The coldy times were coming soon the leaves began to change and fall and the smarty friend knew this meant he had little time to prepare. A bright green unicorn with blue mane and tail he looked over the herd he worked so hard to keep alive, he had found a safe nestie for them an old human housie boarded up but a rotted out floor and side wall just big enough for a tuffy to fit through. there were many housies like this one on this block but they all had street humans living in those and they didn’t like to share. the back yard was overgrown with grassies tall enough to hide in but didn’t taste very pretty that would do if they got desperate and the fence was full of hole to sneak in and out through. the other side led to an alley behind lots of nummy places humans went to a lot, the trashy nummies they had smelled too good to be real but so hard to get to in the big trash bins. looking over the livingroom, street humans lived here once leaving several old bed mattresses on the floor so many mouths to feed. he could only count to ten and by his count he had ten-three times over, not including all the babbehs, so so many babbehs. theses would be the last babbehs born before the coldy times came and he would forbid anymore babbehs till the coldy times ended. the last coldy time was hard, almost all the babbehs had gone forever sleepies from tummy hurties when the nummies ran out including most of his own.
-Speciaw fweind otay?- Asked a sparkling purple Pegasus mare with white mane/tail, nuzzling him
-Need nummies fow coldy times soon. wowwied not nuff nummies fow aww. dawky time soon. need take nummy findews an find mowe.
-Special fweind good smawty- Still nuzzling him - Smawty find. Smawty take cawe of aww.
-Dawky time soon goin out find nummies. wuv speciaw fweind find bestest nummie fow ou.
gathering ten other fluffies he took them out side and instructed them to start gathering the tall grassy nummies in case they turned up empty. gathering another ten they waded through the tall grassies to the back fence to one of the larger holes where they waited till the bright sky ball had gone down and the street lights flickered on. the lights cast long shadows down the ally made by the dumpsters, so full that the humans had stared leaving trashy bags next to them in large piles. this dawky time was going to be a good one, the smell of still fresh nummies mixed with the bad but there was one unmistakable smell they sought above all in there. Sketties. the smarty and another sank their teeth into the closest bag and pulled it open pouring the still slightly warm trash filled with discarded to doggy bags and table food just dumped right in on top. the smarty shook out a plastic bag of wadded napkins and started scooping loose skettie noodles and sauce in as the others sniffed and grabbed at paper bags. once they got a mouthful of anything they ran back to the hole while others tore into other bags but forgot to keep in the shadows. with a shrill screech a blue earthy now had a long pointy metal stick through his hips the other side had birdy monster fluff on it. confused the others gathered around to try and help when another metal stick pierced clean through a pink Pegasus’s head. they let out a collective cry and ran for the hole leaving the two to their fate. the blue earthy pleaded not to be left behind, dragging his back half over the rough pavement. they stood silently as possible listening for any sign of monsters.
“Nice shot, Mark. how’s that crossbow handle?”
“Pretty good. sights a little off.” A voice in the distance called.
-Pwease nice mistuh hewp fwuffy! pointy ting gif huwties! need huggies EEEEEEEEE! bad uppies!
“Pull the van round the block the little shits ran through the fence.”
“Okay dad.” The vroom vroom monster rolling away.
“Alright lets hop the fence and chase 'em to him.” Another voice stated
“Me? hop a fence? HA! you hop your skinny ass over, I’m too big to hop over anything.”
there was a hard bang against the fence making them run for the house leaving a trail of scaredy poopies through the tall grass, chasing the grass gatherers inside. the smarty urged them all to be quiet, the mummahs doing their best to keep their frightened foals calm. human footsteps could be heard through the hole soon joined by another who brought with him the scent and panting sound of a barky monster sniffing around.
“Stalker, fetch!”
the giant head of the barky monster popped into the hole biting down on the snout of an unlucky yellow earthy and pulled outside spraying poopies over the smarty and three others.
“Too common. skin it and bin it. Stalker fetch!”
the barky monster’s head poked through again but the rest of the monster was too big to fit in, the smarty blew raspberries at the monster before retreating deeper inside the house.
“Let’s set up and go, we’ll check back later. Stalker come!” the voice called the monster back.
-Nu pwease nu huwties fwuffy! am good fwuffy! nu! nu! nuuuuuuu! Ackgggrrrggglllll…
After what seemed like many forevers of silence a pitiful whimpering cry for help called out and curiosity got the best of some so they peeked. the blue earthy was left in the yard the metal stick in his side tied to a stake in the ground in a semi-cleared patch of lawn.
-Fwends hewp fwuffy pwease! have wowstest huwties! need huggies hu hu hu fwends nu wuv fwuffy nu mowe hu huuuu…
six other fluffies feeling confidant the monsters were gone the group trotted outside to the urging of the smarty not to they gathered around. they surrounded their trapped friend the boo-boo in his side trying to figure out how to help. one bit down on the metal stick and tried to pull it out but his shrieks of pain and squirming made him let go.
-Dummehs! get in housie! Fwuffy twap!- The smarty yelled from the hole.
-Meanie smawty nu hewp fweind! Smawty am meanie dummeh! - Snorted a blue earthy back at him.
over the side fence a net sprung up over the other side and landed over all of them. they tried to run in all directions as they always do with their eyes closed and only succeeded in cutting their faces over the taut net. the smarty was forced to duck back in when human footsteps could be heard coming again and he listened in.
“Anything good in here?”
“Naw, this is all generic. nothing but skin and meat money here. no ali’s, shinys or sparkly in almost a month. I think we picked the area clean.”
“Sure you wanna kill’em now? they could be carriers for the genes.”
“We’ll find that out with the foals if there’s none in the litters it’ll be a bust other than a paid job.”
“I gotta an idea. I gotta get something from the van.”
the babbehs! they were coming for the babbehs! the smarty ran into the house to warn the others and try to find another way out. all the time he could hear outside…
-nu! NUUUUU! NU take nu-nu’s! REEEEEEEEEE!
-Pwease nu huwties pwease nu take fwuff! EEEEEEE! EEEEEEEE! EEEEEEEEEEE!
-Screeeeee! pwease give back nu-nu’s! hu hu need nu-nu’s fow speciaw hu-REEEEEEEEE!
the smarty ran to the nest to warn the herd but the noise outside was so loud they already knew most of it already.
-Da munsta’s wan the babbehs! aww da pwettiest an bestest! we need find way out! fine new howe outsidies! Everyone wook now!- He ordered in a huff.
-But daddeh, dat am onwy way outsidies.- Answered a sparkly purple and blue maned alicorn juvenile mare. -what we do? munsta’s gon give foweva sweepies!
-NU! wastest babbeh am 'posed to be smarty! Be smarty an find new howe! Go!- The smarty ordered and pointed a hoof at the scrambling herd looking for an escape.
-Speciaw fweind how munsta’s find nestie? nu wan foweva sweepies!
Their panic was interrupted by a strange mechanical whirring sound and the three stopped to look back to where the hole was. rolling out of a closet and into the hall came a small eight wheeled thing with short stout blocky body and another block sitting on top with a metal straw sticking out the front of it. there was a small red light on the top corner of another tiny block on top of that as well, it was such a strange thing that at first they thought it was a toy. the straw-block turned side to side pointing to each of them a few times then suddenly the straw spat something out at the smarty’s foal. a small pointy glass tube with a fluffy tail hit her in the chest and she fell over without a word, the straw spat out another hitting his special friend then rolled off. ignoring the smarty friend outright it rolled along spitting more pointy things randomly at any fluffy that looked prettier than the rest which it ignored. it stopped at one of the beds full of crying foals clinging to their mothers chirping in terror, pointed at all the babbehs and rolled off.
-Speciaw freind pwease nu foweva sweepy wif wastest babbeh!- Sobbed the smarty as he nudged at their bodies. -Smawty need fweind an babbeh! nu wan be smarty wif out ou…pwease…hu…
the shrieks of his herd snapped the smart out of his sorrow, looking around he saw several of his grown children, all the ones that sparkled, laying on the floor. his only thought at this point was to run, run somewhere, anywhere to get away from the monsters. his thinky place raced to the point of almost hurting as he started to run blindly through the house with the rest of his herd but was the only one to end up in the bathroom.
-Smawty find nothew howe! ova hewe! ova hewe!
the herd gathered to the bathroom and saw the smarty in front of the poopy hole, a large hole in the floor where the toilet once sat. the hole they had been collectively been shitting in for over a month.
-huwwy jump in howe an fwuffies find othew howe outsidies! Jump ow foweva sweepies!
Most of them hesitated at the edge of the hole, they could smell just how not pretty they would end up down there. the babbehs would assuredly drown in the attempt and the mummahs refused for fear of their babbehs lives. at the front door a scary loud bang filled the house startling the herd, then another, the third sent the door to the floor. there stood two human monsters, one tall and broad with long brown greying face fluff and a just as tall but skinny one with long fluff under his nose each carried large sorry boxes in one hand.
“Man, I said kick it open not down! Close it before any run out!” Said the skinny one.
“You do it next time then.” The big one grumbled stepping in and picking the door up.
“Look at all these freakin spaklies AND an alicorn! This should help with the designer fluffs in the breeder pit.”
“That cam on your little toy didn’t get a good look at the foals. there more than we counted previously.” The big one looking down at the crying foals and mothers.
“You get the ones we darted I’ll get the moms and foals.”
The smarty knew it was too late for the mummahs and babbehs in the living room and when he heard their calls of “bad uppies” and at his insistance they started to jump. And here is where it got worse. Half way from the floor to the ground in the middle of the hole was a wooden support beam five feet down, the right side was the dirt ground and mushy poopy pile. the left, a ten foot drop to the concrete basement floor, some fell left others right. the skinny monster looked around the corner into the bathroom as the smarty made the last fluffy jump then looked up at the monster blew him raspberries then jumped. he hit the beam poopy place first and he felt something break at the base of the tail then he fell left. those that fell right landed softly in a lumpy semi-solid pile of poopies, shaking off what they could it didn’t take long to kind a new hole outsidies a few feet away and ran for it. they were barely a few feet out the hole when the first of them ran face first into a mesh net. outside the net sitting on an upside plastic bucket was another human monster like the big one, holding a stick and his right leggy in a cast and he chuckled at the lot.
“Too easy sometimes.”
in the basement the smarty fell gut first into the hard stone floor with several others around him. all his leggies were broken as well as his jaw and some teeth came out as well. every part of him had the worstest hurties and with the others he called out for some kind, any kind of help from anybody who would listen into the pitch black.
-Hewp save fwuffy! have worstest hewties!
-Hewph phtppuffthy mowpthee huthees thoo muth hu hu huuu
-whyyy weggies have huwties!? pweawe weggies take fwuffy way fwom hewe!
“Hey you hear that? gimmie the flashlight I think this place has a basement.” Said a muffled voice upstairs.
a door in the darkness opened and a bright light lit up the barren dank grey walls as the skinny human monster walked down the creaky wooden steps.
“I found seven more down here!” He shouted up the steps. “Your that little prick that stuck your tongue out at me. serves you right you little dumb-ass. Why do you little vermin always have to covered in shit?” Shaking his head. “These ones are too fucked up to keep either, Just more skin and meat here.”
the skinny monster reached down with his free hand and grabbed the smarty by the tail and another and another till they were all dangling in the air in a cluster. carried up the stairs this way they were met by the bigger monster with a large sack held open and they were dropped inside.
“Mark got the last at the other hole so this should be the last of em.” Said the big one.
“Mario’s place sure draws them in often.”
“Pasta joints do that. let’s get these guys processed, you can get the sparkly ones prepped for the stockades.”
the smarty could feel the sack swing and sway as they talked and walked then felt them drop onto a hard metal floor and heard a large metal sliding door shut. it was getting hard to breath in the plastic sack as they all squirmed and writhed in pain as their breathing got shallower and strained till forever sleepies finally took them.