The SkettiLand Trappers; Sleepover at Sandy's (Creeper)

Sandy looked at her backyard unsure of what she was doing. Goblin and his entire herd, mares and all were sitting around her yard as her fluffies clamored around them enthralled with their size alone. Earl stood by her side with Shriek and Banshee in a pet carrier, who complained about not being able to stay.

“Look they know how to play gently, they’re mindful of where they step and as you can see they got no problems with fluffies so long as they’re not ferals. I normally wouldn’t ask this but I can’t take em with me and Carol’s in court all weekend with her clients.”

“Alright, alright. They can stay the weekend while you do whatever horrible thing you have planned for those chicks.”

“I’ll have you know I’m taking them to a specialist to fit Shriek with a new tail. He’s good, most of what I know I got from him. Even helped me build my first full custom prosthetic.” Wiggling his metal fingers at her.

“Sorry. I don’t usually associate you with something so altru…istic… Your gonna weaponize that tail aren’t you?” Walking Earl to the front door.

“Eventually. I gotta get going, I got a lot of driving to do if I’m gonna get to Jimmy’s by tomorrow.”

Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad she thought to herself, having heavily genetically modified fluffies capable of causing great deals of property damage and harm to her livestock… Now she thought it was going to ruin her having these things here and Earl just conned her to torture her. Then there was a collective scream from the backyard and she bolted for the backdoor and saw through the sliding glass door that the herons had returned again. She couldn’t get out the door fast enough but it was too late, the bird had a foal cornered ready to harpoon her with its bill, then something strange happened. The heron’s head slowly lifted straight up and backward at a sharp angle till there was a quiet snap and bird went limp but the body didn’t fall. Instead it flung itself across the yard, bouncing off the trash bin and collapsing in a heap leaving Sandy gobsmacked. Looking around the yard she saw the Goblin squad standing tall, Goblin’s horn glowing brightly.

-Bwuthews patwow the wand!-

They boys walked the fence line checking up and down for anything that could get in while Goblin with the aid of his powers hopped up to the barn roof to see over the fence. He spotted several more herons nearby and with a few well aimed psychic blasts sent the flock flying off in every direction.

“…Hhhhow the hell’d you do that?! How you gonna get down?.. What ARE you?” She shouted going from bewildered to awe at the sight of him up there. “How are you gonna get down?”

She almost shat herself when he simply jumped off the roof, gliding down to the ground and landing in front of her, showing off a little with a puffed up chest even flourishing his wings a bit. In all the commotion Sandy had forgotten about the distressed foal who nearly gotten eaten and still chirped in terror as her mummah did her best to hug and comfort her. When Sandy finally realized this she made sure to check on them and was extremely thankful the foal was okay as she was a rare white and bubblegum pink maned unicorn with a pink heart cutie mark. A pricey pedigreed foal from her identical mummah that had been already sold and were awaiting pickup after neutering.

“Okayyyy… Uh, Goblin, right? Keep an eye on my fluffies while I get the store ready to open. A lot of babies need good homes. Oh and uh, please put that bird in the barrel behind the barn.”

Sandy left to get the store ready to open for customers leaving Goblin and his brothers to mind the herd. After taking the dead heron to the barrel behind the barn the first thing he did was check on Nugget and her foals, she was enthralled with all the other foals running around but still kept close to her own who she had named all on her own. She named the filly Swift for when she started walking she then started running and wouldn’t stop til she dropped. As for the colt, she called him Gobby, since he looked so much like his father. The two foals were having the times of their lives playing with the older foals who size they matched. Lemon was getting as much mummah practice and advice from the other mares as she was now expecting a litter of her own with Gremlin. Then Goblin noticed Castor and Pollux were talking with Imp who was peppering them with question after question, then he asked the wrong question.

-Soooo… Why othew fwuffies caww you two “smawty fwends?”.- He asked raising an eyebrow and cocking his head to the side a little.

Goblin stopped in his tracks and slowly turned his head to the three.

-Did you say… smawty?- That sinister glint returning to his eye.

Imp instantly knew he screwed up and jumped between the twins and Goblin trying to keep his brother’s attention on him.

-They nevah say they was smawties! Miss Sandy’s fwuffies caww them that but no act wike smawties. Gobwin not ahwowed to give owwies to Miss Sandy’s fwuffies wemembew?- Practically having to latch onto Goblin to stop him.

-Smawty fwends am good fwuffy weadews who keep hewd safe.- Caster explained.

-Yes, smawty fwends make suwe fwuffies pway nice.- Pollux chimed in.

-an shawe toysie an nummies.-

-An nu be meanies to bwown ow awicowns wike us.-

-An make good poopies in wittew box.-strong text

-An gif owwies to meanies who twy an hewt hewd.-

Goblin stopped, looking just as dumbfounded as Sandy was minutes ago and with a furrowed brow he plopped his butt down and took a long while to process what he heard. While Goblin mulled over what he just heard Imp lead the twins away from the potential danger they were obliviously in to quietly explain why saying smarty around his brother was so bad. Hob was told what happened and was sent to keep Goblin distracted but he seemed content to just sit and think, repeating bits of what the twins had said over and over. Seeing Goblin wasn’t about to do anything stupid, Hob soon got bored and started making assorted toys levitate for the foals.

“Okay girls, time to open shop!” Sandy beamed stepping out her garage with a clipboard. “I need Sunshine, Sophie, Annabelle, Blueberry, Candy and Betty. Time to find new families for your babies. Oh and Goblin and Hob, could you two come and watch the store”

The mares gathered their foals, all too big to ride their mummah’s backs and along with their special friends including Castor and Pollux and waddled to the garage.

“Annabelle, I’ve decided to keep Lucky so she can go back to playing with the rest.”

-Gasp! Annabewwe get to keep pwettiest babbeh! Thank ou soo soo much mummah Sandy!-

-Yayyyy! Wucky get to stay wiff mummah an daddeh!- Beamed the shiny gold and cream white maned alicorn foal running off to chase the floating toys.

“Alright, Earl says if you guys work you need to wear those vests he left with you. Can you guys put them on yourselves?”

-Yes Miss Sandy. Hob hewp put on Gobwin and Gobwin hewp Hob.-

Goblin was still half lost in thought half spoiling for a fight or at the least giving out a good beat down on someone who’s got it coming. But he was in for a big disappointment, families and wealthy single folk would come looking a new pricey pedigreed fluffy, well behaved and easy to train. A lot of foals found new homes that day and awaited their pick up day, the only people that didn’t buy a foal were two couples that dressed far poor to afford such an expensive foal. What was odd was the two couple had come back at least twice each the women chatting up sandy about when the next batch of foals would be ready. The men interacted with the fluffy families looking them over and playing with them while their parents boasted their rehearsed lines to up-sell their offspring. Still not making a sale they promised to come check out the next batch when they were ready. Of course Hob and Goblin drew some attention themselves for all the customers, being as big as a medium sized dogs and talking much clearer than the rest a few people even offered to buy them. At the end of the day all but four foals in total had been sold and now awaited their pickup day after they were fixed meaning the next few days of play would be bittersweet for them. Bedtime seemed to come too soon but when it did everyone was tucked out and ready to huddle up in their nest and drift off the dreamland.

It was the dead of night when when the two couples returned hopping the fence in the backyard one carrying a set of bolt-cutters. As one guy got to work on the door-latch’s lock the others passed pet carriers over the fence, they all froze when the cutters snapped through the lock, when nothing happened they kept going. The nightlights that kept the barn dimly lit and made the ones they wanted all the easier to pick out.

“Shit look at that one. She didn’t say anything about a gold alicorn.” One girl whispered to the rest.

“Probably to breed it like we plan to, put it in the carrier.” Replied one guy.

“Hey what about the really big ones?” Asked the other girl.

“Hell no, they ugly as hell, even the one with foals are shit colors.” Sneered the other guy. “Hey. Where are the males?”

It was at that moment the barn door slammed shut and they all screamed and jumped to turn and face the door then frantically looked around. Nothing got past them they were sure of that, then they heard the giggling and something soft and wet plopped down on one of the guys heads. The stink was absolutely putrid as he reach up the brush his hair out and getting a soggy log of shit smeared in even worse.

“Fucking hell! Something shat on me!” Looking up into the rafters.

Imp was the first to drop down kicking shit head in the face, shouting “Sowwy hoofeees!” with a devilish laugh. Hob and Gremlin came down next landing on the two women, their hard hooves making multiple deep gashes in their heads. The last poor bastard screamed as a small throwing dagger embedded itself in the top of his shoulder, then Goblin landed on him breaking his nose. The entire barn was in chaos at that point with all the fluffies in the pens were in a blind panic screaming their heads off with the screaming crooks.

“The hell with this!” shouted shit head running for the door.

When the door slammed shut the latch fell and locked the door and he bounced off it with the other three trying to break it down. Hanging on the wall were the boys’ security vests they wore when they worked with pocket sheaths full of weapons, clusters of loaded tranq darts levitated from from them. One by one they flew through the air hitting them in the arms legs and backs, these tranqs were meant for fluffies so it just left them numb and limp. The barn door swung open at last and the would be thieves came tumbling down at the feet of three deputies and sheriff Brody with Sandy watching from her backdoor.

“Sheriff’s department, freeze!” Brody ordered, gun drawn.

“We can’t move! I can’t feel my ass!” Whined shithead.

“God damn he stinks!” Deputy Andy laughed going for his cuffs. “Is that shit in your hair?”

Earl yawned as he climbed out out his van with the carrier at a non de script house and headed to the porch. His phone rang as he passed a long haired metal head with his face painted up like a skull carrying something in a towel followed by a fluffy with see through skin.

“Hey, Sandy. What’d they do?” He asked answering his phone. “Janice? What are you doing at Sandy’s?” Checking his caller ID “… Sigh… Y’know I really don’t have the time for-… Did anybody die?.. Then quit bitching at me! Just cuff the assholes, I gave Sandy a bottle of the antidote and I swear if you try to impound them… Look they’re trained and smart, just don’t attack them and you’ll be fine. They have standing orders to protect Sandy’s place and it sounds like they’re doing just that. Now I have to go, I’m in the middle of an appointment.”

Hanging up he knocked on the front door and a portly man in a surgical gown an head covering, covered in blood answered the door.

“Hey Earl, how you been?” Peeling off a bloody latex glove to shake his hand. “Are these it? Wwwowwww, I thought I’d never seen one in person let alone two.” Hunching down to look into the carrier. “Well. Give me a minute to get changed and we can begin.” Ushering Earl inside.
with guest appearances from @shadowstein.


Was it common at Sandy’s thieves breaking to steal fluffies or foals? Glad Goblin and the gang are there to protect them.


Its pretty rare and a weird mix luck that they happened to be there when the crooks made their move. But Sandy will definitely be beefing up her security.