The veteran and the foal by ShititsMe


Era una noche lluviosa con tormenta eléctrica resonando fuertemente en el fondo, Tommy un veterano de guerra odiaba en particular estas noches, eran en las que menos podía dormir.


En estás noches los sonidos de los truenos le recordaban las explosiones, los disparos, los cuerpos, e incluso aunque nada parecido ocurriera cerca podía oler con nitidez la carne quemada de sus compañeros.

“Ufff ufff hafff hoy!! Hoy tiene que ser hoy!! Ya no puedo más!!”

Hoy Tommy en sus reminiscencias recordaba claramente como su hermano de batalla Joel había muerto, una mina estalló por debajo de su convoy haciendo que solo él y un puñado más de soldados sobrevivieron.

Tommy rebuscó en las cosas de su mesa de noche, rebusco con ansiedad hasta que encontró su arma de servicio junto a un cargador lleno de balas, no importaba ya nada, no podía soportarlo, así que corrió al baño a tomar un poco de espacio y agua.

Lo vio.

Lo vio de nuevo en el espejo.

Cada vez que miraba su rostro en medio de este pánico miraba a Joel después de la explosión, un amasijo apenas reconocible de piel herida junto a un montón de cabello, y cada vez que se miraba a sí mismo en el espejo sentía culpa, culpa recalcitrante que le comía los huesos.

Metió el cargador dentro de la pistola, jalo la corredera tan coordinadamente como sus sudorosas y temblantes manos le permitieron colocando la bala que necesitaba en la recámara, puso el cañón dentro de su boca preparándose para el momento final, tommy sudaba, las lágrimas caían profusamente por sus mejillas e incluso estuvo a punto de gritar.

“Daddeh?? Spinew tiene mieditos de duces de ciedo y ruiditos de twuenos…que haces daddeh??”

Un pequeño potro de color rosa new york con melena y crin de color azul grisaceo llego corriendo lo mas rapido que sus cortas y jovenes patas le permitieron despues de que el ultimo rayo resono lo suficientemente fuerte como para sacarlo de su profundo sueño a lado de la cama de su dueño.

Tommy tomó el arma fuera de su boca colocando el seguro y la aventó tan lejos como pudo hacia donde el pequeño fluffy no pudiera verla, en ese instante se dejó caer de sentón en el suelo rompiendo en llanto, en su mente solo se preguntaba cómo había podido olvidarlo, recordó al pequeñín que ahora vivía con él por parte de su terapia psicológica, no podía dejar que su mascota viera lo mismo que él vio, tenía que ser fuerte.

“Daddeh!! Voy a dadte abwacitos y amod!! Los abwazos y amod lo cudan todo”

Ambos se abrazaron fuertemente y de inmediato el veterano volvió a sentir calor dentro de él, quizás la noche no había sido la mejor pero sin duda no sería la última ni para él ni para el pequeño fluffy que le había salvado la vida.


It was a rainy night with a thunderstorm resounding strongly in the background, Tommy a war veteran hated these nights in particular, they were the ones when he could sleep the least.


On these nights the sounds of thunder reminded him of the explosions, the shots, the bodies, and even if nothing similar happened nearby he could clearly smell the burned flesh of his companions.

“Ufff ufff hafff today!! Today has to be today!! I can not anymore!!"

Today Tommy in his reminiscences clearly remembered how his battle brother Joel had died, a mine exploded below his convoy causing only him and a handful of soldiers to survive.

Tommy rifled through the things on his nightstand, he searched anxiously until he found his service weapon next to a magazine full of bullets, nothing mattered anymore, he couldn’t take it, so he ran to the bathroom to take some space and Water.

He saw it.

He saw it again in the mirror.

Every time he looked at his face in this panic he looked at Joel after the explosion, a barely recognizable mass of broken skin next to a mass of hair, and every time he looked at himself in the mirror he felt guilt, recalcitrant guilt. that ate his bones.

He put the charger inside the gun, he pulled the slide as coordinated as his sweaty and trembling hands allowed him, placing the bullet he needed in the chamber, he put the barrel inside his mouth preparing for the final moment, tommy was sweating, tears fell profusely down her cheeks and she was even about to scream.

“Daddeh?? Spinew had fearis fowm dky dights…whad are u doin daddeh??”

A small New York pink colt with a grayish-blue mane and mane came running as fast as his short young legs would allow after the last bolt of lightning resounded loud enough to rouse him from his deep sleep beside the owner’s bed.

Tommy took the gun out of his mouth, placing the safety and threw it as far as he could where little fluffy couldn’t see it, at that moment he fell on the ground on his back, bursting into tears, in his mind he only wondered how he had been able to forget it, he reminded the little boy who now lived with him because of his psychological therapy, he couldn’t let his pet see the same thing he saw, he had to be strong.

“Daddeh!! Spinew wiw give u hugs and love!! hugs and love make everythin bettew”

They both hugged each other tightly and immediately the veteran felt warmth inside him again, maybe the night hadn’t been the best but it certainly wouldn’t be the last for him or for the little fluffy who had saved his life.

Hola!! Escribi este pequeño texto en lo que termino uno un poco mas extenso y ambicioso ;3 el enfoque de este es uno mas realista donde aunque lo queramos negar, los fluffies serian una ayuda increible para cierto tipo de personas y una excelente compañia, espero les guste y acepto sus criticas y opiniones.


Hello!! I wrote this short text in while I end with a slightly longer and more ambitious one ;3 the focus of this is a more realistic one where although we want to deny it, the fluffies would be an incredible help for certain types of people and an excellent company, I hope you like it and I accept your criticisms and opinions.



Oh god… This rings really hard and true to me… As a vet who suffered as well, the feelings are there, and the shadows will never go away, and the memories wont fade, even the feeling of ending it all is strong… Suicide is never the answer ever…

So if any veterans feels like that… Hit me up, and ill listen, from one Brother to another, or sister to brother…


Reminds me of watching Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s “The Vietnam War” and I believe it was former Marine John Musgrave who told the story about how he suffered mentally from his experiences and he’d constantly think about taking his own life and one night he said he thought “Wow, I am really going to do it.”, but then his dog(s) asked to be let out or something and he put his .45 down and let them out and because of that/those dog/dogs he’s still alive today.

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Everyday, an average of 22 veterans take their lives…

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