The Solidus Canon [Solidus]

The Solidus Canon.

This is a rundown of my Fluffy Canon. Got inspired by seeing one of my favorite authors, @no_sketti_on_tuesdays , posting his version, and will be using a similar format. I’ll probably add to this in the future, if I think of more stuff.

Fluffy Main species:


The Unicorn falls between the more gracile, athletic Pegasus, and the stocky, solid Earthie. Their main feature is a horn protruding from the head, roughly 2 inches long. While they are typically no more intelligent than other fluffies, they are noted for extreme bravery, willing to stand their ground and fight in defense of a herd, foals, or even other species. Unicorns are not more prone to Smarty behavior, but are often used as Toughies due to their horns.

While they are still relatively weak in musculature, the horn itself is made from Keratin similar to those, and they can be rather sharp if allowed to grow to a point. This enables the horn to regrow if broken, but it is living tissue, and such a thing is excruciatingly painful.

The horns are capable of slightly piercing human skin with a determined charge, and are sometimes used as weapons against other fluffies.

Domestic Unicorns tend to make good pets, as they will bond strongly to a human master and obey them without question, similar to a dog. Micro unicorns can produce showers of heatless, colored sparks from their horns. The horns of full-sized unicorns require gentle filing, something the creatures find pleasing.


Pegasus are more slender than their brother fluffies, but are the most durable of the lot. They possess hollow, bird-like bones that are extremely strong due to a lattice-like molecular structure, enabling them to survive harsher treatment than other fluffies. Pegasi are athletic, bold, and confident. This is a double-edged sword, as while this behavior leads them to be good food finders and their athleticism and durability allows greater survival, they also tend to take more risks, like asking humans for food outright, or approaching unknown items or creatures.

Domestic pegasi are frequently difficult to train, as they exhibit impulsive, excitable behavior that sometimes leads to accidental deaths.


The basic fluffy is a stout, round creature weighing in at 4 to 5 pounds. These creatures are stocky, with short legs, and soft, velvet like fur. The Earthy is considered the entry-level fluffy, and for good reason. Is is relatively resistant to illness and injury, and while it is a type possessed of slightly more common sense, it is virtually unheard of for them to have smarty syndrome. Females have an average rate of bitch-mare, about 10%.

The Earthie is a simple, lovable, easily trained, and typically obedient pet. They come in virtually any color, and there are a variety of designer subtypes, like angora, curly, and hypoallergenic.


Winged-Unicorn types are considered vastly superior. These are very rare, but less than in other canons, due to dedicated breeding being popular for them. They are extremely intelligent, on par with a human, and capable of understanding difficult concepts. This intelligence is hereditary, and will pass to their offspring.

Many fluffies are terrified of them, and rather than kill them, they will flee. If stuck in a confined space, they will usually remain terrified of the newborn alicorn, but it will nurse as they are too scared to dislodge it. Most fluffies firmly believe Alicorns have supernatural powers, and that attempting to mistreat or harm them directly will result in immediate death to them and their foals, as such, they attempt to avoid them.

Feral Alicorns are rare, but when they occur, they invariably end up leading the herd they find a home in due to massive superiority of strength, size, speed, durability, and intellect.

Some domestic Alicorns can cost over $1,000 USD based on coat type and colors, and can grow up the size of an adult beagle. They are strong in accordance to their size, and never suffer bitch mare, smarty, or SBS.

Fluffy Sub-species:


Do not exist. Can’t figure out a way to make them interact with everything else.

Bowl Fluffies:

Exist, in the wild, and in captivity. Unafraid of water, and typically evasive of humans, this species prefers to dwell in areas of lakes and streams. They avoid salt-water instinctively, and are extremely afraid of any body of water that contains “deviw fishies.” I.E. Pickerel, Pike, and other large, predatory freshwater fish.


Don’t exist, cute, but not really sure what I’d do with them.


Exist, very popular as pets, due to refinements in the genetic sequencing allowing them to live as long as a normal fluffy, but taking up much less space and resources.


Do not exist, will never exist, Furries Delenda Est.

Cannibal fluffies:

Eh…….sorta kinda? They’re not a subtype, rather, they are simply fluffies who, out of starvation or madness, consume their dead or those weaker than them, usually foals or the already sick and dying. This is very rare, but most often occurs in winter among so called “Bad Smarties.”


I don’t even know what the fuck these are, honestly.



Creator of fluffies. The creatures were intentionally created to be “The perfect pet”, but escaped, largely unfinished, resulting in the wholesale proliferation of Fluffy-kind upon the earth. Fluffies were placed, pre-sale date, at locations across America and Europe. Due to being kept in substandard conditions, the fluffies managed to escape shoddy holding, and due to explosive breeding, flourished in the wild.

The company is out of business due to the sheer shitshow of economic and agricultural damage this caused prompting billions of dollars in lawsuits.


The premier company for Fluffy care in my world is FluffMart. They were founded by the original biologists behind the laboratory creation of Fluffies, who resigned after the creatures were kept in squalid conditions by Hasbio. As a result, they offer everything from basic supplies to their own accredited university for various fluffy-related sciences. Due to serving as shelters, they are widespread, and widely considered a secure, well-paid job. They do not sell dedicated abuse products, but other stores that do so exist, and often are located nearby. While the law does not require humane treatment of fluffies, categorizing them as Bio-Toys instead of living things, Company policy demands kind treatment of the creatures……with the exception of smarties, bitch-mares, and foal-enfing freaks.


A simple TV channel developed by FluffMart University graduates, specializing in programming for the education, entertainment, and enrichment of domestic fluffies. Programming has a marked effected in decreasing smarty behavior, bitch-mare syndrome, and other negative traits. It is widely considered the gold standard of fluffy entertainment.


The shitty knock-off of FluffMart, this place is bad news. The fluffies are often kept in unhealthy conditions, resulting in disease outbreaks that sometimes sicken humans. The technicians are usually those who failed FluffMart University’s classes, and need to pay off student loans. There is very little you cannot have done to a fluffy at one of their “Medical facilities.”, from pillowing without anesthetic, blinding, tearing out tongues, or rendering a fluffy “Derped.”


Frankly, a lot of people find fluffies cute and cannot bear to harm them unless they’re being awful little shits. This leads to a pretty decent split of opinion: Hugboxers love and cherish good fluffies, often taking them as pets, or getting careers with them.


And then there’s the people who have to deal with smarty herds. Some people just don’t like the things, or see them as a useful outlet for stress. This is perfectly legal, AS LONG AS the fluffy is either wild on their property, or they legally own it. Killing ferals off of one’s property is a criminal offense carrying a steep fine for creating a potential health hazard, and harming a fluffy that is owned by another person is a felony carrying a stiff sentence. That being said, there is very little if any social stigma against killing fluffies that invade one’s yard or otherwise make a nuisance of themselves without good reason.

Smarty abuse, bitch-mare killing, and the wholesale destruction of other asshole types of fluffy are encouraged, accepted, and seen as a good thing.


The default position. Most people simply ignore fluffies that do minor annoyance behavior. A mare rooting through one’s trash is annoying, but if you can’t put the bags in a can, what does one expect? If the fluffy didn’t get it, the raccoons would. Similarly, most of the public doesn’t want to commit to the time necessary to evict or dispose of a feral that’s not making a serious problem, and so it’s left alone. Generally, parents looking after foals, pregnant mares, and other such things are overlooked and given something of a pass by the public. Not to say abuse does not happen, but most people don’t care enough to kill a fluffy when they need to properly dispose of the carcass, nor do they want to adopt it, and so it’s simply allowed to do whatever it’s doing, with the knowledge it will leave eventually, or can be shooed off with a broom.

Abilities, diet, physiology and psychology:


Micro unicorns can create sparks of heatless, multi-colored light from their horns. Alicorns can sometimes discharge firework like balls of light, which do not produce heat, similar to Saint Elmo’s fire.


Pegasi cannot fly. Some can glide very short distances. Alicorns are sometimes capable of unassisted flight, even during storm-like conditions.


Most fluffies exhibit a strong caution of water. It is genetically coded for them to do so, however, not all of them will have the screaming, panicking fits when near it. This is a somewhat uncommon trait found in those that are closely related to the 1st generation of escaped fluffies. Their fear is well-founded, as ordinary fluffies, no matter the type, cannot swim and in fact are negatively buoyant, sinking rapidly. It is possible to overcome even the catatonic, screaming fear state with repeated exposure to water. Acclimating one’s fluffy to bathing is expected of decent owners.


The coat of a fluffy is known, appropriately, as “fluff”. This is a fiber with a texture not unlike the fur of the domestic chinchilla. It’s extremely soft, and insular, providing warmth in cold, and cool in heat. Fluff is not water retardant, in fact it readily soaks up moisture, which leads to fluffies sinking rapidly in water as they become sodden and heavy. Fluff cleans easily with a small amount of moisture, and can come in any color, or an assemblage thereof. Fluffies are extremely attached to their own soft coats, and having fluff removed will cause them distress. Without fluff, a fluffy can easily contract hypothermia.


Fluffies are extremely voracious eaters, and will devour nearly anything if hungry enough. Most fluffies in domestic settings will consume kibble, which is a specially formulated food made of dried, compressed plant matter. These kibbles come in many flavors, from grass, to spaghetti, to fruit. Kibble is also sold in a nutritious, but foul tasting “Bad fluffy” kibble. In the wild, Fluffies will readily consume any edible plant matter, and are easily able to determine if food is toxic or not. However, they lack the ability to control themselves, and if starving, they may consume poisonous, contaminated, or rotting material out of desperation. Fluffies have surprisingly strong stomachs, and can digest virtually any non-toxic, organic material. Naturally, all Fluffies like Spaghetti, and will instinctively consume it if presented.

Teeth and Jaws:

Fluffy teeth are surprisingly hard, but also brittle, making them weak. They can consume things as hard as Tree bark, but anything harder will strain their weak jaw muscles. The hardest food they can bite into without risk of damaging their teeth and jawbones are the “meat” of walnuts. Getting at this rare foodstuff requires luck, and often thievery.


Will trigger labor. Can be used to induce a Dam to give birth at a specific time. Will cause miscarriages and premature birth if mishandled. Uniquely, Fluffies do not recognize the threat this plant poses, and if unaware of what it is, will consume it readily.


The outside of hooves is hard, and shiny, but somewhat flexible, and is made of Keratin, the same as human fingernails. The pad of the hoof is a leathery, soft pad that develops callouses with use. These pads are often called “Marshmallow hooves.”, and are unable to harm humans. The Hoof is roughly C shaped, and can grasp things, most principally either a baby, or a mother’s fluff.

Hearing, Smell, and Eyesight:

Eyesight is equal to a human with 20/20 vision, and sometimes degrades with age or disease.

Smell is sharper than humans, similar to a pig, however, Fluffies are not intelligent enough to distinguish different types of smells beyond vague categories of “Smells pretty” “Doesn’t smell pretty.” “Smells like fluffy” “smells like human” and “Smells like not fluffy.”

Hearing: Actually extremely good, similar to a dog. Fluffies are capable of hearing a car door close outside their home from inside a safe room, with a TV playing.


Fluffies are, generally speaking, not very bright. While they are kind, empathetic, and loving creatures, they are not usually very smart. The exceptions to this are ferals, who by necessity, only the more intelligent survive, or Alicorns and those of their blood. The average domestic fluffy, or Smarty-Syndrome feral, are too dumb to feel fear until told they will imminently die. Domestic fluffies have been known to walk up to aggressive dogs and attempt to hug them. This ends with a dead fluffy, and a messy dog.


Fluffies, in domestic settings, live a very long time, usually between 15 and 20 years. Alicorns live longer, having an existence as long as a human lifespan, or longer in some cases.

Death sense:

Fluffies have an uncanny ability to sense their own incoming death by old age. The method by which they do this is unknown, but elderly fluffies can tell they are close to death, despite not really understanding the concept. They are able to articulate “Wast Bwite time comin’” but not explain any further. When this behavior manifests, it usually results in the fluffy insisting on sleeping next to their owner, or loved ones, eating favorite foods, watching favorite media, and listening to favorite music. They wish to spend the end of their lives with those they love most, and form happy memories for them to be remembered.

Diseases and Conditions:

Smarty Syndrome:

NOTE: Most herds have a “Smarty-fwiend”. This is a selected leader of the herd, and does not relate to smarty syndrome. Smarty Friends are legitimately intelligent creatures that care for their herd at the expense of themselves.

Caused directly as a result of bitch-mare syndrome prompting a “bestest babbeh!” to be chosen, this mental condition is best described as the opposite of normal fluffy behavior. The average fluffy is kind, friendly, loving, cares for others, and considers everything to be it’s friend until proven otherwise. Smarties, however, are cruel, abrasive, cold, narcissistic, and physically aggressive. There is no “curing” smarty syndrome, as it’s an entrenched behavior, and the best solution for it is a swift, violent, and ideally painful, death.

Sensitive Baby Syndrome (SBS):

An uncommon disorder present at birth, and caused by unknown factors, SBS renders a fluffy unable to develop mentally beyond the “Chirpy” state. While the foal will open it’s eyes, develop teeth enough to consume soft solids, and use a litterbox or “poopie cownew”, they will never speak, instead chirping and peeping like a baby. They also tend to be afraid of playing with others, preferring to cuddle, hug, nurse, and sleep. Many of these afflicted foals also are stunted in growth, and will stop growing around the size of a large guinea pig. They are often extremely chubby due to their lifestyle, but it doesn’t seem to cause health issues.

SBS fluffies are noted for sever anxiety, fear, and distress when separated from their mother, father, siblings, or a human caregiver. They can grow to trust new individuals, but it requires the individual to be gentle, soft-spoken, and extremely patient. Mares and siblings will care for, and protect, the “Sensitibe babbeh” to a great degree, and attempt to shield them from distress and harm.

Rarely, an SBS fluffy will grow to full size. These are highly prized by daycares, shelters, and fluffmart vets, as they are exceedingly gentle and good at caring for foals, being called “Big Babbeh Fwiends”, and beloved by foals and adult fluffies alike.

Bitch-Mare Syndrome:

This is a mental disorder that occurs in mares for unknown reasons. Upon becoming pregnant, the mare will become demanding, emotionally manipulative, and gluttonous. Upon giving birth, the mare will select a baby to be the “Bestest”, all other babies being called “Gud”, and any poorly colored babies being denoted “Ugwy” or “Poopie.” The Bestest will be praised, fed huge amounts of milk and food, and encouraged to exhibit the same demanding, abusive, and greedy behavior as it’s mother.


Being a Runt is typically caused by genetic disorder, which causes the foal to not develop properly. These babies “No smeww pwetty.” to their mother, and usually die shortly after birth. The birth of a runt usually result in sadness, as the “Wittewest babbeh.” is often found cute, and the mother will try to desperately lick it clean, feed it, and hug it health.

This rarely, if ever, works.


Non-feral fluffies are typically afraid of the dark. Ferals are used to it. All there is to it.


Ave, Mars be with you.

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While I haven’t actually seen it used anywhere, what about making seafluffs that are amphibious?
This would allow them to interact with land based Fluffies while their ability to live in water would probably allow for scenes/stories that wouldn’t otherwise be possible.

Fluffalos would work as a variation of earthies, being slightly larger and more bulky/muscled than normal earthies, with a denser bone structure (especially around their skull) but less intelligence.

As for Jellenheimers, they are typically considered to be some sort of Eldritch creature that likes to eat, kill, or basically torment Fluffies.