there's always a second chance pt2 by:Dragon_the_hugboxer

this is kinda like an in between chapter it’s mostly about the foals growing up. no spoilers but it is sad box for a reason… if I’m not mistaken the next chapter will be from someone else point of view. idk what I’ll do next tho.

Every day after college I came to visit my grandma and the foals. I named the foals Candy and Magenta; Candy is a Female unicorn with purple fur and a red mane. Magenta is a female alicorn with a fuchsia mane and magenta fur. At the end of the first week the foals were opening their eyes and crawling faster, Candy was the fastest foal I had met.

Meanwhile Cherry was getting sick and no longer likes it when we go near her foals, but I don’t blame her; she had 5 litters taken away, she’s getting old now but she’s still producing milk. Her mane that was once a pinkish colour is now a dusty grey. The foals still suck on anything they think is a treat. Can’t shout at them for trying to feed from your fingers either they’ll poop. I only shouted at them when Candy startled me by suddenly sucking on my big toe.

I’m starting to get worried about my grandma. She can’t move as much and she’s barely bending down anymore. I basically have to feed cherry extra so she doesn’t go hungry. Me and Grandma found the foal’s father once, he is a Pegasus with a dark purple mane like the starry night and his mane is a beautiful violet color. He found out that we took in his foals and now he has begun visiting grandma’s house with flowers everyday. I call him Sherbet; I think he loves his new name.

In the second week the foals started to respond to commands like ”No, stop, go into the litter box to do that”. Cherry is getting worse and I’m getting worried. Their personalities are starting to kick in. magenta is the sweetest foal I have ever met. At first I thought she was trying to feed from my thumbs but she’s giving me kisses.

Week three rolls around. The foals can’t quiet walk yet but they can shout much louder and they’re saying things that kind of sound like words. I believe the word is babbling… not talking. Cherry went in for surgery, it failed now cherry is on painkillers for the rest of her short life. To make up for it grandma got her a new blanket. I’m worrying about my grandma. She regularly forgets cherry’s name and important things like she forgot if my mom was her child or she was my aunt….once I finish college I’m moving in with her.

Week 4 cherry had that operation again and this time it was a success!! She can now get fake legs. She loves playing with her foals and they love having an active mummah. Grandma seems not too bad this week but I don’t know…

The next few weeks are uneventful. The foals started walking around week six; they started talking around week nine. They are now 3 months old they’re hardly foals anymore but they do need to drink milk.

Around week 13 things get really shitty cherry passes away and grandma takes it hard and so do the foals. We had her cremated and the foals spent most of their time crying now they never knew she wasn’t their real mom. One Saturday morning I saw cherry sleeping with the foals she was not moving she looked so peaceful I thought she was sleeping until I felt her body that was cold and stiff.