The Specialist # 32 [by: FallenAngel]

Yet you spelled ‘Boo’ or ‘Boo boo’, that both have actual meaning in US English, as “Bubu”, so I trust you will understand why it was strange to me.

Yes, I have read this comic since the first page.

No, I will not google your dubious statements to see if it’s some meme du jour.

I will thank you not to call me paranoid as I find it offensive.


@Fluffus @A-S
do you understand?


Yeah, was simply arguing that here there doesn’t seem to be a clear cut good guys vs bad guys per se, as the specialist is far from a hero character.

My bad for mispelling Boo Boo, since that seemingly made him think I was trying to be offensive, when that simply was a way of saying “do what you feel like doing”.

No harm done, this could have been easily resolved if he had actually cared to discuss it in PM as to not make everyone following this post have 29 notifications about two guys discussing tropes.


Theeeere we go. Lil’ shit finally ain’t so cocky.


the presence of bad smarty automatically makes everyone on the other side a hero. that’s just how bad smarties work


Oh ok lol. I can’t wait for “space nazis from the other moon vs evil smarties” then.

In all seriousness, the smarty WAS a huge prick here.



That smarty could’ve been used in more productive work, now beaten and broken by dime-a-dozen shitrats.

It is enough to make a grown man cry over such waste.

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I found hilarious how they’re indignated for do such horrible things and they show it by doing it again! x’DDDD
The smarty is suffering so it’s fine this time <3


Another asshole fluff joins Eggplant in hell. :laughing:


Sweet justice!

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Very human of them. Revenge is very alluring.


my only issue, as a third party watching all this go down, is that
The back button exists and it costs zero dollars to not be condescending and rude to a storyteller and artist


I wonder if the General is a mid level Elder Being, or a lower level one seeking to become mid level by fighting another lower level Elder Being like Drakks. Or lamer yet, a lowest level Elder who thought that they’re the only one that has influence on the Mortal Plane; a pity for it, because it will be killed by Drakks for toying with the Mortal Plane with the known laws, curses, bindings, and more against a beginner Elder Being.

Either way, this is very cool, seeing now The Specialist is at least a Journeyman Jellenmancer by my guess.

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Thats right ya smug shit rat for everything you done. You lose your balls, your dignity, everyone hated and finally turned on you. There is no momma for you because of what you done. Your the munsta that fluffies fear and no momma would love a fucking monster like you!

Holy fuck that was way nastier than I thought. o-o.


God damn this is why I love your work ya just characterize fluffies like actual characters. Ya made the smarty so hateable yet competent enough that seeing him lose and be brought so damn low, reverting to foal like cries for momma…HHMNGRH GOD ITS FUCKING SATISFYING!


Little bitch deserved it

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Sadly the general a just your typical fat, tobacco smokin warfreak human…:expressionless:

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Oh he will more :smiling_imp: