May Theme Week
Fluffies are really strange things.
You would be forgiven for thinking that they are the strangest life form on our planet
so long as you don’t know much about mushrooms.
Funguses are present all around our world, confusing taxonomists day by day
Many are edible
Many are toxic
They are neither plant, nor animal, but share some aspects of both
And you can be quite certain that fluffies encounter funguses every single day
So it’s only natural to expect these two things to interact.
And that’s what we want to see for this theme week.
There are numerous ways in which fluffies and funguses interact.
Fluffies love to eat mushrooms in their sketties
Ferals bite into them randomly, with very random effects.
Fluffies suffer from fungal infections, too
Some of them are only skin-deep, and some go all the way to the fluffy’s brain.
There are specific funguses that thrive on fluffy feces, and are actually called Mycelium Hassenfeldae because they’re found everywhere fluffies are seen.
Some funguses are highly beneficial to fluffies.
Some will kill them.
Some will make them hallucinate.
Tell me Your story about Fluffies and Funguses.
The deadline for this Theme Week is May 1st.
There will be an award on for the best entry in this Theme Week.
Entries will be judged by our staff (not including me) ,
and a special guest judge.