What a great guy this Samuel Henzbergz is, helping out the people and the community, so they don’t pay Hasbio’s extortionist prices.
I’d be like “Okay, cool… is he fine with being petted by strangers?
And if it was no… (respectful resignation)
You have to win Ceasar’ trust first.
Well, of course. I mean… I’m a cat person, and I’d pet any cat I meet, but I respect that most kitties don’t want a stimky hooman stranger to randomly start touching them.
So… if I’m willing to not try to pet cats, which are some of my absolute fave animals, then I’m pretty sure that I’m not willingly gonna bother a creature I’m not even familiar with at all. xD
Oh shit, it’s Hunk!
good design
so how m,any humans or fluffies have to die for that to happen???
Nah since he became Samuel’s pet and friend he won’t react unless that person or fluffy do something stupid.