnant mares. through a hole in the bushes she could see Ranchero Fluffalow in the distance, it seemed so tiny she longed for home. her heart was filled with the worstest hurties and saddies, feeling like a bad momma for failing to protect her foal. she didn’t notice right away but when she did, Cock Goblin and two of his tuffies, a blue and orange earthy with green manes, were nowhere to be seen, his other two asleep at their post watching over the mares, in one fluff pile, the five dull colored nummy finders in another and the four enfie mares, her foal the new fifth. she was stuck between two other nurses who got to keep their legs, the tuffies special friends were all soon mommas but one and they all had foals of various ages nestled through out. seeing them happy, asleep, unharmed and full of her milk meant for her foal and the ranch mommy and daddies, it filled her heart with an anger and hate for these thieves and monsters she never felt before. her leg stumps hurt still but slowly she rose as to not wake the other mares and crawled to her battered and brutalized foal, barely a week away from being a weanling. her backside was covered in blood and shit and the pillowing was crude and uneven, for even with the fluffies super clotting the jagged stumps still bled a little. 452 did her best to give her foal licky cleanies while urging her to stay quiet, but the foal couldn’t help but cry a little. picking up her foal she carried her to the far edge of the ring of bushes then turned a hateful gaze to the mares. with every step she let out a tiny muffled snort of pain and anger, every foal she could easily reach with out touching the mare she reached in and crushed their tiny heads under her considerable bulk. one of the mares, a pink monochrome reeked of Cock Goblin’s scent, these were his babbehs, four little ones, one a dead ringer for his father slept on the mare back. more than anything she wanted to bite all their leggies off but that would wake them and she would never escape, so forever sleepies it was. crushing all three but unable to get to Goblin Jr from where he slept she gathered up her foal and began the long painful journey home, guided by the Autumns full moon light. the way was painful, even as she kept on the grass her freshly made stumps had barely begun to heal and soon started to bleed but she pressed on. she was forced to stop several times to rest her throbbing wounds and the protests of her foal crying that she was holding her too hard in her teeth. nudging her foal closer to her milky place she let her have what little she had left before continuing on, letting out quiet muffled “owwies” with every other step, eyes filling with tears. the three barns grew larger as she got closer to home the thought of safety in the arms of the ranch mummah help ease the hurties in her stumps then she heard the sound of tiny galloping hoofies on the grass. Cock Goblin had rammed into her face with his horn gauging out her left eye and sending her foal rolling away a few feet.

SCREEEEEEE! wowstes huwties! see pwace nu wowk nu mowe!

how da fook did ou get hewe!? does stupi tuffies sweepin on job. an ou awe gon git sooo much hewties when we git back. Owange git da babbeh, bwue, ou got da othew won?

the orange earthy with green mane vanished in the tall grass sniffing around and coming back empty hoofed.

miwkie mawe smeww aww ova nu can find.- Sounding scared to tell Cock Goblin the news.

Dummeh!- giving him sorry hoofies over the face. - hewp wit da uddah won!

the blue, green maned earthy had another fluffy cow, pulling her along the field by her ear tag, #331, a foal cowering beside her chirping in terror. Orange smacked the foal over the head to shut it up then picked it up in his mouth sulking the whole way. Cock Goblin jammed his horn into 452’s side forcing her to get up and back to the nest, crying for her lost foal. the first thing Cock Goblin did when they got back was give sorry hoofies to the green monochrome earthy and blue white maned unicorn waking them up crying in pain.

thinky pwace had huwties!

why gib sowwy hoofies? hu huuu...

Shaddup stupi! ou wet da miwkie nuwse wun away!- smacking the green one again.

all the noise had woke the others and when the dams saw their babbehs in the moonlight they let out a collective wail that stopped the arguing and they rushed to the nests.

babbehs! nuuuu nu foweva sweepies! wakies pwease!-a green, pink maned unicorn wailed over her 2 dead of 4.

boo boo joose aww ova! why? whyyyyyy? hu hu huuuuuu- a pink, black maned Pegasus cried over her 1 dead of 3.

Aww babbehs foweva sweepies am bad mummah huuuuuu!- a yellow, blue maned earthy sobbed over both her dead foals.

am wowstes mummah eva... pwease wakies babbehs...- sobbed a white, blue maned Pegasus over her 3 dead of 4

babbehs? babbehs! nuuuuu onwy wastest babbeh weft.- the pink monochrome mare wailed over little Goblin Jr. the last of 4.

Wha happen HEWE?!- Cock Goblin screamed at the top of his little lungs

it didn’t take long for Cock Goblin sus out who the guilty fluffy was and his pupils narrowed and eyes grew wide and bloodshot with rage, snorting through gritted teeth. when he turned to set that rage upon 452 and discovered that she and 331 had taken this opportunity to make another run for it. charging through the bushes he blew past 452 and rammed into 331, who had a greater lead, and broke both her back leggies, he foal had broken two in the fall as well. then he turned his hateful gaze back to 452 she had kept trying to run away in a different direction, slowly and bleeding with every step.

Gobwin. gonna. fook.ou. UP!- breaking into a full gallop.

452 stopped mid stride her hoofies dangling just off the ground and drooped just as Cock Goblin reared back and stomped on her left front leggie crushing it. While she scree’d for all her worth he circled around and did the same to the other. once she was good and immobile he now started to vent, but somehow still mindful that he had gotten her pregnant by now. digging his teeth deep into her back stump she cried and let out bad poopies as the rest of her leg was ripped free and he kept going slowly pillowing her then gnawed off her tail at the base. after breaking off both her horns and ears he then mounted her hi no-no stick pressing against her poopie place.


wan die...wan...die..owwies wan die...

gud. feeellllsss. (huff huff) - oh nu, ou dun git off dat easy.

looking around and spotting a baseball sized rock a few paces away, it lifted off the ground rising higher and higher, nearly as high as a human was tall. when it fell it cracked 452 right between the eyes opening a deep gash, a moment later her eyes looked in opposite directions and her cries stopped.

wheth thwuffy? new fwenth?- trying to look at Cock Goblin.

Cock Goblin sat on the grass panting and bleeding from his nose while the light from his horn dimmed, his swift and brutal actions had drawn the rest of the herd to watch it all. many of them had shit or pissed themselves and looked as if some of the color had faded from their fluff, some flinched when Goblin finally stood up.

piwwow dat miwkie mawe now. den da babbeh.- his tone cold and unnerving.

the four tuffies looked between each other and did as they were told each taking a leg from 331 drawing and quartering her quickly then her foal. on his orders they then gathered up the leggies and forced the mare to eat them before rolling them back into the bushes. complaining about being tired Goblin told the herd to keep quiet as he laid down in his nest and fell asleep while the poopies cleaned up the shit, blood and bodies, the dams weeping silently the whole time.

“This is the third one we’ve lost this month.” a skinny young blond in cowboy boots and a green Ranchero Fluffalow polo shirt. “we’ve put out live traps and trail cams but nothing.”

Jake looked at the empty pen and the simple latch on the outside of the gate while Earl looked over the barn doors latch and cotter pin lock.

"Hey Cindy, the front gate is the same lock system at the barns and pens? Earl asked

“We’re a dairy farm, we don’t have much worth stealing so security isn’t that big a deal and the trail cams always get knocked down and we don’t dare use poison bait around here.”

“And this was the third?” Jake asked looking over the pens full of fluffy cows

“Yeah, we found the first body a few dozen yards from the back gate last week then two in two days. tore her up too that first one, looks like she fought em by the tufts of fluff around the body.”

“What is up with some of these cows? they’re bigger and shaggier than some of the rest.” Earl pondered leaning down to poke at a nursing foal.

“We’ve been cross breeding them with the fluffalow to make them bigger and make more milk. Do you think that why the ferals are doing this?”

“Winters coming soon. any decently run herd is going to be looking for food and nurse mares.” Earl answered. “Can you show us the back gate?”

Cindy showed them to the gate and left them to tend to the mares allowing them to look around to scout for a place to put a live trap. most of the area in question was open, short grassed fields with scattered bushes in the far off distance. it was faint at first but as they wandered further out they could hear the faintest peeps and chirps. about a hundred yards out they found the pillowed foal in a flood drainage ditch on her back caked in mud.

cheep cheep mummah peep mummah hewp cheep cheep!

Earl picked up the foal trying to wipe off as much mud from it’s face and mouth as he could, it was so thick he was surprised the foal didn’t drown. the foal continued to chirp, hungry, cold and scared Earl wrapped it in an old handkerchief wiping it’s eyes clean.

mummah hewp cheep cheep munsta! Munsta! cheep peep cheep!

“hey there little one it’s okay. what monster do you mean? a bad fluffy?” Jake asked putting on the gentlest voice e could.

M-munsta Cawk Gobwin give wowstes hewties to mummah and babbeh! peep! wan.. wan mummah wan cheep weggies back huu huu mummuh...peep.

“Did you just fuckin say Cock Goblin?!” Earl’s voice boomed in surprise scaring sorry poopies from the foal.

“Calm down, man. what’s the big deal? It’s just a runaway with a weird name. right?”

“Um… this might be… kinda sorta entirely my fault this is happening.”

“I’m listening.” Crossing his arms and giving Earl a stern look.

“Ahem, right. you, uh, remember the Bad Huggie Boys?”

“you said you tried to make your own fluffy terror squad out of shit colored alicorns. You also said it didn’t work out and you put them all down. beyond that you were unusually quiet on the details.”

“Okay. here’s the long and short of it. Once I got a bunch of them as foals i fed them all a bunch of assorted shady internet grow a big dick drugs. it killed most of them but eight lived with the desired results, after some resets and rigorous training to hunt, terrorize, brutalize any herd they came across then i outfitted them with lots of custom razor sharp dick piercings.”

“Now’s the part where you tell me where shit went south.” Tone unchanged.

“Most didn’t respond well to the training and when i thought i was finally getting through to them Cock Goblin went and turned most of them against me. had to kill all of them except three last i saw Cock Goblin he was bleeding out from the throat in a mud puddle after i had Odin rag doll his ass over a year ago.”

“God. Dammit Earl. you know how bad this is? if the ranch finds this out they’re not gonna want to pay us. hell, we could get sued! we need to clean this shit up and and make sure that little asshole is dead this time.(Sigh) what made this little prick so special anyway?”

“He was the only one with telekinesis so i taught him how to open doors, simple latches, pins, screws and even a little weight training, he can lift five or seven pounds max then he starts to strain and risks aneurisms. and, we’re gonna have to hunt him, he works at night only and he’ll avoid traps and bait but he’ll keep someplace close to his targets.”

“Too bad for this little chatterbox, looks like she’s been pillowed, raped and killed by the feral herd.”

“Yep, a cryin shame.” Reaching for the foals head and snapping her neck. “We better go tell them we’ll be back tonight for a night hunt.”

“That’s in a few hours.”

“I need to stop by my place to pick some things up.”

the first thing Earl got from his house was a gun from his safe, for all intents and purposes it was a 1919 browning belt fed machine gun. But the whole thing had been scaled down to fire .22 cal long rifle rounds, a grown mans toys really, a target plinker for the gun range. for a fluffy even a .22 was like a 50 cal to them, he had replaced the pilot grip with a rifle butt-stock and trigger and a pistol grip barrel handle. dropping a 600 round belt into a hopper he locked, loaded and led Jake out back to his barn. in a back of the barn in a pad locked safe room Jake saw three alicorn stallions.

“Meet the last of the Bad Huggy Boys. Prince Albert” Pointing to the brown, grey maned one. “Pierce McKaken.” the grey and brown maned. “And Harry Canyon.” the burnt orange and black maned.

“Why are we using these? Why can’t i just go get Stalker? I know Odin’s still at the vets but will these guys be reliable?”

“I found this dude online, some crazy ass doctor who made his own hellgremlin. tried a bunch of his shit out and I’m positive i got em reined in. How bout it boys? Ready to get some fresh air? got a job for you guys.”

gonna git gud feews fwom dummeh fwuffies. -Pierce grinned.

gib wowstes speciaw huggies to stupi smawties -Harry stood up puffing out his chest.

“And guess who you get to get see again? Turns out Cock Goblin is still alive and he’s causing trouble for us all and we need to stop him. Albert, you remember what Cock Goblin did to your sister right?”

Gobwin give Thunda Cunt foweva sweepies with no-no stick. give wowstes huwties to no-no stick!- stomping a hoof.

“That’s what i like to here.” Opening the gate. “Follow me boys.”

“They better have good asshole control. the first one to shit in my truck i’m getting the Butt-Out tool.”

a quick check of the boys’ piercings and and side trip to get Jake’s .22 small game riffle and after a little debate, Stalker as well who rode shotgun in the middle of the front bench seat. a quick trip through a drive through burger joint giving the boys a rare treat of chili fries thinking it was a form of sketties, but also add ammo to their tanks with a kick. the sun had set by the time they returned to Ranchero Fluffalow pulling up to the front office with Cindy and another handler were waiting, a stocky black woman with a cattle prod in hand. the gang climbed out and the first thing Earl did was reach into his backpack and pull out three rope-like collars with snap locks and put them on the alicons necks. Jake had taken the time to try and convince ti handlers that they had it handled and by morning their feral problem would be solved.

“Alright boys, you know what to do.” Earl whispered to them. “And when you find him if he has a herd have some fun but no survivors. got it?”

Yea boss.- all three said at once.

“Good, he was over by that barn over there. get his scent and get to work.”

the boys ran off as Jake returned.

“Well i talked them out of coming with us but them and four other handlers are gonna be patrolling the fence all night.”

“Well so much for luring him in. a straight fox hunt it is.” Getting his gun out of the truck.

“I still think that thing is overkill.”

“I’ve had a very rough couple a days and if I’m gonna do this I want to have a little fun with it and I’m feelin a little vindictive. I’ve put a lot of time and and effort into the boys and… well after tonight it’s just gonna be a lot of wasted effort.”

“Your mess you clean it your way, i’m just here to back you up. so lead on. Just curious though. Why did Cock Goblin turn on you?” walking to the barn after the boys had left.

“That whole special friend and needing a herd deal. but with the way I raised them they could only hold one together is with all the abusive training i drilled into them. Like any would take in a shit colored monster, he’d have to take it by force and any mare he’d fuck would die cuz his piercings were still in when i killed him the first time.”

in the nest the green tuffy sobbed silently nursing a lost eye and a very sore poopie place and Cock Goblin was doing the same to the blue uni tuffy. neither could sit now standing side by side with Goblin staring at them with an intent to do more at the slightest word.

ou two eva scwew up wike dat gain an ou wiww be enfie toysie.

they both silently nodded fast and scared as Goblin turned away turning his attention to the despondent looking pink monochrome mare. she could barely move at this point but little Goblin jr sucked greedily at her teat but she didn’t sing her heart too full of saddies.

sing.- Goblin ordered walking up behind her.

eep!-a little scardy poopies squirting out.- w-wha?

Sing mummah song fo babbeh. Babbeh am bestes babbeh an wiww git miwkies and wub and mummah song. wiww Gobwin am onwy weason ou wive now an ou be bestes mummah. sing mummah song.

m-m-mumma wu-wuvs babbehs...huu...babbehs wuv mummah...

Bestest babbeh. caww babbeh bestest babbeh.- Leering at the mare.

Mummah wuv...huu... bestest babbeh... b-b-bestest babbeh wuvs mu-mummah. dwink aww da big an..(Sniff) stwong.

bettah, speciaw fwend. when babbehs come we weve. nummie findews find owd hoomin housie wif nu hoomans. make dat new housie for hewd.- addressing the entire herd.

standing guard at the opening in the bushes the orange and blue earthy tuffies made sure to stay awake at all cost, even smacking each other every so often. there was a rustling in one of the other bushes farther away and Orange was first to investigate and stupidly stuck his head in. the first and last thing he saw was an alicorn’s asshole and balls then a blast of chili powered shit in his mouth and eyes. before he could cough up the burning, stinging shit he was pulled in and pinned face down in the dirt with a hoof on his muzzle. the shredding pain of his poopie place being torn apart by several sharp pointed piercings, sawing through his flesh with a lumberjacks vigor. after a moment he was let up to gasp for air but when his mouth opened another weaponized no-no stick jammed it’s way down his throat.

Owange whut taken so wong? Owange?- the blue earthy called out slowly walking to the bushes.

poking his head through the bushes he got the same greetings as his friend who laid next to him watching, coughing up blood and shit, drowning on both, blind to everything around him.

in the nest Cock Goblin was making sure that the three poopies at his disposal did their jobs cleaning up every bit of poopies that the dams dropped then checked in on the nummy finders daily collection. flowers, berries, wild wheats and grains. a good gathering for the day, having five nummy finders sure made the food pile grow fast, but it was darky time now and so he let the herd have a small snack then sleepy time. they were settling into their sorted piles for the night Cock Goblin made sure everyone was accounted for then made his way to his mare when he was tacked from behind, grey fluffy arms wrapping around his neck.

Hiya Gobwin! boss says hewwo.

Peiwce? (Gag) ou awive?

Same ting say bout ou.- Harry answered mounting the yellow dam between the other pink and white dams.- sooo pwetty. shame to waste dem.

before the remaining tuffies could react Price Albert sprung up between them he stomped Blue’s head into the ground crushing it then spun around and blasted shit into greens eyes. his agonized scree’s were cut short with several mule kicks to the face packing it in.

any fwuff move an git poopie pwace huwties from dis.- Prince reared back showing off his bloody piercings in the moonlight.

Prince casually strode over to the nummy finders then the poopies, nurses, enfies and then the dams then looked over to Cock Goblin still pinned under Pierce.

aww dis ou make huh. got own hewd huh? how many ou giv foweva sweepies wif enfies? hmm? whut good hewd wif nu babbehs of own?- strolling back to the nummy finder pile, all of them cowering and sniffling.

Cock Gobwin fwee! took shawp pointies out! have babbeh! Bestest babbeh!

the three laughed and him they knew fluffy clouldn’t get the sharp metal pointys out, only the boss could do that and he never did. unfuriated by their mockery Goblin’s horn glowed and he used his power to boosted himself up bucking Pierce off his back and showing off his no-no stick to the others. no sharp pointys even the holes made to put them in long since healed shut.

Gobwin fweed no-no stick! Gobwin fwee you too!- knocking Pierce to the ground with his TK. - wike dis.- his horn glowing again.

slowly the prince albert piercing made to work like a gut hook, began to unscrew until it fell off then the ring half slowly slid out.

See? Gobwin can fwee you be Gobwins new tuffies ow go away. nu cawe. but Gobwin can fwee ou fwom meanie boss.- marching back to his pink mare and Goblin jr.

they were all shocked at what they saw they knew Goblin had “magic” but they never thought he could use it to do that. the notion of freedom, their own herds…babbehs of their own.

ou...ou can do dat?- Harry Canyon marveled at what he saw.- wan good feews an babbehs an hewd!

fwee? nu mowe boss? haf hewd? Piewce be boss? be smawty!- starting to grin.

Ou gif sissy foweva sweepies! stiw hate chu!- Prince Albert snorted stomping a hoof.

Gobwin neva do dat on pewpose. boss twick Gobwin, wuv'd thunda. say new metaw ting nice fo good feews, Thunda wan to be speciaw fwend. boss meanie munsta hoomin wan giv wostest stompies!- sounding genuinly sad for a moment.

Boss hewt sissy? nu Gobwin?- taking a long moment to ponder over what he was just told. -Pwince... Pwince wan fwee... fwom bad meanie munsta boss.

“I really wish you boys hadn’t said that. i was hoping to let at least one of you live.” Ealr’s voice rang out in sterio from the collars.

a little red light lit up on the collars with a loud beep and then an ear shattering crack and everything went white. Cock Goblin’s ears rang so loud it downed out all other sound while his sight slowly came back but still saw double where ever he looked. he felt something warm and wet run down the sides of his head from his ears, when his sight cleared at last the devistation before him nearly broke him. the pink, yellow, and white dams were all dead, cut in half by the blastas well as their collective foals, tummy babbehs and guts splattered everywhere. the other blast killed three of the nummy finders and all three of the poopies and the last got two of the enfie mares, both pregnant and the blue unicorn nurse mare. out aff the entire herd all he had left washis mare, son, the green mare, two nummy finders, two enfies, and three nurses including the cows and foal.

H-hate chu! Hate chu! Hate chu munsta hoomin! -huffing and stomping impotently with rage.- Need to wun, s-stawt new hewd. speciaw fwend fowwow Gobwin bring babbeh.

“The blast came from that bunch of bushes over there. I’m gonna light it up.” Earl’s voice could be heard not too far away.


a tiny wall of lead tore through the bushes and the remaining survivors, Cock Goblin could see the bits of wood, leaf, fluffy bits and blood erupt and start to creep towards him. he lept to the other side of the pink mare and started to roll her away from the encroaching death, the green maare and Goblin jr close behind. all the others were torn to shreds but Goblin pushed on getting his mare behind a thick tree with Goblin jr, the green mare almost made it but her back half caught several hits nearly cutting her in half.

“Alright lets check for the body, see if we finally got the little dickhead.” Earl said heading towards the bushes.

“What… were those collars made from?”

“uummmm…Det cord?”

“Are you even legally allowed to have that?”

“Technically no. so keep your mouth shut about it and if anyone asks it’s homemade.” Kicking his way into the bushes. “You hear that?”

Cock Goblin could hear his old boss coming and he tried to get his mate moving, trying to roll her along even tried to lift her with his TK but she was too heavy. when Earl started kicking his way into the nest he finally said “fook it”, snatched up Goblin jr and ran for it.

nuu! save mummah pwease am soon mummah! nu wan foweva sweepies! screeeee!- the mare cried out in panic.

Cock Goblin kept running with little Goblin jr crying and squirming in his mouth calling for his mummah.


pain tore through Goblin’s right back leg and before he could hit the ground he watched his own severed leg pass him, spiraling through the air. dropping Goblin jr the spoiled little foal was stuck on his fat little back kicking the air and cheeping for mummah. Cock Goblin slowly tried to get up the pain worse then when Earl had put the piercings in, takin one wobbly step then another towards jr.



Now both his back legs had been blown off at the knee.

“See? sometime’s all you need is an old squirell shooter to get the job done.” Jake chuckled patting his rifle.

“Less fun though.” Earl grumbled.

“Want me to finish 'em off?” Taking aim.

“Naw i said i wanted to have to fun with this.” Nudging his cousin’s barrel down.

Pulling a pair of vice grips from his bag he marched over to Cock Goblin grabbed the back of his head with one hand and clamped the grips down over his horn. ripping it from the base with a hard twist the horn took a piece of Goblin’s skull with it, exposing some of his brain. His screaching echoed through the night so loud it even made his son shut up and watch in terror, shitting himself even more.

“TK your way out of that now you little fucker. You have any idea how much time and money i wasted on you?” Turning Goblin to face him.

Nu cawe. hate 'chu! munsta! Kiww hewd kiww fwends! now ou gon kiww babbeh an mawe!

“You’re damn straight, i was gonna make you into a fluffy killing machine! You and the boys would have roamed this town at my back and call slaughtering any feral that crossed our border. i bet i could even get the city to pay me for it but you had to fuck it up with Baby talk!” Scooping up Goblin jr in the other hand.

Dropping Cock Goblin he took Goblin jr by the back leg and snapped each.

“There now you almost match.” Ripping off a wing

cheep cheep cheep cheeeeep! mummah! m-mummah!

setting jr down Earl pulled a Butt-Out tool from the bag shoving it up Goblin’s poopie place giving it eight good hard twists then pulled. Picking jr back up again he dragged Cock Goblin by the tool and six inches of prolapsed, bleeding anus over to the pink dam who continued to plead for mercy.

“Well, hey there pretty mummah. Just cuz I’m nice I’m gonna give you one last chance to say good bye to your foal.” Setting jr down in front of her.

the mare stopped covering her eyes for a moment, looked up at Earl then Goblin and jr then back to Goblin. he was broken, powerless and held in place on a leash made of his own tummy sketties, then she looked down at her foal who tried to crawl to her. her demeanor suddenly changed, scowling at Goblin jr she raised a hoof and slammed it down on jr’s back legs crushing them flat.

Stupeh munsta babbeh! hate 'chu! neva wuv neva wan!- Stomping again. -Cawk Gobwin give bad huggies nu wan eva!- stomping higher up- Nu wan tummeh babbehs! aww Gobwin babbehs munstas!- crushing jr's head.-wan housie back wan mummah back! wan wittew mummah back!

“Wheh-heh-helllll. what a surprise. who would have thought you’re special freind hated your guts. ha ha ha ha haaaaa!”

Cock Goblin’s jaw dropped his face a mix of rage, shock and heartbreak for his last foal and for the briefest moment he was completely numb. until Earl pulled on the tool again. Dragging him to the pile of mush that was Goblin jr his face was pressed into the bloody slush.

“Last meal Goblin, eat up while it’s still warm!”

prying open his mouth Earl shoveled the mess plus some dirt into his mouth, clamped it shut and forced him to swallow.

“Time for the second course!.. Hhhhey buddy did i ever teach you how to please a woman? let’s start with the wonders of oral. first, you gotta loosen up your jaw.”

one quick pull and Goblin’s jaw hung freely from it’s joints then rolled the mare onto her back with his foot.

“Now you just put your mouth here.” Pressing Goblin’s mouth to the mare special place. “The start licking and if you do it right… you get her to squirt!”

Slamming his fist into the dams tummy she weezed out a shreek as her unborn faols shot out and down Goblin’s gullet afterbirth and all. his fluff now covered in a layer of shit and blood he tried to vomit the foals up but Earl held his mouth shut then taped it closed.

Hweeeeze haff haff cough!! tummy hewties huu huu huu huu!

“Good job Goblin! I’ll make a ladies man out of you yet. heh. not. now where did I put that blender wand? ahah!”

pulling out a battery power blender wand normally used for making malts and milkshakes he turned it on the slow setting. lifting Goblin up by the tool he pressed the blender into his balls slowly shredding them to nothing then his dick, starting at the head and working it all the way to base. It took minutes and he started to spurt up blood and bile through his nose. not wanting him to drown in his own sick Earl was forced to untape his mouth, his shrieks could bee heard all the way to Ranchero Fluffalow. when his throat started to give out he rasped for air.

“Hey Jake, you can go ahead and shoot the mare in the head. after being with Cock Goblin I think she’s earned a quick end. I’m gonna finish up with Goblin here.”

“Glad to see you’re not totally heartless.” PAK!

grabbing the tool earl cut the seam in the intestines the gave Goblin a good underhanded toss casting him out like a fishing reel’s hook. when he landed Earl dropped the tool and stepped on it to keep him in place then unslung his browning .22 and took aim.


Cock Goblin blew apart like a cheap hollywwod special effect, just blood guts and ass in every direction, leaving little more than a mushy, pulpy, chunky mess.

“I don’t generally impose rules on you but you done experimenting with fluffies.”

“That 's what i do for a living you can’t do that.”

“I said you can’t experiment with fluffies. you can experiment on fluffie all you like. no more of these little b-movie rip off monster squad joke teams.”

“Yeah I think I’m done with that crap too. too much hassle. well let’s go sell our bullshit story and get paid.” Slinging his riffle over his shoulder.

Picking up a few the heads of the dead fluffy cows they bagged them up and headed back to Ranchero Fluffalow, it’s sillouette in front of the full moon’s light.

sorry this one took to long hit a block then lost the net for a few days. not sure what i’ll write next but i’ll try not to keep ya waiting in suspense too long. plus i wanted to streatch my legs a little with this one.


The quote blocks are a nightmare for reading on mobile :frowning:


sorry. copied these from my reddit account the formats don’t line up so great in some places.

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That was a super nice read.
