The taming of the mare PART 3 (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

My wife and I watch the Hogfather special every Christmas, right after the first two Harry Potter films because they have a very strong christmasy vibe.


I had to do a double take, because I did not think you typed “flashlight” at first lmao

That’s adorable, and I love it. :sparkling_heart: My dad and I used to watch Christmas Vacation every year. It’s not Pratchett, but it was really nice.

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My family used to watch the Oliver Twist musical, and Wallace & Gromit around Christmas.

They are both completely non-christmas themed and yet they both trigger something very cozy, familiar and nostalgic in my shriveled little britbong heart.

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Oh, yeah. I don’t celebrate Christmas beyond the extent that my family does, but I still like some of the movies. They take me back to being a tiny kid, and waiting for Santa. The best gifts were stocking gifts, no matter how small. I have no regrets about becoming a Jew, but there’s no holiday for adults quite like Giftmas when you’re a kid.

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I’m not a Christian either. I celebrate my own winter festivities like Yule. That being said, if I am invited over to a Christmas celebration then I’m more than happy to be part of it, as I consider the time of the year, regardless of anyone’s beliefs, to be one of making peace and building friendships. I think that’s what makes it so special for me.

Well… That and the mince pies.

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i liked this, very interesting take on psychological abuse!


Thank you, I wanted to write an abuse story where the abuser doesn’t just walk away with a full victory. Probably the best retaliation that Queenie could ever hope to give was to simply not feed the unhinged needs of Billie. In the end it just became something of a brutal but utterly pointless no-score-draw.


We need the Doomslayer to purge the craziness known as Billie before she grows worse. Maybe a machete or weed wacker.


Unfortunately, I already have another idea brewing for her in which she will get progressively worse.

Mandy is the story of someone trying to slowly make peace with who they are, while Billie is the story of the most toxic person you know slowly spiraling Into Hell.

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im christian but i don’t celebrate christmas either, funnily enough

christ was born during the summer solstice, christmas is literally yule lol. so i have no interest


these kinds of stories always bring me back to my parents desperately trying to use authority and manipulation to get me to stop being trans, oddly enough


I identify with your protagonist, most of my stories here I have published drunk, some of them I don’t even remember writing them.


I know the type. (HUG) There are too many of them where I live. Screw them and be your fantastic self.


Fucking ow the surgery and the ‘taking back’ of that surgery made me cross my legs. And I’ve read hours and hours of fluffy torture lmao

Love the mindfuck, it’s my favorite kind of abuse. It’s almost a shame that Freddy/Queenie didn’t break but fighting with compliance is something you don’t see often here. Makes him sorta admirable even, for much good his defiance did.

I also like that Billie ‘lost’ here. Makes for a more interesting twist.


and waking up on the floor is not as common as it used to be (I have a job) but it has happened to me.


¨As she got in her car and drove past the broken creature, she stopped, rolled down the window and watched it crawl itself into a nearby bush. It whimpered and cried loudly, hoping for love and mercy that would never come.¨

I don’t know why the need of the fluffies to be loved causes me an internal conflict, it should give me empathy, any living being does, but they don’t, it’s strange,


sorry to butt into someone else’s conversation, but I love the whole “death” saga. I love how he wrote it as a character. for me it is one of the best representations of the grim reaper that exists.


Thank you!

Also yeah, trust me, she will remember this loss and she will take it out on the next “project” as she gets progressively worse.


Did you ever see the animated version of soul music? It’s actually not too bad.