The taming of the mare PART 3 (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

Part 1 and 2 can be found right here.

Billie woke up on the kitchen floor, which in truth, was not an uncommon occurrence for her, but this early morning was different. Queenie laid beside her, unconscious and still upon her back with legs spead and with fresh mutilation on full display.

When Billie first saw it she could scarcely believe how good of a job she had done in her drunken state. Granted, it did not resemble much of a vagina… in fact it better resembled what you would find spinning in the window of a kebab shop with a two out of five on the health and cleanliness rating, after it been sliced into thin strips and stuffed into a pitta bread before then finally being smeared in an unhealthy dose of chunky sweet chilli sauce. Regardless of how the new sex organ may have appeared, it would send a very clear and powerful message to its new recipient once he had awoken.

Billie swapped out her outfit for one not soaked in cheap offbrand label booze and blood after hopping in the shower. As she stood there, lost in the warm steamy meditations of her morning sanctuary, she lingered upon the thought of what it was that she had actually done and more importantly, what she was trying to accomplish. Was forcing a sex change on a fluffy really how she got her kicks now? It almost seemed easier to explain her old habits, at least everyone got the concept heroin addiction, at least people felt a twinge of pity for you, coupled with their disgust. It wasn’t so cut and dry when it came to mutilating fluffies. Granted, Billie was long past the crying for help stage of whatever the fuck it was she was going through, and had been going through since she hit puberty. No, this was her thing and hers alone and no fucking shrinks, pills, or nights at the white room hotel could change what she was, because what she was was perfectly stable, at least as far as she was concerned.

Her conference for one was suddenly interrupted by continuing high-pitched screaming. Billie threw herself from her shower and tossed her new threads on, not even bothering to try and towel down the water that clung to her messy bobcut.

“who gives a fuck, don’t need it, my hair ain’t that short anyway” she mouthed as she rapidly got dressed and flung herself into the hall, down the stairs and into the kitchen.

There she was, Billie’s perfect mare, Queenie, sat on her rump and screaming with bloodshot eyes directly into the haphazardly sewn up slit that she once called her no no stick and special lumps, both gone forever.

“SCREEEEEEEEE! NU AM MAWE! NU NU NU NU NU NU NU!” She hollard in shock and disbelief, “HUUUUUWWWTIESSS!”.

Billie dropped to her knees and nuzzled her face into the ex-stallion’s neck.

“shhhhhh, it’s okay, you’re finally exactly what you wanted to be!” she coo’d at the nu-mare.

“H… H… Haytchu! Meanie munstah mummah! Am bwoken! Am munstah!” She cried out between tears, all the while pathetically flailing about in a sad attempt of hoping to strike one of her soft and padded hooves against her mother’s face.

All of that swiftly ended with one very hard grip across the throat.


“EEEeeeppp!” Queenie cried out as her bluster was all stolen and her fire extinguished.

The ex-stallion shriveled up as small as she could make herself, all the while a puddle of mixed yellow and red reached out around her on the floor.

“pwe… nu… h-huwt… ies…” Queenie wheezed out she battled to fill her lungs with fresh oxygen.

“THEN FUCKING SAY IT!” Billie demanded with the authority of a warrior queen, the might of an empress and the fire of one who would burn both Kingdoms to the ground for a mere minor inconvenience.

The tiny faux-equine’s eyes began to shrink, the vignette of black encircled the vision, all sounds became distant. With whatever last tiny speck of energy remained inside the creature, a tiny and almost unhearrable twin set of words escaped the mouth as the darkness set in.

“t-… tank… yew…”

And just like that, the grip was released and the world violently came flooding back to the broken biotoy.

The weeks went on and whatever masculine ego the mare had retained beforehand had now completely been extinguished. There was no name before, there was no identity before, only an obsessive desire to stay alive and if that meant undergoing mutilation and humiliation then so be it.

Billie on the other hand grew quite restless. Her new mare would simply agree to everything and anything that was asked of it now. There were no longer any questions, no longer any explosive outbursts, nothing. And worst of all is that Billie knew it was all a ruse. Queenie had figured out that acceptance of whatever was thrown in front of her was better than pushing against the grain, her inaction was her revenge, her acceptance was her refusal.

Billie silently snapped one evening as she came home and saw her perfect little lady, sitting right in the hallway, with her stupid fake grin, her false wagging tail and her eyes that revealed how truly hollow it all was.

There was no explanation, there would be no more games, Billie gripped the pretty pink pig-rat-pony by the head and dragged it kicking and screaming into her car.

“I’m not fucking having this! You will not stone wall me! You must think I’m one stupid cunt, don’t ya?” Billie seethed into the back of her car. And like usual the mare would give her nothing once she had calmed down from the initial shock of being lifted into the air by her mane.

The car stopped and Billie got out with a now completely limp Queenie, bearing a face of pure spiteful neutrality, like a pillow under her arm.

Billie bashed her fist against the door to the MacFeely pub… then it hit her. Mandy was gone, off on some holiday in Wales and her mum had pissed off to Gibraltar for the month. That meant that Frankie and far more importantly Creature were elsewhere right now. She couldn’t use the little yellow menace as a tool of torture to reignite the spark of fear that she once fed upon.

“FUCK! FUCKING CUNTING SHIT!” she screamed into the sky.

When Billie looked down, she saw it, Queenie looking up at her with that same fake smile, those same hollow eyes that glowed with a cold and hateful insincerity.

Billie stopped for a moment, she looked at the sky and seethed. She could feel it now, she had gone full circle. This toy brought her no more pleasure and even her fire had burned out, she couldn’t run on red hot fumes, not like her friend, she needed suffering and this creature refused to give it to her.

“Oi, Queenie… Ya want me to leave ya here… right now…” she asked, utterly disappointed and completely void of interest.

“nu uh, siwwy mummah! Queenie wub ye-”

“ANSWER ME TRUTHFULLY! NOW! THIS ISN’T A GAME ANYMORE, I WILL LET YOU GO!” she declared at the top of her lungs as she put down her once favourite toy.

Queenie looked up at her, scanning her face for any trickery, for even the slightest hint of this being another trap. It was a long pause as Queenie then looked down and contemplated the thoughts, then suddenly looked back up at her ex-owner and nodded.

“…yus… Wan gu…” she finally replied.

“good… that’s good…” Billie said as she stood there, her face empty of expression, fighting back a mix of emotions that she could not quite describe.

Billie watched as her creation turned around and slowly waddled away. She watched as that defeated and pathetic waddle slowly turned into a gallop, which in truth was still moving at a pathetic speed, one that indicated that hope and true expression had returned to the fluffy. That was when a small and sinister smirk planted itself on Billie’s face.

Queenie did not even have time to react when her face was smashed into the pavement and her neck was pinned by the familiar grip of Billie’s hand.

“NUUUU! WET GU! YEW PWOMIS! YEW WIE!” the kicking and flailing, screaming and re-animated creature accused.

“uh-uh-uh now! I’m still letting ya go, but I’m taking my gifts back!” she laughed before her fist suddenly and unceremoniously plunged into the barely healed wound between Queenie’s legs.


Billie felt around until her fingers could wrap around and grip every piece of stitching that she had placed inside of there to help with the healing process and keep it all stuck together. With one mighty twist of her wrist and a full body yank, she ripped out every last strand, and with it a sizable chunk of internal meat, before standing and kicking the wheezing and twitching eunuch away.

“took a while, but in the end I think we both got what we wanted… somewhat” Billie said coldly as she walked away.

As she got in her car and drove past the broken creature, she stopped, rolled down the window and watched it crawl itself into a nearby bush. It whimpered and cried loudly, hoping for love and mercy that would never come.

“and I had such high hopes for you…” Billie said callously to the barely breathing disappointment, and then she drove on.

-the end-

>>>Follow up story here<<<


It may not be the greatest ending but I wanted to wrap this one up quickly, as I have much bigger stories and much bigger plans for the future. Regardless, I hope everyone enjoyed this.


As much as I love this story, I can see an outsider getting hold of it and turning it into the “true” story of a “typical liberal parent” forcing their child to transition. I don’t know why that struck me, but I can’t make the thought go away.

Dear G-d, do I hate election years.

(Please laugh at me. It’ll help.)


I make an effort to try to keep politics away from my writing, I want to entertain people at the end of the day and I think there’s nothing less entertaining in the world than politics.

If I were to try and describe Billie’s mindset, she did this for no other reason then she found a very pretty male stallion with beautiful feminine colours and her twisted little mind saw an opportunity to utterly break this thing’s identity.


Oh, yeah, I know. I try to stay away from politics here, too, but fuck. I live in a state where I can be arrested for using my restroom of choice because I was born functionally sterile. It’s always at the back of my mind.

Gotta say, I’m really enjoying this overall series centred around the pub. It’s just the right flavour of crazy. :sparkling_heart:


Oof… Seems to me Billie is more broken than the biotoys she’s messing with. :no_mouth:

@DummehBabbeh Come to Sweden. We have smörgåstårta & don’t send people into crippling debt for needing medical attention. :people_hugging:


Sweden is on my list of holiday locations in the future, should I ever get out of debt. Lmao.

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Also recommend Norway. It’s equally beautiful. :smile_cat:

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YESSSSSS. I’ve wanted to visit all of Scandinavia for a while, and not just for the massive metal culture. :+1:

Is smörgåstårta related at all to Danish smörrebröd? Because I love those things. Sandwiches are happiness. :sparkling_heart:

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Pretty much all of my stories intersect in ways that aren’t intrusive but if you’re a long time reader then you can smile and go “oh yeah! I know that thing!”. I was inspired to write it that way from being a long time fan of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.

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It literally translates to sandwich cake. It’s delicious. :drooling_face:

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Oh, yeah, the fjords? And Svalbard. I want to visit there someday.

Honestly, the whole region is just beautiful.

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BRB, checking plane tickets.

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Discworld is the best series. What’s your favourite book? Mine is Jingo, though I love the Watch books in general.


whispering from a distance

“take me with you”

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My favourite Discworld books are probably Going Postal and the Colour of Magic.

But I must admit that they are also my favorite because it was the two part mini series that sky produced that got me into Terry Pratchett.


I have a massive suitcase if you want to travel for free. :+1:

I don’t know, I’m pretty tall. I’m probably going to have to be pillowed if we’re smuggling me.



They do some great TV series with the books. I’m most fond of the Hogfather one, but I’m kind of a nerd for the Guild of Assassins. One Halloween, I dressed as a guild member. No-one got it. XD

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I’m a runt, so I might fit. Leave me a flashlight and some books, and I’m good.

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