The wrong hood by(that1hugboxer)

This is a continuation of Where’s Muffy? By(that1hugboxer)

You are fudge, today something special happened.

Daddeh and some other people are building something in the back yard.

You don’t know what it is but you don’t really care either way.

While the other fluffies huddle around the sliding glass door to watch whatever is happening, you and your best friend hoagie are playing pretend in the now vacant safe room.

Hoagie is a grownup fluffy but unlike the others he’s just as playful as a foal.

You don’t really know much about anything, you know Yumnums are good , mummah loves you and that hoagie is your friend. As far as you’re concerned so long as you use the litter box and be nice everyone, those things will never change.

Ooh and sometimes grandma gives you yumnums .

It’s hard to think sometimes but you usually move on to something else instead of worrying about it.

You decide to play with the bwockies but Try as you might , the bwockies won’t stack.

Hoagie can stack the for you so it’s not a big deal.

A long time passes and Daddeh comes to get you and hoagie.

Daddeh built several fluffy coops outside.

Daddeh tells you and hoagie that these are temporary homes for fluffies until they can get a mummah or daddeh.

Hoagie convinces you that playing outside would mean more new friends for the two of you to play with.

The next day while daddeh is at work you wait patiently in front of the one way hole in the fence. Soon enough a fluffy waddles through.

You excitedly run over to the new friend to introduce yourself.

“(Chirp) am Fudge! (Chirp) be Fwiend?”

The pretty white and bright green unicorn mare looks at you with disgust.

“Go way! Nu wan’ be fwiend wiff Dummeh poopie babbeh!”

You waddle away blissfully ignorant of the mare’s hatred, not sad but more so disappointed that you didn’t make a new friend.

You return to waiting in front of the fence. Soon enough a gaggle of tawkie babbehs come through the fence following the behind the pretty mare .

You attempt to talk with one of them.

“(Chirp) am Fudge! (Chirp) be Fw…”

Before you can even finish speaking, you are bopped in the face by his hoof.

“Bestes’ babbeh nu be fwiends wiff dummeh poopie babbeh”

You begin chirping in distress while crying.

The foal laughs at your misery readying his hoof for a second bop .
Before hoagie can step in
The foal’s laughter grows silent as a large shadow falls over him .

You look up to see queequeg towering behind you.

He glares at the foal and begins to speak

“‘ou am new hewe su queequeg gon’ expwain dah wuwes of dah yawd. If ‘ou am nice fwuffie can stay… if ‘ou am mean fwuffie… den queequeg gon’ stahp pwayin’ nice wiff 'ou. Undahstand?”

The little orange and pink foal geysers poop for his rear.

queequeg picks the foal up in his mouth and carries him over to a makeshift wooden structure mocked up to resemble an old west jail dropping him in the top .

“Nu come out untiw daddeh get home!”

The foals mummah bangs on the walls of the jail with her hoofs

A few minutes later
Once she realizes there’s no way to get him out she turns to you.

“Dis am aww dummeh poopie babbeh fauwt !!!Fwuffy gib ou’ Fowebah sweepies!!!”

The mare raises her hoof to stomp you .

Hoagie steps in.

“Ou’ am bad mummah ! An’ Ou’ Babbeh am meanie babbeh!”

The mare cold-cocks hoagie.

You waddle over to your mummah and cry

“Babbeh wah wwong….”

Your mother jumps to her feet upon seeing your swollen black eye.

“Who du dis!!!?”

You point to the mean mare continuing to hit the unconscious hoagie over and over again.

“Stoopi’ ! ugwy ! dummeh ! stawwion ! nu desewbe huggies! nu desewbe housie ow nummies! ow bed! ow daddeh! onwy desewbe owwies an’ fowebah sweepies!!!”

“Come again you mangy Bitch!?”

The mare looks up and sees Grandma holding you , mummah is following behind her.”

“ my son goes through all the trouble of building this little sanctuary and you have the Fucking audacity to pull this shit!!!?”

Grandma puts you down grabs the mare by her throat .

“You and I are going to do some gardening.”


That mare deserves a severe beating for hurting hoagie also poor fudge


How about neck deep in manure


Oh Grandma Yindi has something much worse planned for her


I really hope Grandma has seen Motel Hell.

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Or Nothing but Trouble

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Quick question: has anyone made like furby fluffies?

I feel like it’s a logical next step for a subspecies but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one.

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I’ve never seen one, but it needs to happen.

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