The Water Box [by ChungusMyBungus]

The elevator dinged as the man arrived at the floor of his penthouse apartment, a dark blue fluffy pony tucked under his arm, babbling away in it’s usual fare about it’s new home and new owner.
“…an wub an toysies an sketty an-”
The fluffy went silent as the man opened the door, and the fluffy took in the huge scope of it’s new home.
“WOW! Nyu homesie su BIG!”
“Yes, it is, isn’t it?” The man muttered, closing the door behind himself. He carried the fluffy across his pristine carpet and was thankful, for at least the 60th time that day, that the pet-store had ‘evacuated’ the fluffy before handing it over to him.
“But you won’t be seeing it much, fluffy. I’ve got a very special place picked out for you.”
The fluffy pony gasped.
“Well, something like that…”

The man turned down a hall, heading towards a very specific door.
“You see, I always wanted a sea-fluffy, but they take so much looking after. I mean, an entire salt-water tank, just for something that might die in a day? That’s hardly worth the time, the money or the effort… then I thought, why not just get a regular fluffy and teach it to swim?”
“Yes, yes, I’m well aware of that.” The man said, nodding sagely. “That was the entire problem. You’re all so terrified of water, you would never even consider learning to swim. So then I thought… why not make it so that water is no longer a problem for you? And that’s when I had my brainwave.”

He opened the door and stepped into the lounge, where a medium-sized fish tank was set on a sturdy table. The tank was mostly filled with water, leaving only a few inches below the top of the tank to be occupied by empty air. There was no decoration of any kind in the tank, there wasn’t even a single piece of gravel on the tank floor. The only thing inside the tank, apart from water, was a standard aquarium filter attached to the wall with suction-cups, which hummed quietly as it churned the water.

“Wha wawa bawks?” The fluffy asked.
“That’s going to be your new home.” The man replied. Immediately the fluffy began to panic, but the man had everything already prepared.
He reached down to the coffee table and picked up an item. The item in question was a mask made out of black silicone rubber, designed with several elastic straps that fit behind the wearer’s head.
Attached to the mask itself was a clear plastic pipe, which ran along to the lid of the fish tank, where the other end was securely connected.
The man hauled the rubber mask over the fluffy’s head, forcing it over the creature’s mouth as it babbled and cried and shrieked in terror. Before long the mask was securely fitted, the elastic straps pulling it tight against the fluffy’s head to ensure not a single droplet of water could get in.

Picking up the lid in his other hand, the man carried both the fluffy and the lid over to the tank, as the fluffy flailed and writhed in his grip. The man wasn’t particularly strong, but neither was the fluffy pony, and it’s desperate thrashing did nothing to change it’s fate.
And so, with the preparations made, the man promptly dropped the fluffy into the tank.
The fluffy landed with a crash and, of course, continued to flail and writhe in terror, feeling it’s body coated on all sides by the dreaded WAWA!!!
There was a ‘clunk’ from above, and the tank somehow felt… smaller.
It wasn’t until the fluffy’s madly flailing head looked up that it saw the lid had been placed over the tank.

The man stepped back and marvelled at his handiwork.
The fluffy bobbed uneasily in the tank, jerking and flailing as much as it could, but being too uncoordinated to actually swim anywhere. So it simply stayed where it was, floating up and down in the water, it’s limbs and head wildly turning in every direction but to no avail, eyes madly staring but seeing nothing around it but deep blue water.
The mask around it’s face was connected to the lid by the air hose, which allowed the fluffy to continue breathing. Despite it’s absolute deranged terror, despite it’s constant flailing, it was actually perfectly safe. Of course, it couldn’t comprehend that, it was too scared of dying, but there was actually no danger at all.
As long as it remembered to breathe, the fluffy would live a long, healthy, albeit very unhappy life inside it’s new underwater home.

The man watched as the fluffy, terrified to the point of bowel failure, promptly shit itself. The turd came out into the water as a cloud of murky brown mist which was quickly sucked up by the filter, followed by a few rough-looking chunks. They floated to the bottom of the tank and lay still. Over time, the man knew, they’d break up in the water and would be pulled into the filter too.
The man went back to the table and picked up another item, this time a standard baby bottle that could be found in virtually any store. The bottle, however, was filled with a very special mixture. Fluffy kibble, which was softened with some clean water, then some crushed medications which were stirred into the dense slurry-like slop.
The medications were also widely available, but only in stores that offered items for fluffy pony care. They were intended to keep fluffies healthy, by providing them with a dose of necessary vitamins. On top of that, however, the man had decided to add in a small amount of Fluff-Lax, to ensure that his homemade ‘sea fluffy’ would only produce liquid shit in the future. It would be far easier for the filter to manage.

He put the nipple of the bottle against the hole in the lid where the airhole was secured, and placed the nipple inside it. He gave the bottle a hard squeeze and a hefty amount of the slop spurted out, pouring down the tube and flowing directly into the fluffy pony’s mouth. The fluffy, at first, gagged and choked on the mess, but instincts took over and it swiftly realised that either it swallowed it’s food, or it choked on it.
So the fluffy, reluctantly and with some difficulty, swallowed the foul gruel. As the tube emptied and it became able to breathe again, the man squeezed more of the bottle down the tube, once more filling the fluffy’s mouth with the brown soupy mixture.
Finally the bottle was empty, and the fluffy was gasping for breath after having only just managed to finish the last mouthful before it ran out of air. The man gave it a few minutes to catch it’s breath, then provided another bottle, this time with clean drinking water. He gave it a few squirts to let the fluffy drink, but also to clean out the air hose. He didn’t want anything getting stuck in it and potentially blocking the airway.

The man stepped back again and looked it over.
It was perfect.
The airhose kept the fluffy breathing, the food and water bottles he had kept it nourished, and the vitamin supplements ensured it wouldn’t have any kind of muscle or bone problems while spending it’s life floaitng in a tank of liquid. It was a virtually perfect life.
Of course, that wasn’t counting the fact that the fluffy pony was still, of course, utterly terrified.
All fluffy ponies hated water, this was a known fact, it was mentioned everywhere on fluffy pony advertisements and had even led to several memes on 4chan about fluffies drowning from virtually anything, even just thinking about water.

Now, this fluffy was spending the rest of it’s life surrounded on all sides by water.
Water around it’s legs.
Water on it’s belly.
Water in it’s eyes.
Water everywhere.
The fluffy wanted to cry… but wasn’t sure if it actually did or not.
There was too much water to tell.

Eventually the fluffy passed out from sheer exhaustion and continued floating aimlessly in the tank, held only in place by the air hose connecting it to the lid of the tank, like a piece of life-support equipment.
The man watched it a little longer, then went to sleep himself.
So far the entire thing had been a huge success. The fluffy pony was alive and well inside the water tank, he’d only ever need to change the filter on occasion and remember to keep it fed and watered. It was almost like having a house plant, except more unique and interesting.
Of course, the fluffy itself wasn’t happy, if anything it was terrified and miserable to the point of ‘wan die’, but it’s happiness wasn’t important.
And best of all, thanks to the mask and the underwater nature of the fluffy, even if it was at a ‘wan die’ stage, the man would never hear it say so.
In fact, nobody would ever hear the fluffy speak again for the rest of it’s life.


Have an idea I just wrote up.


You forgot your name in ze title

Just got it, thanks.

Damn that’s a new and innovative form of torture.


Absolutely delightful!

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Wow! A great idea like that would be great on the Fluffy universe’s Dragon’s Den or Shark Tank style show!

Except, you know, they’d be literal dragons or sharks rather than wealthy investors.

I think an even better addition to this tank to make the fluffy extra miserable is some harmless cleaner fish. It’ll feel all this little ‘swimmy munstuhs’ in the water with it. Technically safe, but it wouldn’t know that, only that it’s not alone.


Or - hear me out - crabs! :disapprove:


Honestly not the worst idea but I kinda prefer the idea of giving it zero potential distractions, no pretty fishies to watch swim around, no ‘pinchy meanies’ to nip at it’s flailing legs. Absolutely nothing but endless boredom and constant, ceaseless panic.



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you know…I always wondered for how long you can sexually frustrate a fluffy until it’s driven mad.
for example cutting the dick of a stallion but keep the balls, then see how long it takes before it goes insane.
or how about a mare but her being unable to get off because she got her vag dulled, kinda like with novocaine but permanent, how long will it take for her to be driven mad.
being teased and stimulated yet never getting release would be some monstrous torture to the fluffies.

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The perfect fluffy.


And for Fluffy, it’s extremely terrifying.This has given me a lot of inspiration.

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Fluffy laxative? Their shit is loquid enough as it os

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Yeah I came up with the idea for it in ‘The Diet’. Basically just a chemical solution that causes the stomach and bowel muscles to contract to crush and squish the turds down to a watery paste. Then all the owner has to do is put the fluffy in a bath-tub or outside, and let them piss out their ass for a few minutes.

Makes clean-up easy.

Could be used for health reasons or abuse reasons.

I wonder what the majority of the users on this site would pick