One more hit PART:1 (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

Previous Billie escapades can be found here, although it is not necessary to understand this three parter.


Billie had fallen hard on herself after so many setbacks, as of late, failing to break her last project’s will and missing her chance at winning a new one of her choosing from the annual fluff-fair had deeply struck her ego.

To add to her ongoing issues, Billie was now seeing the eldest of her seven siblings off as Susan made her way to college. One would think that Billie would be ecstatic with having one less sibling to raise and one would assume that she’d consider her little sister going off to higher education as nothing but the purest victory, but for Billie it was emotionally crippling. Whether she wanted to admit or not, Billie viewed her siblings as the only good part of her life and to say ‘farewell’ to a single one of them meant cutting away a seventh portion of what made the only part of her a good woman, without them she was just a pissed off ex-smack head with a fetish for stomping fluffies.

As Billie watched Susan’s car disappear down the hill before vanishing into the great wide world, she fought tears, as her baby sister, her first charge, her reason for putting down the needle, was now a woman in her own right.

Five hours later Billie was sat in the McFeely pub, wallowing in her misery, drowning out her sorrows in a more socially acceptable vice.

“you know that I can’t let you drive back, right?” Mrs MacFeely said softly as she started gathering up the collection of empty pint and shot glasses that littered around the heartbroken woman’s vicinity.

“I had a feeling that would be the fookin’ case, can I crash here then? I really don’t wanna go home tonight” Billie slurred out, gripping her eleventh pint tightly.

“sorry honey, Mandy isn’t here right now and I’ve got the cousins over” the owner sighed, “but, I hope you know that you’re doing a good job with those kids, I mean it” she assured.

“it’s just, like… how do ya cope, when they all grow up and don’t need ya anymore?” Billie blurted out before dropping her head on the bar in defeat.

“they’ll always need you, Billie, you could live to a hundred and they’ll still need you…” Mrs MacFeely tried to say, attempting to comfort the mess of a girl.

Thirty minutes later and Billie stumbled out of the pub and emptied her guts into the adjacent bush by the door. As she wiped the alcohol infused spittle away from her mouth, she stared at the bush and winced, that was the exact rose bush that she had left her last project, just another one of her failures, another testament to her inadequacy.

“fookin’ Queenie!” Billie shouted as she kicked the plant, only to be rewarded with a leg covered in cuts from the hidden thorns. She didn’t even notice until the wetness crawled down her leg.

“oh this is bollocks!” Billie scoffed as she stumbled on home.

By the time Billie had made it from the waterfront to the town center, she came to a painfully familiar location, another of her many bad memories from one of the worst chapters in her life. She had found herself staring down the alley that she had first bought and tried smack and to her surprise, ten whole years later, her old dealer was still there, Benny.

Billie wasn’t a tall woman, being only five foot one and petite made alcohol punch through her like a staple though a chirpie’s ear. She was already a particularly impulsive lady when sober as a judge, so it didn’t take much for her to buy another round of her once worst habit.

“fuckin’ knew you’d come back, my best customer” Benny grinned smugly from under his hoodie.

“shut the fuck up and give me the shit” Billie sighed in defeat.

“don’t be like that, Billz, you know I don’t judge” he said as she handed him the cash and he slipped her the goods, before vanishing deeper into the alleyway.

Billie stumbled on until she could get far enough from Benny and the shame of what she had just done. When Billie got clean all those years ago, she did so for her siblings, they needed a mum and she was the closest thing they would ever get, it was either that or be split up into foster care.

Now Billie sat in an alley behind a starschmucks, boiling her spoon with a deadeyed expression of apathy. “why the fook not?” She thought to herself, she was already holding the spoon and the lighter, she had already been stupid enough to buy it on a sloshed whim and her second eldest sibling was going to be eighteen in september, he can look after the rest of them, just like Billie did when her mum never put down the needle.

The syringe filled with the familiar brown garbage and the needle hovered over the old vein of choice, right below the bicep, still scarred with tiny pink dots from her last foray into addiction ten years prior.

The tip of the needle wobbled as it scratched against her skin, but try as she might, she could not bring herself to puncture, she would not indulge, regardless of how much she wanted to.

Billie dropped the needle to her side and sobbed into her hands, she sobbed for the first time in a decade. Billie had finally become her mother, a failure. The fact that she would even get this far into repeating old mistakes was more than troubling, it was the icing on the shit-cake that was her life.

Billie suddenly felt a tiny and familiar sensation tap her knee, she looked to her left and found herself staring at a chocolate coloured fluffy stallion with a very short cream mane and tail. He also appeared to be a two-tone with a cream stripe running down his back like a skunk and his cheeks were adorned with tiny little freckles.

Behind the stallion was his partner, a very chipper little mare with a dark and muted blue coat, partnered with a grey and messy mane. She hummed obliviously to herself before she coo’d to her twin chirpies that sat upon her back, one sky blue and another was a classic poopie.

“hewwo wady! Hab saddies, nee huggies?” the happy little goof said.

Billie wasn’t exactly sure how she should respond to the creature. Typically she would just smash his face into the pavement, break his legs and then force him to watch as she shoved both of his disgusting chirpies up his partner’s rotten cunt, but today was not a good day for her, it was a lucky day for him however.

“nah, I’m good…” Billie sighed as she curled up into a ball with her back against the brickwork.

“otay! Fwuffy an speshew fwend gun be obew dewe ib nee huggies… bye-bye!” he said before he waddled over to the trash and began digging.

Billie watched as the brown patriarch frantically dug through half eaten croissants and out of date sandwiches until his tail began to wag, he had finally found what he was after.

The little doofus appeared to be an addict, a caffeine addict. Billie lightly chuckled as she watched him aggressively lap up whatever coffee he could get from the bottom of the cups.

If there was one thing Billy was familiar with, it was what addiction looked like. She could tell by the way he lightly shook as his body got another hit of the chemicals that he so desperately needed to function, his partner on the other hand seemed to not indulge in his vice, simply content on chewing on a third of a moldy Belgian bun before sitting down and preparing herself to feed the children, all the while humming a dopey mummah song to herself.

“he really likes coffee, doesn’t he?” Billie asked.

“mmm-hmm” the mare nodded, “speshew fwend git da biggest thinkie-pwace huwties ib nu num da poopie wawa” she explained while kneeding her teats to encourage milk production.

“I know that feeling…” Billie smirked as she watched the stallion’s cream coloured tail vibrate with excitement at his feast.

Billie considered getting up and leaving, she just wanted to go home and cry in the shower after what she had done, but she couldn’t help but feel a kindred connection with the chubby little addict, scoffing down his drug of choice only thirteen feet away from her, but then a smile crept across her face, a very un-wholesome one.

“hey… I know this is sudden, but would the lot of ya like to come home with me?” Billie asked as she tucked the uncooked smack back into her satchel.

“WEAWY? NYEW HOMSIE FOW FAMIWY?” the mare asked over the sickening noise of her two children suckling away.

“yeah, why the fuck not, eh? Could be fun” Billie mumbled as she stood herself, wiped the mascara from her cheeks and dusted the debris from her shorts.

She brought the family of four home and introduced them to where they would be staying, her shed, where all of her smaller projects typically went.

She set them up with a fluffy bed, twin bowls for kibble and water, nothing extravagant. Their new ‘mummah’ was even kind enough to give them Queenie’s old toys, a set of pink blocks, a lavender stuffy friend and a tiny toy piano, perfect for fluffy height.

“gee! toysies am su pwetty, tank yew, nyew mummah!” the mare said as she carried her squeaky little foals over to their new gifts, although they were still simply too young to understand what they were, having not even opened their eyes, so they simply peeped with curiosity as they sniffed the plastic.

“yeah, whatever…” Billie said as she placed a camera in the ceiling.

Billie couldn’t stand to see a happy and functional family, even more so being that they were shitrats, “how fookin’ dare!” she thought to herself as she watched them engage in the purest and most innocent love, love that she nor her siblings had ever experienced from their parents. She wasn’t proud about being jealous of a set of fluffy, she wasn’t proud of a lot of things she had done recently, but she was going to enjoy every moment of what came next.

“you’ll be… Jitters” Billie smiled as she booped the stallion’s nose with the tip of her finger, “and you can be… Scratch” she added as she ran her nails lightly through the cooing mare’s mane.

“TANK YEW, MUMMAH!” they said in sincere unison.

Billie tucked herself in for the night and layed in bed with her smartphone in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. She watched the family cuddle, play, sing and eventually gather together in a loving fluff pile. Billie wanted to take a mental picture of this affection, this stability. She was going to prove how flimsy such notions were, how fragile a family truly is, she had to, she needed to.

The games began in earnest within the early morning as Billie made her visit to the shed to refill the bowls. The first goal on the agenda was easily set into motion.

“oh my god, Scratch! You’ve got the sickies!” Billie said with hands dramatically against her cheeks.

“W-WAT, WEAWY?” the little mare panicked as she looked herself over for ‘sickies’, “bu… nu feew da sickies?” she questioned.

“that means they’re super sickies! you might die!” Billie warned.


“PWEAS SABE SPESHEW FWEND, JITTEWS HAB WOWSTEST HEAWT HUWTIES!” her partner began to blubber in a frenzied panic, hyperventilating with a muzzle coated in liquid snot.

“shhhh, don’t ya worry lil guy” Billie tried to comfort as she placed a shot of espresso in front of him, “I know what she needs, she needs the ‘bestest’ of medicines and it just so happens that I bought some yesterday” Billie assured the stallion as she slowly and carefully picked off Scratch’s chirpies and placed them in her partner’s care, upon his back. “she’ll be back in no time…” Billie smiled as she left the shed with the mare under her arm.

She brought the heavily breathing and deeply worried mare into her kitchen and placed her on the ground.

“stay there” Billie ordered.

“o-otay… Scwatch du am towd… am gud fwuffy” she sniffed.

Billie pulled the syringe from her satchel and removed the plastic cap, before giving it a healthy flick at the tip, with a borderline devilish grin.

“now, this is going to sting a bit, but the medicine is going to make ya feel… real fookin’ good” she chuckled before unceremoniously jabbing it into the mare’s rump and giving her a tiny does.

“SCREEEEEEE! POINTIE HUWTIES! NU WIKE, NU WIKE!” she panicked as she flailed about on her belly and instinctively released a twin torrent of liquid shit and piss.

It took no time at all for the opioid to kick in and the euphoria and drowsiness to follow as it became increasingly difficult for the mare to lift her head.

“Scwatch feew funnie, mummah… Hab scawedies…” the mare mumbled as she attempted to keep her eyelids open.

“lucky bitch” Billie smirked as she lifted the fluffy ragdoll from the ground and brought her back to the shed. As she opened the door she found Jitters, sitting patiently in front of it.

“YAY! WOOK BEBBEHS! SPESHEW FWEND AM BACKSIES!” he grinned like a doofus, all the while clapping his hooves together in absolute delight at the reunion.

“she’ll be fine, she’ll just need a little medicine every day and remember to encourage her to take it like a big girl… I don’t feel like mopping shit off my floor every time I do this” Billie explained.

“otay, pwomis!” Jitters nodded as Billie gave his hair a tossle and slid his second daily shot of espresso between his forehooves.

“good boy…” Billie smiled before leaving him to comfort his partner, who was currently high as a kite.

Billie returned to a kitchen and grabbed a mop and bucket, she hummed and smiled ear to ear as she cleaned the putrid smelling mess, grinning like some toothy predator in the bushes, almost salivating at the powder keg she had just lit in the lives of those little fuckers. Things were going to get very interesting by the time she ran out of the good stuff and the anticipation was almost killing her, watching these stupid creatures tackle something that can ruin even the best of people, it was almost as good as taking the smack itself.

-to be continued-



Billie is one bad day away from killing someone


oh gosh, i felt bad for Billie, but now i’m just worried. she seems like she needs some serious therapy. i hope she finds the help she needs, but till then i’ll enjoy the experiments she pulls. cant wait to see what happens to both fluffies when their vices are taken away.
Or, what might happen if one of Billie’s siblings find the abuse, or worse, the needle…


Maybe, maybe not, that probably depends on if she keeps dropping the ball.


That’s pretty much the best way to describe her, you equally want to pity her and punch her. Very disfunctional people on a downward spiral often illicit those conflicting feelings.


a fascinating intro of sadbox, i don’t read much because tldr but this one was good chapter to me :derp: probably the pictures kept my attention too lmao. good stuff!


Who doesn’t love the occasional illustration? I hope you’ll enjoy part 2 as well… whenever I get around to writing it lmao.


Whew, for a second there I almost thought she wasn’t gonna drug the fluffies.


Well… She already bought the heroin, it’d just be wasteful not to use it on something.


I used to use heroin and I will tell you straight up there is no way in hell somebody with a habit would just leave a fully loaded sharp in a bag all day. And there is no way in hell somebody with a habit would waste good dope on a shitrat. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looking forward to reading more of this, anyway.


I was going to have her use it on herself but I wanted her mental spiral to be a lot slower. I need to drag that chaos out.


Very promising arc, this one :thinking_jellen:
Looks like you’re setting the stage for something bigger than usual


Like your artwork! Try some comics!


A lot of my characters are now all fully cocked and primed for their next arcs. The rest of this year is going to be painful for Mandy, Derek and Billie.

I just cant help myself, writing about people with severe mental health issues is just (for lack of a more appropriate word) fun, even more so when they’re stumbling.


Thanks, I’ve learned a lot since I started drawing in June. Eventually I plan on remaking a few of my stories into comics, I just need better gear to draw on than a phone and a couple more months to sharpen up, but I’ll get there eventually.


Try buying those artist tablets like HUION. I’m very interested on buying one and finally start making some fluffy content


Good call, I’ll look into that.

I’d like to see what you come up with too, I’ll be keeping an eye out for it.


Thanks man, I got a loooot in my mind so hopefully I can put all my creativity in here!

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Oh this is Bleak. I wonder how addiction would cripple a fluffy. I feel bad for Billie, I hope that she doesn’t loose herself in this.

Also: is there Fluffy-safe Narcan available? Does Billie keep Narcan in her house, at lease? Feel like that’d be a really important plot point.

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I genuinely hadn’t considered that, I’ll have to keep that in mind for part 2.

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