The sorry ball (carniviousduck)


Now that you mention it, the basic idea behind Pokemon IS pretty fucked up, isn’t it?


Please force it back into the cosplay ball and crush it in the process of closing the ball. Something along the lines if a fluffy seeing the show, begging for a costume, being awful about it, and then being crushed like squeezing a lemon wedge inside the ball.


that’s an interesting concept
now make it full of spikes inside


Keep up that attitude and your ass is gonna be BuIba-SOAR ~Cracks sorry stick~


Or it’s Iike a pokebaII and it starts out smaII and then gets big before throw/capture etc. But UnIike a pokebaII you can make it smaII again after somethings inside.


You think Pokémon is fucked up? You’ve never played SMT.

And SMT actually came first, so…

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Oh I loooooove this, do a whole series of them in their own little barely-translucent balls, and make them fight :smiling_imp:

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It’s a blood less animal fighting ring yes.

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I need to search the net for pokemon abuse.

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It doesn’t help that I’m having a Pokemon phase lately lol

I washed my hands of the Pokémon franchise after Sun, and started checking out ROM hacks instead.

I’ve been playing a lot of Pokémon Clover lately. It’s actually a really impressive ROM hack, technically speaking. And has some legitimately good designs.


Personally I’m in the middle of Emerald, playing it on a mobile emulator :stuck_out_tongue: I’m loving it so far!

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Yeah, Clover’s sense of humor isn’t for everyone. It was made by people on 4chan, what did you expect? But if you can appreciate, or at least tolerate that kind of humor, it’s definitely worth playing. It’s got lots of good music, it’s much more challenging, pretty much every mon is viable, and there’s a bunch of features from later gens. Plus, again, it’s an impressive piece of work.

You’ll probably figure out exactly what you’re in for by your first trainer encounter.

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Sorry im gonna have to ask ive spent a good 20mins now trying to figure it out

What is SMT :sob:

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Shin Megami Tensei. You know the Persona games? SMT is the series that’s a spin-off of.

Oh ive never played Persona, i would of been stuck all day trying to figure that out :blush:

You know how Christians in the 90s flipped their shit because they thought Pokémon was satanic?

Yeah, they’d have a field day with SMT.

No one cared about Persona and/or SMT until the 3rd game or when the 4th and 5th games came out in which people were reminded of the 3rd game. :frowning:

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As I have pointed out, it’s a wonder that they have a presence outside Japan at all.

A game with recruiting and summoning demons and God being one of the main villains simply would not fly in 1990s “da pekamangz r da debil!!!1111!!!1!1!” America. The fundamentalists wouldn’t stop long enough to listen to the explanation that Pokémon evolution has more in common with metamorphosis than Darwinian evolution. If they took one look at SMT, they’d burn Atlus’ American offices to the fucking ground before you could get a word out.