The Tale Of Giovanni Rossi Or: How I learned To Stop Worrying And Love Being Reincarnated As A Fluffy Chapter 1 part 2 Stranger In A Strange Land (FluffySadist)


When I came out I landed on the floor in a pile of shit! It was so fucking DISGUSTING! I think I was the last one out I felt so cold only being helped the shit and that I was surrounded by my other ‘Siblings’ that were all peeping and not just that! I was fucking starving as well. I heard my ‘mummah’ speak “nu wowwy Babbehs Mummah hewe! Got wots of miwkies an’ wub an’ huggies!” Than only a few seconds later I heard what sounded like a Camera and another voice “Look Fluff Fam! My fluffy SeaWeed finally gave Birth! Look at all the cute chirpies! If this TikTok gets 100,000 likes in 24 hours ill make an update Peace!” By the way she sounded I didn’t like her already. ugh she was one of those fucking ‘influencers’ I heard her speak “Seaweed didn’t I fucking tell you not to give birth on my carpet! There’s fucking shit everywhere!” I heard my ‘mummah’ Seaweed speaks. “Sowwy Mummah nu did mean to make bad poopies of wug. It was accident pwease nu gib owwies tu Seaweed nebah make bad poppies again!” The influencer speaks “You’re lucky you and you’re foals make me so much fucking money. I should get a good price for them. expect for the shit colored one.” Just than I was picked up by the Influencer! I squirmed around I tried to speak but every time I just peeped and peeped. Than she started to wipe me with a warm cloth and spoke. “This one has a nice orange coat I wonder what his mane will be? Nah shouldn’t worry much ill still make a profit even if it’s not that good” I had no idea what the fuck was going on but once she was finished she put me down and grabbed another one of my siblings. Than I heard my ‘mummah’ speak. “Come babbeh hab wots of miwkies!”

instinctually without even thinking about it I grappled on to one of her tits her and started suckling. This went on for a few minutes drinking as much milk as fucking possible. I could feel another one of my siblings suckling on the other tit than I heard my ‘mummah’ " ♪Mummah wubs Babbehs. Babbehs wub Mummah dwink wots of miwkies gwow big an’ stwong♪" than I felt my ‘mummah’ push me away to make room for another one of my siblings I was so fucking furious! I wish I could do something but any time I tried my body just refused! At least I wasn’t hungry anymore. Than I heard her voice again “Nu! poopie babbehs nu get miwkies!” I heard a slap than the sound of one of my siblings peeping in pain. She spoke again “Onwy pwetty babbehs an’ bestest Babbeh get miwkies! Poopie babbehs onwy num poopies!” Damn what a fucking bitch! I started to have a tired feeling so with my eyes still closed and being pretty cold. So after awhile I found my mothers fluff and fell asleep.

The next few days Things remained completely the same just me and my siblings doing the same cycle over and over again sleeping, drinking and shitting. I couldn’t see anything and anytime I tried to talk all that would come out were peeps! And the influencer I think I caught her name once Isabelle I think would just take fucking pictures and post videos. Ugh I fucking hated this life I hated being like this! After some time later finally I was able to open my eyes and see the world infront of me. The room that I was in was a bright multicolored room. Looking over a saw my ‘Mummah’ She had a bright blue fur with dark green hair. I had 3 other siblings there was a pink haired one a fucking fat bright blue one and a brown one that looked starved and I think I was the orange one Isabelle talked about. None of them had opened there eyes yet and my ‘mummah noticed I was the first to open them and spoke “Babbeh open see-pwaces! Su happy!” She grabbed me and gave me a hug. Than I heard a small voice peeping. Me and my ‘mummah’ looked in the voices direction. There my fat blue sibling had finally opened his eyes and stood looking like he was about to cry and opening his arms. I was dropped instantly hitting the floor as my ‘mummah’ ran to him speaking as she did "nu cwy bestest’ babbeh! Mummah hewe!"

THAT FUCKING BITCH! dammit! Getting up I left and with my eyes now open I went to go explore the room. There were toys everywhere and large towers to climb the entire place seemed so big and endless like an alien world than I heard Isabelle’s voice. As she came in looking at my ‘mummah I looked at here and Isabelle spoke. “Seaweed goddamnit! You need to feed all you’re foals equally. If there underfed nobody is going to fucking buy them!” Wow just by looking at her you knew why she had such a large following. Her tittties were fucking massive! Damn if only you were still a human fuck! You’re mummah’ speaks. “Bestest’ babbeh nee’ bestes’ miwkies to gwow big an’ stwong!” Isabelle speaks “I don’t give a shit! You better start feeding them equally or ill just buy a new mare and you’ll be thrown in the fucking garbage!” My ‘mummah’ speaks “NUUUUUUU SEAWEED AM GUD FWUFFY!” She begins to sob and Isabelle leaves.

And just as I look back and I see my poopie brother. He was in a dark corner lying down his eyes they had just opened but were already full of tears. I could see his ribcage and spine I admit I felt pretty bad and decided to try to speak “'ou otay?” FINALLY! it seems like my body is getting more and more under my control! I don’t know why I speak like that though ugh. They turn there head now looking at me and speak. “nu hab anythin’ nu mowe nu wub nu mowe wife nu mowe Sawah hu hu hu! Why do 'ou cawe ‘ou dont eben know what im tawkin’ about!” Wait No it couldn’t be! Holy shit! Jackie he was reincarnated with me? I had to see if this was true and not some sort of hallucination from insanity or some shit so I spoke his name. “JACKIE!” He now looked at me him now with is eyes completely open with of look of pure shock and spoke “GIOBANNI!” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part of this story done after I finish with a Last Hope part so around a week from now. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.




Oh, boy, this is fucked up. I like it!

I suspect Isabelle and Seaweed are going to have some little “accidents” when Gio and Jackie are big enough to escape.


Dying and being reborn as a fluffy is fucking terrible like


This is gonna be peak. Keep cooking.

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one I like have like an anime you need to mention your owners fat tits, tip of the hat my good sir. and please OMG gaslight the shit out of everyone and kill your bitch wife Sarah when she inevitably pops up again.
normally I’m not for the bad guy but PLEASE go all out , rule the safe room, have fun and find a way into your owner’s cleavage (for fluffy science of course)