The World Tree - Chapter Two - "Eye for An Eye"

You wake up to a blank, grey sky. The air smells of rain, and in all honesty, it already looks like a bad day. Daily routine though, so you get yourself out of the fluffpile. Once again you woke up before everyone else, so you have time to yourself.

After eating some breakfast that consisted of various plants the scavengers found, you look at the herd to make sure everyone’s fine. Your first stop is where your mother was because if she woke up right now you would have to break up the pile you slept in. She hasn’t woken up yet, tears still stain her fluff, mouth curled in a frown. Crybaby.

With a silent snort, you go to the foals. Luckily, they’re all alive, but Bigby’s sleeping figure is too close to them, and you do not like it at all. Can’t move them at all, though.

Nothing’s out of the ordinary, and the next few hours pass by as normal. You break up the group (to their dismay) and the day continues as normal. You attempt to hide from Dandelion, and it luckily works. Bigby’s too occupied and can’t eat a foal because their mothers are guarding them. You silently observe from afar.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEE!! HEWP! HEWP!” Terror cuts through the herd as a fluffy burst through the grass. You start to get up to ask him what’s wrong, but he’s too jumpy.

“B-bad smawty gun’ gif hewd fowebah sweepies! Nee’ tu wun!” Shit. Rival herd, you guess. Your sister and Cotton’s foal run up to you.

“B-bwuddah! Nee’ tu wun way!”

“Bu’ mummah nu can wun way!”

The two continue to panic over running away, but they don’t want to leave Cotton behind. You’re all too weak to run far with her, so you try to think. Your thoughts are foggy as the herd scrambles around to prepare. You turn to the two.

“We need to push her somewhere safe. Come on, now!” The two don’t ask questions, as your group run up to Cotton. She doesn’t look scared.

“Hewwo babbehs. Wai yu nu wun way?” You don’t understand why she isn’t panicking like everyone else. Then it hits you. She’s not scared because there’s a chance she will die. A chance she would become free from her fate, but she doesn’t want you to be hurt. You grit your teeth and answer.

“We aren’t running. We’re getting you somewhere safe.” She opens her mouth to protest, but you have already begun to roll her away into the thick undergrowth. The other two begin to help, and within a minute you manage to hide her.

“Stay here, and scream if any of them get you.”

She looks at you, misery covering her face. “Babbehs nu haf tu fite. Babbehs nee’ tu wun way.”

“No. We’re not leaving you behind.” You don’t let her try to persuade you into leaving her anymore. The three of you stick your heads out of the bush and peek through the leaves and branches. Dandelion is frantically looking for you, but you make no effort to show yourself to her.


It's only another minute before a few other fluffies burst out of the greenery into the camp.

“WHEWE AM DUMMEH SMAWTY? GIF HEWD NAO!” The fluffy screams out. Guess he’s the smarty. Your father creeps out.

“Am smawty. Yu gu way nao!”

“Shaddap! Dummeh smawty gif aww enfie mawes, babbehs an nummies!” Attempting to bargain with Cotton. She was the only enfie mare, but only your father could ‘use’ her. Her foal noticeably shifts, as if he’s uncomfortable. Unfortunately, your father seems to be interested in this offer instead of fighting back.

“Fine. Dummeh’s tak’ enfie mawe… whewe am enfie mawe?” He starts looking around.

“DUMMEH SMAWTY! YU WIE! HEWD GU FOWEBAH SWEEPIES!” And there goes peace. The smarty’s toughies barrel out and begin to pummel the other fluffies, and only a few attempt to fight back. It’s clear that your herd is losing. Well, you would probably be safe in here. You turn your head to check on the others, and your sister is gone.

“Hey, where did she go?”

“Nu knyo!” Cotton’s foal frantically looks around. You peer out, and your heart stops. A toughie has her pinned by the back and presses her to the ground.

“Owwies! Bwuddah hewp! Nu can wun way- ACK!” Her breathing becomes labored. You take a step out of the bush, but then your body stops moving.

It won’t respond. Nothing you want to happen works. Paralyzed, you feel something come over you.

Your legs move without you wanting them to. Your lips draw back in a snarl without you wanting them to. Something’s taken over, and it feels…


You feel as if you can take on the world, but it certainly isn’t you taking on the herd. You have become a spectator to your actions, merely watching in the eyes of someone that wasn’t you. The first thing you do is charge at the toughie. Then something odd happens.

You hear a noise, it sounds like glass shattering. Your vision is clouded for a bit, and your head feels heavier. Whatever was controlling your body didn’t seem to notice, as if it was intentional. The toughie looks up for a second, and laughs. You would laugh too. You couldn’t hope to beat him.

Fortunately for one side and unfortunately for the other, you are both surprised. As you barrel into the toughie like a bullet, an ear-piercing noise of something breaking rings out. The wind is knocked out of him, and he is flung onto his side. Your sister greedily begins to gasp for air, regaining her senses. She looks up at you, and you see horror cover her face. You don’t know why. She scrambles up and runs back as if she was running from you. The toughie flips himself back over and looks at you.

“Dummeh babbeh! Was gun’ gif munstah fowebah sweepies!” Luckily, the thing controlling you seemed to agree that your sister was not a monster.

You hear the odd glass-like noise again, and without thinking about it, you charge at the toughie. He charges as well, but at the last second, you duck under. A horrid slicing noise stops the toughie in his tracks, and you dart out from under him. You turn back, and you look on in amazement and shock.

The toughie is screaming in agonizing pain, as his organs slowly spill out of a gash in his stomach. He falls on his side, struggles a bit more, and falls dead. The thing controlling you doesn’t seem to think about this and runs to the next toughie. The toughie turns back from pummeling a mare and laughs.

“Wai am dewe wittwe tawkie babbeh hewe? Whewe am yu mummah? Wittwe babbeh nu can fite.” His taunting continues, and you feel the rage boiling in the pit of your stomach. The glass noise comes again, and this time your tail feels heavier. You run up to him, and you feel your muscles tense to leap into the air.

Shooting towards him like a leaf in the air, you instead sail past him. Your tail lashes violently, and blood soaks through your fluff.

“SCREEEEEEEEEE! WOWSTEST NEK HUW-cough HUWTI- GAGH!” The toughie chokes on his blood, and you realize you cut straight through his throat. Thrashing on the ground, you look at the assaulted mare.

“T-tank yu smawty babbeh! Tank yu su mush!” She runs off and joins up with a stallion. It’s only after that you can hear the angry snorting. You turn around, and the smarty is staring at you.

“Hmph. Wittwe babbeh gif toughies fowebah sweepies, bu’ am wittwe babbeh.” His face splits into a disgusting grin. “Babbeh join hewd ow git fowebah sweepies. Be bestest toughie.”

A hoarse growl comes out of your mouth. You were so sick and tired of all these titles. Bestest this, smarty that, all because you weren’t born with wings and a horn. For the first time, the thing possessing you makes a noise, a war-cry-like scream, and charges the smarty. Unfortunately, he anticipated this and sidesteps. He swings his head down, and you feel nothing.

Then the pain hits. Blood pools down the left side of your face, and you can’t see out of part of your vision. You blink. Again. And again. You and the entity hope that it’s all fake, you can still see, but tears stream down your cheeks as you realize it’s gone forever. Your teeth clench so hard you feel like they’re seconds from shattering.

“Hmph. Smawty teww yu to join hewd, yu nu wisten.” White hot fury begins to rush through your veins. A horrible noise of glass shattering hurts your ears, and you whirl around. The smarty looks shocked a bit, then changes to that sneer.

“Wittwe babbeh am su angwy. Wha’ babbeh gun du? Cwy tu mummah?” You don’t even answer. Your head swings to the left, and the noise of bone being carved is all you hear. A sharp object falls to the ground. The furious grin on your face changes to a sneer.

“SCREEEEEEEEE! NU HAF HOWN NU MOWE!” The smarty screams out of fear that he may lose his status, but you don’t care. Grabbing the horn in your mouth, you thrust it directly through his leg.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! WEGGIE HUWTIES!” He falls to his side, stumbling from the pain. You trot over and bite his ear. Before he can scream about that, you tear it off. Whatever the hell was controlling you is cruel.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! HEAW PWACE HAF WOWSTEST HUWTI-GAGH!” You shove it into his mouth, and something odd happens. Little orange and blue sparks fall to the ground and dissipate, almost as if they were shaved off of something. However, you don’t dwell on it and swing your head down like a cleaver. Blood sprays out, as the smarty stops moving. His head was completely severed. You look up. Sparks began to harmlessly shower your body, and you felt as if a great weight was lifted. All the fluffies from the smarty’s herd and your herd stared at you in terror. You look at one of the smarty’s toughies and meet his gaze.

You smile. He instantly runs, and the rest of the herd follows. Suddenly, you’re in control again. Your legs move when you tell them to again. You almost smile in relief, but then all the pain comes crashing down. You drunkenly stumble for something to support yourself, anything, but you simply fall, unconscious.



Never action packed. I like this version’s cause of Odin losing his eye. :grin::grin: