The World Tree - Chapter Four - "Primal Nature" [By Pyrofireflame12]

Sorry for this chapter coming out a bit late. I’m currently sick as all hell so I’m dying while writing this. Hope yall enjoy it.

The forest itself seemed to be enraged. Enraged that pitiful creatures like you and your herd took refuge in it, and committed horrible acts under its trees. The sound of the crackling flames was what you focused on to block out the agonized screeching of fluffies burning alive. Your breathing was anything but rhythmic, as you forced your body to stop screaming in pain and run. Tears streaming down your face from Cotton’s death stung your eyes with emotional and physical pain.

Your sister seemed the most affected by Cotton’s death. Your real mother did nothing but make her suffer, but Cotton was her only mother figure. Now with her death, she had nobody to look up to except you. She kept wailing in misery the whole run, but you couldn’t blame her. All you wanted to do was collapse and cry your sorrows away.

Cotton’s foal seemed to be doing the best right now. He was crying the least, but you could tell with every breath he was holding back a flood of sadness. He was determined to make it out alive, and you admired that. You turn your gaze back to the burning trail ahead. Swerving through trees, the ground opened up in a wide crevice, filled with rushing water.

“Gorge up ahead! Get ready!”

You advance to make the jump first. In doing so, you would motivate them to jump further. Fluffy psychology heavily relies on encouragement. However, it was too late when you heard the creaking, snapping wood. You looked up, and a tree was falling.

“LOOK OUT!” You scream in alarm.

The two scramble and stop themselves, but the tree crashed onto the ground. Separating yourself from the others, you backed up to escape the flames. Then, you felt weightless. You just plunged yourself into the river below.

Sucking in a deep breath, you prepared yourself. As you hit the surface, the shock knocked the wind out of you. Descending deeper into the water, you flail your limbs around and manage to raise your head above the surface. You look back and see the two panicking.

“BWUDDAH!” Your sister yells. She’s terrified and desperate, but she knows that nothing could be done.

They couldn’t help if they tried. Their inherent aquaphobia would cause them to avoid it like the plague, and the chances of them dying before they spent five seconds in it.

“I’ll be okay! We need to split up! I’ll find you! Take care of each other!” The two nod, and they take off in another direction to escape the roaring fire. You look back. A large wave was speeding down the stream. You start to struggle against the tide, attempting to escape the wave. Unfortunately, you weren’t strong or fast enough, and as the wave hit you, the force knocked you out.

You blink your eyes open. You’re on a shore, washed up by the river. The fire still raged on, sweeping through the forest. Your fluff is soaking wet, making your movements sluggish and weighted. Slowly raising yourself, you begin to walk. It’s all you could do. This part of the forest hadn’t been touched yet by the flames, so you panted while trotting through the trees.

It had been a few minutes when you heard the crackle of a fire. You look around, wild-eyed, but no tree was burning. Then you see a small structure, a mound of crudely carved stones piled up to form a small house. It looked oddly like a temple, but right now this was your best chance. You slowly padded over to it and heard the sound of paper. Pushing open a door made from sticks, you peer inside.

The inside was… a bit intimidating. A fire crackled in the middle of a few stones, and a pile of books was stacked far away from the flames. The ground felt soft, but you realized why. The floor was multicolored. Made from the pelts of… fluffies. You retch, and you hear a noise that sounds like a grunt. You look to the side and see an odd creature.

Bright red, the creature had wild, untamed fluff on its body. But that was where the normality ended. Its face was flat, with nothing but a smile that looked like it was drawn on. Tentacles sprouted from its back, holding a book in front of the creature. It shut the book, gently placed it with the rest, and walked over to you. Your instincts screamed at you to run, but it felt oddly comforting.

“Greetings, young fluffy. Dry yourself by the fire, and then we shall speak.” You didn’t want to pass up an opportunity for shelter, but you hesitated. It looked at you for a second, looked at the floor, then snapped its head back up.

“My apologies for the… less than comforting decor. But I can assure you, these were all taken from smarties and the like.” He padded back to the pile of books and began to pick them up one by one and examine their titles. You shivered a bit and hesitantly walked to the fire. It felt nice and warm when it wasn’t causing destruction. The creature picked a book, grabbed it with a tentacle, and walked back to you. He sat down and looked at you.

“Now then, what’s a foal like you doing without its family?” You shuffle a bit. It notices. “My mistake, I haven’t even introduced myself. My name is Mimir. A Jellenheimer living in this forest, which was oh so peaceful until the fire. I do live with two others, but you may not see them. Now, you?”

You swallow a lump in your throat. “I-I have no name. I was running from my herd with my sister and a friend when the fire started. A tree crashed down and we got separated. I feel into the gorge and washed up here.” Despite it being emotionless, you can tell it’s a bit surprised.

“It’s been quite a while since a fluffy like you has come here. Nice fellow, unfortunately, I found his body a few days later. Dog attack. Some fluffies pass through here from time to time, I provide them with food and shelter until they leave, but if they aren’t good…” He jabs at the floor with a tentacle. “…They join the carpet.”

You chuckle a bit. Your herd would easily be able to line the whole building. You see three nests off to the side. You look back at Mimir.

“You may sleep in one of those nests when you feel like it. The others may be cranky about it, but I can deal with them. You should stay for a few days, you’re quite injured.” You nod tiredly and walk over. You collapse in one of the nests and drift off to sleep.

You slowly open your eyes. You spring up until you realize where you’re at. You calm down and take a look around. Mimir is gone, so you’re all alone for now. You decide to explore the small enclosure.

You look at the pile of books. Unfortunately, it is at this point you learn that you cannot read. Disappointed, you settle for looking at the pictures. They have various humans on them, clad in different types of armor. It’s interesting, so you spend a bit of time there. Until you get interrupted.

“Hewwo? Whewe am fwuffies?” You whirl around in surprise, and the spectral fluffy is standing there, confused. He waves a hoof in greeting and sits down.

We’re in a Jellenheimer’s home. No idea where he is, though.

He nods, shudders a bit, and starts to look around. He must’ve met one of them before, but he seems content. Most likely because he’s dead already. You both spend a few minutes by yourselves, occasionally chatting while examining the hand (tendril?) crafted house. Then you hear something bashing at the door. The specter suddenly dissipated in fright. You groan internally and start to walk towards the door.

Until it is immediately broken down. Sticks fly everywhere, and splinters litter the floor. You look up to see the towering form of Bigby. God dammit, he must’ve escaped the herd. He recognizes you and bares his teeth.

“Big-bi was gun num aww babbehs, bu’ yu jus’ haf tu teww hewd. Nao yu am nummie babbeh.” You’re in no condition to fight right now, and you’re not even sure if the power will work. However, it’s now or never as he hurls his body at you. You attempt to summon the armor-like light, but you fail and get sent flying into the wall.

Struggling to regain your breath and balance, you spit out some blood onto the floor. He stares at you, ready to charge again, and you attempt to form a horn. Concentrating, you feel your head get slightly heavier, and he snorts. Before you fully form it, he starts running. Your concentration breaks and a shower of sparks is sent everywhere.

Fortunately, Bigby is hit in the eyes with it. Screaming in pain (and the fear of blindness), you dart under him in an attempt to escape. Before you reach the door, he slams his hoof down on your tail. Letting out a cry of pain, you try to pull free from the grip, but he moves closer. You look up, and he raises his hoof to crush you.

Closing your eye, you concentrate and concentrate. As the crushing weight descends on you, a noise like metal halts his movement. You open your eye, and he is pawing at your back. He tries to squeeze, but the material won’t budge.

“Dummeh babbeh! Wet Big-bi gif fowebah sweepies NAO!”

Your head hurts from the strain, but the specter appears before you. Without saying a word, he forms the light on his back. Then, he forces spikes to jut out of it. You understand and grimace as you nod. You will yourself to keep going and feel something growing. Then, the sharp cry of pain.


In an attempt to crush you, he impaled his hoof on the spikes. You let yourself relax, letting go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Bigby stumbles back in pain, trailing blood as he pranced around. Struggling upright, you hear something drop. Turning around, you see Mimir at the entrance, a pouch beneath him. He makes a sighing noise.

“I leave you alone for a while and this happens. No matter, I shall deal with it.” He walks towards Bigby, who immediately starts screaming in fear, calling Mimir a monster. Mimir begins to shake, a growling noise emanating from his body.

Then suddenly, his head splits open. Dozens of sharp, white fangs jut out like thorns. Lunging forwards in one quick motion, he clamps his ‘jaws’ around Bigby’s head. With a snarling noise, you hear flesh tearing as Bigby’s body falls on its side.

Now, this wouldn’t be nearly as mortifying if not for the fact that his body fell without a head. Blood pooled at the base of the neck, as Mimir began to slowly chew, bones crunching and blood dripping from his mouth. Swallowing the meal, he looks back at you. He notices your abject horror.

“Sorry for the messy kill. I don’t take kindly to my guests being harmed, and sometimes I revert to my primal instincts.” He sounds embarrassed. A tongue flicks out and licks the blood from his fluff, and two tendrils sprout from his back. They coil around Bigby and fling him out the door.

“His pelt is ruined. No use of it now.” He turns to you.

“Are you hurt?”

“N-no. Not really.” Your stomach growls and you chuckle sheepishly. Mimir brings the pouch forward. Opening it up, he spills out various berries and other edible things (by fluffy standards). You nod gratefully and begin to eat the pile, as he walks out, gathering sticks to repair the door.

After Notes: And so, the two finally meet. Some fun facts about Mimir:
Nerd for norse myths
Likes the aesthetic of the absolute shithouse he made
Purposefully speaks like an noble from a disney movie to sound smart