The Tale Of Giovanni Rossi Or: How I learned To Stop Worrying And Love Being Reincarnated As A Fluffy Chapter 1 part 3 The Untouchables (FluffySadist)


“GIOBANNI! HOW AM DIS EBEN POSSIBWE!” Jackie started to walk in circles he started to repeat himself “OH FUCK! OH FUCK!” Getting tired of this shit I speak “Jackie cawm dah heww down!” Just then Jackie sits down and starts to cry “oh god Sawah iww nebah see hew again! iww nebah get to howd my babbehs! FUCK!” I slap Jackie across his fucking face and speak. “Jackie c’mon! we nee’ to think about what wewe goin’ to do nao!” Jackie speaks wiping tears from his eyes “do what! that Fuckin bitch hates me! I nebah get anythin’ to num! am goin’ to Fuckin die any day nao!” Jackie puts his head in his hoofs and I speak “heww Fuckin nu ‘ou awen’t! Jackie am stiww apawt of dah famiwy! Eben though weabe been weincawnated. Am not goin’ to wet one of my empwoyees die to some Fuckin bitch! Su am 'ou wiff me Jackie!” You wait in silence for a few seconds Jackie still hadn’t responded. Feeling disappointed I sighed and started to turn around and just as I started doing that Jackie spoke "Giobanni wait! Fine am in! What do we do nao boss?

[Jackie Has Joined The Family]

you smirk to yourself as you look at Jackie “fiwst things fiwst wet’s get somethin’ to num especiawwy somethin’ fo’ 'ou.” You knew it was going to be hard to get food for Jackie none of you’re or his teeth had come in yet. So You had to find a way for Jackie to drink the whores milk. Than it came to you… An idea it had to work! You speak. “Jackie stay hewe I think I hab an idea!” Jackie nods and you begin to walk. Than after not going that far you see her you’re ‘mummah’ she was with you’re now… Holy fucking shit! Morbidly obese blue brother and pink sister. He was half awake while you’re sister was asleep than you’re ‘Mummah’ noticing you spoke “what babbeh wan?” you speak “Babbeh hab wowstes’ hab tummy owwies! nee’ miwkies!” Ugh you hated speaking like that! The mare responds. “weww otay’ babbeh buh not much. bestest babbeh needs wots of miwkies to gwow big an’ stwong.” You started to drink the milk at first it was for you but once you felt full you started to fill you’re mouth with as much milk as possible. Once you finished you were able to get out with you’re ‘mummah’ falling asleep as you were drinking.

Once back Jackie looked at you with starving eyes. Looking for a place to put the milk you and Jackie eventually climbed a small ramp where there was a bowl. Spitting all the milk out Jackie started franticly drinking it you speak. “How About we Nebah teww I ebah did dis got it.” Jackie looks up for a second and nods than goes back. You knew just by looking at how much milk was in the bowl it wasn’t going to be enough you speak “am goin’ to see if I can get mowe stay hewe.” Jackie looks up and speaks “fank 'ou su much boss!” I look at Jackie and speak “am wewcome. An aftah aww of dis I wan’ to tawk to 'ou.” I headed back to my ‘Mummah’ she and my siblings were still sleeping so I got the milk and headed back. Once I did the bowl was empty so spitting out the milk Jackie began drinking again. Heading back once more they were still sleeping but as I was getting the last drops I head a voice "Babbeh that enough miwkies fo’ nao. " She was awake but didn’t sound mad she must have still thought I was drinking because I was hungry. dumbass! quickly I headed back there I spitted out the milk again and noticing when Jackie drank he was a lot slower which I felt was a good sign. Relaxing for a bit I was getting ready to tell Jackie of my plan but just than. I head heavy footsteps climb up and approach us and looking to see who it is I saw my blue brother with a face of pure rage.

“MIWKIE THIEFS BOFF OF 'OU! STEAW BESTEST BABBEH MIWKIES!” Fuck! He must have followed us dammit! I speak “get wost dis has nothin’ to do wiff 'ou!” The Blue Foal than hits Jackie with his hoof causing him to fall back and get a small bruise. I speak now enraged “FUCK OU!” I slap him across his fat face he shouts “BESTEST BABBEH HATE BWUDDAH’S!” He throws me against the wall causing a small bruise. How am I going to take this fucking guy with all of his fucking fat he was almost twice the size of me! I only had one advantage that being my speed as I was able to dodge his attack with ease and even get a punch in. “FUCK! JACKIE WHEWE AM OU!” Damn I felt exhausted I got punched again with my blue brother raising his hoofs he spoke “WOWSTES’ BWUDDAH GO FOWEBAH SWEEPIES!” Just than I saw Jackie run past me at full sprint. The blue foal got rammed at full speed and as that happened the blue foal was forced on his hind legs and under the immense weight they broke immediately and he tripped falling down the ramp with us hearing a loud crack when he got down.

“SCREEEEEEEE! HEWP! HEWP! NU FEEW WEGGIES! MUMMAH BESTEST’ BABBEH NEE’ HUGGIES HAB WOWSTES’ HUWTIES EBAH!” The blue baby could only move his head and was vomiting blood everywhere before passing out. Than we could hear our ‘Mummah’ running fearing for her reaction we quickly found a dark place to hide as she got there. “BESTEST BABBEH NUUUUUUUUUU!” Just then Isabelle had run in hearing all the commotion she spoke “SEAWEED WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!” I saw her pick up the blue foal “Shit! He’s fucking dead! Why didn’t you pay attention! YOU FUCKING SHITRAT!” Isabelle kicks Seaweed’s sobbing face breaking several teeth and causing her nose to bleed and to be honest it was pretty nice to watch. Seaweed speaks “SEAWEED SOWWY! PWEASE SABE BESTEST’ BABBEH! HUHUHUHUH!” Isabelle speaks “There’s nothing I can do he’s already dead!” Isabelle takes the blue baby and throws him in the trash as Seaweed follows her sobbing as she does. When the coast is clear we come out and Jackie speaks “to be honest I nu did know I had dah stwengff in me!” I respond “'ou shouwd of towd me! Buh thanks anyways…” Jackie speaks “su what did ‘ou wan’ to teww me?” Damn I almost forgot! I speak “Jackie I think 'ou know we cant stay hewe. Dis pwace am Fucking nonstop insanity! Su I decided wewe goin’ to escape.” Fin

Thank you for reading my story! I hope to have the next part done in at least a week. And of course constructive criticism is appreciated.


“We in da disposaw business dese days. We dispose ob fwuffies wike 'ou.”




overmilking bestest usually result in limb’s atrophy it would be fun to see it more


God damn. This is actually pretty riveting.

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