The warlords by(that1hugboxer)

This is a continuation of Range buddy by (that1hugboxer)

You are Oddball. Daddeh got you a fun new toy, a remote controlled model of the prototype O-I Japanese Super-heavy tank. Large enough for you and Hoagie to move around in comfortably. It even had two spring powered 6mm pellet machine guns and a co2 powered 10mm bb cannon

You and hoagie have a special job, to incapacitate mean feral fluffies trespassing on mummah’s farm. Any feral babies, mummahs or soon mummahs would be taken by the farm hands for use on the farm. Those with good genetics and good temperament would become breeding units, those of good temperament but bad genetics would be adopted out. Those of bad temperaments and good genetics would be used to tend the fields and grow food or in rare cases breeding if the genetics were that good.Those of both bad genetics and bad temperaments would be used for transplant surgery.

Your tank the Dixie Dame was large enough to accommodate a crew of 11 fluffies but since it was remote controlled ,only yourself and hoagie were inside. Leaving plenty of room for internal air cooling /recycling systems and a large stock of self feeding 6mm air soft pellets and 10mm metal ball bearings . The interior also had a litter box and water station. You acted as the “gunner” , Hoagie acted as “commander” and the human with the remote who controlled everything.

You come upon a large herd of ferals , hoagie opens the top hatch to give them terms of surrender.

“Hoagie gib ‘ou one chance. Be gud fwuffies an’ come wiff nice hooman ow face dah wwaff of dah dixie dame an’ hew mighty cwew”

A few complied immediately, most of the mummahs , soon mummahs and babbehs being the vast minority of those that did.

A large mare and her company of loyal smarties/toughies refused to comply.

The mare scoffs .

“Smawty nu wisten to dummeh stawwion!
smawty an’ hewd take metaw munsta , gib foweba sweepies tu dummeh stawwion!”

Hoagie closes the hatch and the twin spring powered 6mm pellet machine guns unleashed a spray of boo-boo inducing hail fire.

The other smarties gave up quickly after that but the mare held her ground.

“Smawty am nu scawedy of metaw munsta owwies! smawty owd daddeh gib wowse owwies!”

Around that time a farm hand walks over and grabs her.

“As funny as watching you get bombarded with pellets is, I have other ways methods of breaking you . You’re a feisty one all right but let’s see how long that attitude lasts when you’r legs are gone.”

The smarty doesn’t even react to the threat of loosing her legs.

The farm hand repeats himself.

Again no response.

“Alright Ms Betty badass have it your way!”

The farm hand begins pretending to twist one of her hooves.

The smarty clamps her mouth tightly shut as tears stream down her face with an expression of hated.

The farm hand chuckles.

“If only.

Fortunately for you I’d loose my job if I actually did it.”

“You are ugly as homemade sin. Though I have been wanting to try my hand at selective breeding for a tougher fluffy to guard the crops against other ferals . “


The image of fluffies riding around in a functioning tank is fucking hilarious and adorable. I’m glad Hoagie’s got a good place. He’s my little sandwich guy.

I feel kinda bad for the smarty mare. She needs help, not pillowing. That was a lot for a fluffy to take. Part of me wants her to kick that farmhand in the nuts.


This felt icky to write near the end. I originally had him actually tear one of her legs off but I backpedaled to him just pretending. The farmhand has a dark sense of humor. He won’t be as openly affectionate of an owner as Duncan but I think it’s reasonable to assume if he wanted to hurt Fluffies he would work at a fluffy mill and not a place like Vanderholt farms

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I think she’s gonna make it

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Eh, you never know what people will do when money becomes an issue. I mean, I loathe phones to the point of physical pain, and I used to work in a call centre. It was living hell.


So i came across this while browsing the web and I had to share it

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I love him.

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I noticed you have a new profile picture. I couldn’t help but think of hoagie when I saw it .

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Awww! Hoagie is my li’l sandwich guy. :sparkling_heart: I would feed him pickle and pastrami on rye all day.

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Hoagie would be a very chonky fluffy.

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But a happy one!

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