The Van Man Can: By Stwumpo

An ill wind is in the air. The Meatwagon is in town.

It’s an old cargo van run by a local disgraced veterinarian. In it he performs euthanasia and cheap medical procedures on fluffies. He drives up and down the streets playing his creepy distorted ice cream truck jingle.

Fluffies know who he is. They know what he does. And they are painfully aware of what going to the van means.

Today, a pink mare is being carried away from her warm house by a fed up bald man in his fifties. “Nuuuu! Bubbagum sowwy daddeh! Bubbagum pwomise nebba pway wif daddeh toysies nebba gain!” The man was unmoved, and his children could be seen comforting each other in the doorway. The whole family knew the score.

“Shut up, you dumb fucking shit. Shoulda drowned you when you got knocked up.” He laughs. "Wish I could squash all your fucking kids, but the boys are too attached." The chubby mare drooped in defeat. “Huuuuuu Bubbagum sowwy daddeh… Bubbagum weave, nu sweep in daddeh howsie nu mowe…”

Her answer came in the form of a punch to the nose. Her yelp echoed off the house and one of her foals got away from the kids who’d been wrangling them.

The blue unicorn colt had to save mummah! Daddeh was a munstah! He gave chase with his fastest clumsy babbeh run. “Nu wowwy mummah! Ewick wiww sabe ou fwum meanie daddeh!” Bubblegum should have told him to run away. To not get involved. She was already dead, he wasn’t.

But fluffies are dumb.

“Hooway! Bestest babbeh gon sabe mummah! Huwwy bestwst babbeh, mummah hewe!” As the brave little colt reached hia daddehs ankle, the man scooped him up. “Oh, you wanna die too? Okay kid.” Bubblegum was thrashing and screaming all over again.

“NUUUUU! DADDEH NU HUWT BABBEHS! BABBEH JUS WAN HEWP MUMMAH! PWEASE, WET BABBEH GU!” The man smiled a cruel smile as he gripped the scruff of the colts neck tighter and tighter. “Owwies! Daddeh huwtin Ewick! Wittwe daddehs! Hewp! Sabe Ewick!” Blood was dripping down his neck as the mans fingernails dug into his flesh. As he passed his front gate, he swung the colt at the fencepost.

His back legs slapped against the wood and broke in several places. He howled in pain. “OWWWWIES DADDEH NUUUUUUUUU!”

The back of the van opened up. A bearded guy in a dirty lab coat was counting singles at a makeshift counter. The disgruntled owner paid him twenty dollars and handed over the pleading fluffies. “Pwease daddeh, nu huwt mummah an babbeh! Nu wan die!” Her daddeh shrugged. “Look I just don’t want so many fluffies. Besides, the kids love playing with the foals and you always bother them.” Mummah was sobbing harder. Now that she’d been set down inside the van, she was nervously tip tapping her hooves. “Nuu! But babbehs tu wittwe fow upsies! Wittwe daddehs pway tuu wuff wif babbehs!” Seemingly on cue, her broken son was dropped next to her, bones jutting out of his back legs, his spine bent at a sideways angle, blood leaking from his ears and nose.

“H…hewwwwwp…” He was fading fast. Mummah was panicking. “Huuuu otay daddeh mummah nu yeww at wittwe daddehs nu mowe. Jus wet mummah gu, wiww gu way nebba cum backsies?” She was doing her sweetest beg. She’d stood on her hind legs and was nervously becoming a dancie mummah.

Daddeh was already leaving. He didn’t even look at her. “Nah, you’ll just come back and the kids’ll make me let you in. Besides, I can’t just leave trash outside, it’s littering. Say goodbye to Eric.”

With that, he left.

“Bubbagum sowwy!” She looked at the man she’d been left with. “Pwease! Nu wan gu fowebba sweepies! Am scawed! Wat if nu get tu skettiwand? Tuu scawy huhuhuuuuu…” She covered her eyes with her hooves and trembled as the man picked up her smashed offspring.

He was clinging to life. “Huuuuu su huwties…” The man looked him over and smiled. “Heh. Dumbass already killed you. Free ten bucks for me I guess.” Eric was barely awake but still confused. “B…but Ewick stiww awive…” His captor snorted in humorous disbelief. “Huh, you followed that? No matter, you’re gonna die anyway. No sense in wasting effort on it.” With that, he threw the battered colt into a Rubbermaid tub full of dead foals. “We’ll mulch this up and sell it as feed.”

Mummah was despondent. “Nuuuu, nu wike! Babbehs nu am nummies fow fwuffies!” Her weak son chimed in from his gruesome mattress. "Nu…nu wan be…be miwkies fow udda babbehs!" As the man picked up Bubblegum he chortled softly. “Oh don’t worry. We won’t feed you to fluffies.” A bright spot of hope! Bubblegum eased up and started to giggle.

“You’re mostly gonna be pig food. And you,” he turned to Bubblegum, “are gonna be dog food. My hounds like live pray, but they’re slow. So no more weggies.”

Before Bubblegum could question this new information, he’d picked her up by the throat with his off hand and used his right hand to yank off a front weggie. She pissed and shitted as her eyes rolled back. When he torqued the other one free, she passed out entirely.

She awoke outside a trailer on some scrubland. There were two Rottweilers chained to a post, and a whirring machine with a funnel on top placed over a tub of…

Oh. It’s foals. The smell of dead foals hits her nose like a stray pitch. But then, the sound. “Nuuu! Mummah sabe Ewick! Meanie hoomin gunn-” She watched in horror as the man tossed her beautiful blue stallion, her beloved son, into the loud scary funnel. Bits of blue fluff flew up, but no more screams. She hoped he died quick.

The man sat on the stoop in front of his trailer and lit a cigarette. Bubblegum stared through tears at her captor. “Pwease…pwease kiww Bubbagum kwickies…nu…nu wan suffew…” He laughed a dry and cruel laugh. “I ain’t gonna kill you. They are.” He pointed at his well fed dogs. “Now scoot yourself over to them so they can finish you.”

Bubblegum had no fight left in her. Sobbing quietly she pushed herself towards them, getting icky mud in her mouth and pretty fluff. “Ptoo! Nu wike! Meanie muddies in moufy!” The dogs were patient. She made it almost all the way to the POST they were tied to before they moved.

In an instant the larger dog set upon her. She closed her eyes and waited for the sharp pain of teeth and the warm wetness of her lifeblood spilling over, but that’s not what happened. The dog mounted her from behind and…

“SCREEEE! NUUUUU! BAD SPECIAW HUGGIES! PWEASE, NU WAN BE ENFIE MAWE FOW BAWKY MUNSTAHS!” The mans only response was uproarious laughter. It was the last thing she heard before she felt the dog finish. Then, her request was granted as the two animals ripped her apart.

And after ten minutes of howling and screaming while they tore bits off her, she expired.


Amazing work !!!