I am going to enjoy watching that hellgremlin die.
Caleb? That’s an oddly human name for creature that looks to be made of pure darkness
They tend to adopt human name once they reach this dimension for adapting. Or will adopt the corpse they possess.
Since their real names are like zak, gorn, mav etc.
Lmao nice
As I suspected. These poor bastards were prisoners in their own bodies. And the specialist let them all be brutally eaten alive even after taking out the horn. Specialist in lack of foresight is what he is.
Well it wasn’t sure if effects will wears off so its too late to know most are under the smarty’s influence, thats why they willing to be eaten basically their life is meaningless anyway by now. Which most before willing to kill him.
Eh, it wasn’t exactly hard to figure it out in the first place. Only one with a glowing, unnatural horn. Unnatural aggressiveness and behaviour. Honestly, even without that knowledge it was painfully obvious they were dependent on their leader. Cut the head off, and the body dies.
Moreso, I had hoped some would be spared, since he himself had witnessed some mares being forced to work for the herd.
Either way, what’s done is done. Tomorrow is another day.
Sooo… either draaks have a secondary human name because their own personal names are too complex or abstract…
Ooooor draaks straight up often have normal names like “Caleb” xD
Better safe then sorry in my opinion kill it these things say all kinds of promises or anything to be kept alive 9x out of 10
Hm… have you tried using warp daemon names for them, because that might be better fitting for them. Like Skirzeth Hellgrip, Grorreth Goremaster, or Strengriz Boneshade.
Some of the older gen Draaks have weird eldrtich names thats is stress nightmare to say. Some willing to adapt a human name out of just want to be different, so down the line of the generation most have human names.
Except the Draak Samuel made a deal with. He have an ancient name.
Oh sone still have those, only Caleb here just into human name he chose that ever since he was kid.
That might be the case for these three.
But earlier on, the “specialist” used a drone to scout the barn. Looking at the scene, it looked pretty damn clear that some fluffies were being held captive.
Those weren’t lying. Those were innocent.
Basically a hostage situation where the attackers fire indiscriminately.
For someone who has a shelter/farm for fluffies, it’s pretty damn weird to act like this, especially when he is shown to have inside knowledge of the horn’s working.
Just pointing out some minor inconsistencies, nothing earth-shattering.
Regardless, as I’ve previously said, what’s done is done.
We don’t need no Smarty, let the motherfucker burn.
Burn motherfucker, burn.
Yeap! He gonna have to feel their wrath and anger first.
Funnily, thats my real name.
Okay, so the dark beings eating the fluffies are just the best thing ever. Well, besides my cats and jelliheimers.
So each draak has a name? And the one called Caleb? squeals I want to squeeze him tightly in a huge ol’ bear hug. Maybe squeeze his cheeks some. Sorry, he cute
Goddamn smarty! At least the rest regret what they did.
A few recovered from the control and they want blood!