The Vanderholt behavioral correction academy by (that1hugboxer)

You are Lorna, the recent success of fluffnoccio’s transformation from smarty to good fluffy, has laid the groundwork for a private fluffy training facility on the vanderholt family farm.

$70 an hour per individual fluffy with an estimated enrollment period of 5 months means that the farm will be in a pretty good position financially moving forward . Due to people wanting an ethical alternative to the dismemberment tactics found in other facilities, you are willing to deliver , the facility provides food water , litter boxes and baths if the need arises. Classes have been moved from the old shed to a large trailer purchased and renovated into a perfect safe room. All fluffies attending the school are required to wear padded armor and helmets with eye protection. You will not risk some asshole fluffy killing another of their kind. tracking devices are placed in every helmet to make sure no fluffy is lost. The tracking devices also double as trip alarms if a fluffy try’s to escape the building. Any fluffy who makes bad or sorry poppies/peepees will be required to wear a diaper for the remainder of their time at the school. Every individual insult will result in ten minutes of sorry box time. Death Threats result in a buzz cut mane and tail. Sexual assault will result in 2 days of solitary confinement in a padded cell with nothing but a litter box food and water. Cameras are installed in the cells to monitor them. In the event of solitary confinement the owners will be required to leave their fluffy at the academy for the full 48 hour period. Failure to comply will result in expulsion and black listing from the academy. The solitary confinement period is a flat fee of $2000 instead of the usual $70 an hour . All of this is explained upfront and in no uncertain terms before the contract is signed. We also keep audio recordings of the agreement so that they can’t say it was never explained to them.

The first class was fairly normal aside from Tony. Tony was a foul mouthed brown alicorn with a knack for skirting around the rules in such a manner that they were never technically broken . Instead of giving sorry hooves he would simply aggressively “bump” into other fluffies. When asked to stop this behavior he compiled and simply found other more discreet ways of circumventing the rules. Pooping in the litter box in such a way that the other Fluffies could not use the litter box without being smeared in his poop. Complying just enough to avoid punishment. Tony would bring his own toys to avoid sharing causing much distress for the other fluffs who were forced to share the school’s toys. You let this slide for the simple fact that Tony would eventually slip up. Cursing was technically not against the rules so long as they were not aimed at anyone it was fine. An odd rule yes but everyone needs an outlet now and again, it also trained the fluffs not to say mean things to others, Tony did however make one fatal error , he made a death threat under his breath. His lushes curly mane and tail were buzzed to the skin. A fluffy made a sly comment about Tony looking like a baby ,The anger the caused by this comment set in motion a rage fueled spray of poop that plastered not the fluffy he was aiming for but another fluffy twice Tony’s own size. Tony not only had to wear a diaper for the rest of his time at the school but he also got thrown against a wall by the other fluffy, not that it did any lasting damage but it definitely put the fear of God in Tony. And the large fluffy got a bath and 15 minutes in the sorry box . Tony thought because he was both a poopie and an alicorn that he would get sympathy and reduced punishment . Unfortunately for Tony , him being at this school in the first place voided any sympathy or leniency, breaking the rules results in equal consequences for everyone. Tony started to understand how things worked around here and begrudgingly bent the knee to our authority. Graduating the program with his peers.


I’m slightly confused is it more of a daycare or a curriculum? Do you fldrop in for a few hours while you have romantic trist or do you wave goodbye and expect a perfect gentleman five months later?

Think military school

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Not perfect but compliant. You can never truly make a fluffy “perfect” the idea is more along the lines of them being brainwashed without unnecessary physical harm . Brainwashing to the degree that is seen in media takes several years at minimum. You could technically leave them there for the five months though you would still be charged by the hour. Let’s face it most people are going to drop them off and when their little fluffy gets home they will immediately go about undoing the conditioning simply by caving to their whims rather than punishing them

“I don’t know but I’ve been told! Smarties are worse than a poopie foal!”

$70 and hour for 5 months? To rehab a smarty? No way that would happen.

You underestimate the stupidity of people with money.