So as it turns out i decided to write another story about my kitsune fluffy Rambo.
It was partially inspired by “Exhume” by @PeppermintParchment which was more or less the push I needed to get started.
This story was originally supposed to be sadbox all the way.
But as I wrote the worst thing happened
I started to like the characters involved and began getting ideas for what if they lived ?
So I ran with it and wrote a hugbox ending too.
And now you can choose your own ending.
i also want to thank the following FC members, who proofread it and gave me valuable feedback.
In no particular order.
I thank each and every one of you, for taking your time to read this story beforehand.
If i forgot anybody please let me know.
But extra special thanks, most of all goes to @AnneCroma
For their invaluable advice feedback and taking it upon themselves to fix my grammar and any lingering typo’s
But enough of my preamble.
Here is the story proper.
Main Story
It has been many bright times since Rambo last saw Cream the white Pegasus fluffy.
It has been so long that he can barely remember it.
But with Rambo being a fluffy, that doesn’t say much. it might as well have been last week.
Rambo had started to ask every day as to when he could see Cream again.
The white Pegasus hadn’t even been at fluffy daycare.
Eventually, Rambo’s owner sat him down to explain.
His owner used many big and complicated words Rambo didn’t understand such as “inflation”, “recession”, “housing crisis”, “pandemic”, and “relocation”.
But eventually, Rambo understood that this was not his fault. That Cream’s owners had to move away and that there was a small possibility that he would one day see Cream again.
This gave Rambo heart happies and hurties in equal measures.
That was 6 months ago.
During that time Rambo had been as happy as any fluffy could be.
With lots of play. with balls and blocks and Transformers.
Lots of fluff TV, along with Transformers shows and Rambo movies, his favorite.
He watched these waving his Transformers toys around, or wearing a little red headband.
And apples! So many apples of countless varieties.
But even though Rambo had been as happy as he could be.
There was something unnamed lingering, even in his moments of perfect bliss, that he couldn’t quite put his hoof on.
Until one day he realizes what it was from out of nowhere.
He was all alone.
He had plenty of friends at the fluffy daycare, but at home he was alone.
Even worse, he had no special friend.
None at all.
Fluffies are, by nature and design, social creatures. They either imprint on a human or congregate in herds big and small.
A fluffy alone is uncommon.
Rambo had brought this to the attention of his owner, who explained to him that more fluffies would not be possible right now.
More big words Rambo didn’t quite understand.
But it was true. Rambo spent most of his days either at fluffcare or alone in the backyard.
Rambo wondered if this was because he was a bad fluffy who didn’t deserve friends.
It was true that at fluffcare new fluffies would sometimes make fun of his four tails.
But he was a kitsune fluffy. tails for them are everything.
Even more important than leggies.
Without tails they weren’t kitsune anymore, just fluffy.
Rambo laid awake many nights, well until he invariably nodded off after 2 hours, wondering if he was a bad fluffy. Why was he alone?
What could he do about it?
The next day, with all worry forgotten, he was a bundle of multitailed joy again.
But it kept nagging.
Especially in the wee hours of the night, when sleep wouldn’t come. Even with his Optimus Prime-shaped nightlight to ward off the evils of the night.
Rambo was sitting in the backyard. the sun was shining. He had his toys. Many toys, lots of apples, and plenty to drink while his owner was away.
It was a Saturday so no fluffcare today.
It was a perfect day to be outside and play.
He should have been content, and he was, but…
But he still felt terribly alone.
He knew the backyard very well, which was about 50 feet all told.
An even green field of grass with a row of homegrown vegetables on the left side that Rambo was not allowed to touch under any circumstance.
That was alright by him. he preferred apples anyway.
There was an old tree right in the center of the backyard that had been there even before the house was built, which provided more than enough shade.
It was not an apple tree sadly.
There were bushes and shrubberies that lined the high garden fence.
Rambo knew these very well too. He had played many a hot summer days in there with his Transformers figures pretending that they are stuck in a sweltering jungle or alien planet.
He has no idea what these places were, he just copied them from Transformers cartoons he had seen.
Usually, a play session ended with him falling asleep in the shade because it was so hot.
Rambo also knew that one of the fence’s wooden boards was loose.
He normally didn’t pay too much attention to it.
it was too small for a fluffy to get through, let alone something bigger like a dog, so he normally forgot it was even there.
But today was different.
Rambo held his new toy aloft. It was a transforming plane with the difficult name of Thundercracker.
Rambo alternated between calling him Thundacwaka and Thunda, which was much easier.
He was making Brum brum noises as he pretended Thundercracker was flying when he heard a noise coming from the corner with the loose wooden board.
Rambo was startled at first and his first instinct was to try and wun away.
When he realized that the sound was a voice.
A fluffy voice!
All fear was gone, replaced with giddy excitement.
Rambo ventured into the bushes.
“Hewwo?” he said hesitantly. “Nyu fwend?”
“Nyu fwend?” was the reply from behind the fence. the voice was indeed a fluffy and it sounded a bit hesitant. A bit guarded as they weren’t sure what to do.
Rambo found the loose board and laid down flat on his stomach, allowing him to peek outside.
His heart skipped a beat.
Outside was a stray fluffy. A pure white, with some black highlights, stray fluffy that looked dirty and disheveled but was once the purest white of white.
No doubt a pet that escaped or was kicked out.
And a mare to boot.
“Fwuffy am Wambo” Rambo said hesitantly. He suddenly didn’t know what to say either.
“Am Snowy” replied the fluffy mare in a slightly chipper voice, she hesitated for a moment. “Wambo hab nummies …and toysies? Snowy hab none.”
Rambo, for the first time, noticed how thin she was.
Her ribs poked through her matted white fluff. this gave Rambo an idea.
“Snowy twy and come wiff Wambo?” he gestured at the hole in the fence and stepped aside to let her through.
“Am otay?” Snowy asked, clearly on her guard. She had been living on the streets for a while now and this seemed too good to be really happening.
“Am otay” Rambo reassured her with a big smile.
His heart was all a flutter. a new friend! A real friend here at home and maybe?.. possibly?..
He didn’t want to finish the thought in case it was too good to be true.
But no matter how much she tried Snowy couldn’t wring herself through the hole in the fence.
Her head was too big, the hole was too small, and, no matter how much the two fluffies tried, they couldn’t get the hole any bigger.
The meanie wood wouldn’t budge.
Granted they were also fluffies so that meant they pleaded at the wood and tapped at it a few times with marshmallow hooves.
But they tried with spirit.
Snowy knew it was too good to be true and turned to leave. To look for better opportunities. Quickly, Rambo stopped her.
“Wambo can bwing toysies and nummies.”
She stopped and looked at him expectantly, not knowing what he meant but he seemed like a nice fluffy.
Rambo disappeared back into his backyard.
It took him a long, long time to get back. so long Snowy wondered if he forgot all about her. then suddenly he came bursting through the shrubs again.
With lots of effort, he managed to shove toys and apples into his tails and dragged them along with him.
He presents them to Snowy with all the pride of a hunter-gatherer coming home to a nest.
Snowy’s eyes light up at all the apples. She had never seen this much food gathered together.
“Am aww fow Snowy?” she asked, uncertain.
Rambo nodded happily and started pushing the apples, a grand total of 8, through the hole.
So much that Snowy didn’t know where to start and just grabbed one and bit into it.
it was the best thing she had tasted in forever.
"Fank ou Wambo. nummies am gud” she said with genuine gratitude.
Finally, the last thing Rambo pushed out through the hole in the fence was something Snowy had never seen before.
A strange long object with wingies.
“Am toysies” said Rambo as he nudged Thundercracker toward her.
“Toysie?” Snowy questioned bemused. it was not a toy she has ever seen before, but she took it gratefully regardless.
Something swelled in her chest. Some unknown feeling she didn’t know was there before.
Hope? Something more maybe.
She didn’t know.
But for the first time in months, things might finally look up for her.
But of course it wouldn’t last.
The rest of the day the two fluffies spent their time near the fence.
Eventually, Rambo’s owner had to drag him indoors despite Rambo’s protestations.
The kitsune fluffy was glum for the rest of the evening.
The next morning he whined and scratched at the sliding garden doors with his marshmallow hooves till his owner let him out.
Rambo made a beeline for the bushes and the hole in the fence, hoping against hope that Snowy would still be there.
He dropped down to his stomach and peeked out the best he could.
“Hewwo …Snowy?”
No answer.
Rambo laid there for countless heartbeats in absolute misery when suddenly he heard a familiar voice.
Snowy trotted around the corner.
It turned out that she decided to stick around and make a temporary nest close by.
This gave Rambo enormous heart happies.
This situation continued as the weeks went by and somehow the fluffies manage to make this strange relationship work.
Off course Rambo brought this up to his owner, hoping that Snowy would be allowed in.
But alas, this was not to be.
Rambo’s owner repeatedly explained to him, why this was not possible.
Rambo, himself, was an accident. His owner found him, badly malnourished, with his tails tangled in a bush, locking him in place.
The truck that was transporting Rambo and other kitsune flufies to a pet store slid while driving in the rain and mud, before side swiping in to a tree, losing three wooden crates of kitsune fluffies.
Rambo was one of the lucky ones. He didn’t get impaled by wood splinters, nor did he get splattered on the road or wrapped around a tree.
Not only was Rambo a total accident, but more importantly, the lease for the house was nearly up and they planned to move soon.
Traveling with one fluffy is already stressful enough, let alone with two, or even a whole family of them.
Rambo had been told this numerous times by now.
But all he heard was no. Because no, and that’s why.
It gave him many heart hurties, but he didn’t give up because maybe today was the day he could turn the tide.
But Rambo’s owner wasn’t entirely heartless and occasionally helped Snowy out mostly by providing her with Rambo’s nest box to sleep in.
Rambo was very insistent on this. he wanted her to have it. He didn’t sleep in it anymore and only used it as a fortress to play in.
This situation continued for several months.
Somehow, the two fluffies still managed to make it work and didn’t lose interest in each other.
They spent so much time together that the fence was starting to weaken in the spot where they came together.
They kept working on it as even the tiniest axe can take down a massive tree given enough time.
The weather grew colder. the leaves turned brown and golden and fell from the trees.
Rambo and Snowy had*great fun collecting the leaves and comparing them.
Rambo’s owner started to wonder if they had been too harsh on the kitsune fluffy.
Maybe having two fluffies in the house wouldn’t be so bad…if Snowy is spayed.
It was better than having Rambo sulk or spend all day in the corner of the garden.
Until one day, Snowy wasn’t there anymore.
Rambo called out for her.
But nothing.
He waited for her.
But nothing.
She was not there.
She wasn’t coming.
Rambo shifted between being inconsolable and having the biggest heart hurties he had ever had.
He held out against hope that she would return as he grew more and more worried by the minute.
Rambo had spent the past few days sitting in the same spot in the corner waiting for Snowy to return if she ever did.
By the third day Rambo had come to a conclusion.
An idea. Fluffies aren’t fast thinkers after all.
The hole in the fence was now big enough for him to wriggle through it with effort.
Lots of effort.
This scared him. what would he do if he got outside and lost his way?
Would his owner forget about him? Would he become a stray fluffy too?
He had to chance it. Anything was better than this.
Rambo dropped to his stomach again. he flattened his fox-like ears and started the slow process of wriggling through the hole.
It was a very, very tight fit, and a few times Rambo felt like he was stuck. panic rised in his throat but he choked it back.
If worst came to worst, his owner would free him.
After what seemed like many forevers, though, in reality, was barely five minutes, he managed to wriggle himself through the hole.
And he was out. he was free!
Rambo looked around the back alley. It was a strange place. he had never been here before.
It was a narrow stone alley with mud pools and trash strewn around. There were doors that gave access to storage boxes mostly underground.
Nothing seemed very old but it had a chilly, desolate, indifferent air. A totally different world compared to the backyard he knew so well.
He couldn’t imagine Snowy spending so much time here but he could see the signs that she had been. The back of the fence was drenched in her presence. It made him weak in the leggies.
The nestie box was placed right against the fence. Without much hope, Rambo looked inside. Maybe Snowy was sickies.
But nothing. She wasn’t in there.
Rambo wasn’t sure where to go or what to do so he trusted in the one thing he did have at his disposal.
His nose.
He stuck it in the air first as he has seen in da moobees.
But nothing.
Instead, after a bit, he put his nose on the ground.
That was better. It was even more then better. It was overwhelming, but somehow he managed to discern a very familiar scent.
His heart skipped a beat.
Rambo took a deep breath and followed his nose.
He followed it around a corner. And then another. And then…
Sadbox Ending
He walked in on horror. Something that would never leave him for the rest of his fluffy-born life.
There laid Snowy on her side, Thundercracker broken next to her.
A look of absolute horror frozen on her face.
The light had faded from her eyes.
Half of her body was gone. her lower body was a mass of raw flesh, with her entrails strewn around the alleyway in a pool of half-coagulated blood.
A large, emaciated stray dog, with sores over its body, had its back turned to Rambo and was chomping down on Snowy’s remains.
Tearing at the raw flesh.
Rambo could see the broken spine, splintered ribs, and torn organs.
Snowy’s stomach had ruptured and spilled its contents, mostly apple mush, over the concrete.
Rambo began to sob.
The entire foundation had fallen out of his little fluffy world turning it topsy turvy. Everything he knew turned out to be wrong.
The world was harsh and mean and unforgiving.
Nothing cared for the fluffies within it. they were all fodder.
All this came crashing down on Rambo and he could barely comprehend it. Except for one thing.
He would never, ever see Snowy ever again.
Something that made him come closest to the wan die loop.
His legs buckled under his grief and he started to sob louder in great heaving gasps.
This attracted the attention of the stray dog. It turned around and regarded Rambo with a low, rumbling growl, like the shifting of tectonic plates.
That’s how it felt to Rambo.
He saw the sharp, bloody teeth, the reddish eyes rolling with empty malevolence in his direction, and he knew with terrifying certainty that his life was in danger.
“Nuuuu,” gasped Rambo.
He turned around and starts to run.
He ran as fast as he could. His vision blurred by the tears that wouldn’t stop.
The stray dog kicked off in pursuit.
The pursuit was always the most fun. The killing: the most gratifying. It was always a shame when these stupid, squeaking things stopped moving and making sounds,
But the spoils made up for that.
The tails were funny too.
Dimly, the dog wondered what sounds this fluffy would make when they were ripped out one by one.
Rambo ran.
He ran as fast as he could.
Ran for his very life.
Ran blinded by tears.
By sheer blind luck, he somehow managed to retrace his steps and nearly smashed headfirst into the fence.
The dog was not far away. Rambo could hear him thundering down the alleyways.
His eyes darted around to find the hole in the fence and he dove for it, skittering on his little marshmallow hooves.
He dropped down hard and fast and started to crawl frantically through the hole.
His hooves barely gained any purchase.
Rambo can feel his heart thudding in his throat.
The barky monster would be here any second now and then there would be pain.
And, and,
And he was stuck !
Panic rose up in his throat like bile. the barky monster was coming and he was stuck!
Rambo writhed and *wriggled, pleading desperately to somehow get moving again.
The dog was rounding the corner. he saw a mess of blue and black tails sticking out from under the fence.
A funny sight to be sure.
With a slight pop Rambo suddenly slid forward barely a millimeter, but it was enough.
Somehow, maybe the mud, the sweat, or the wriggling, he was free to move again.
He surged forward only to be greeted by a blinding, stabbing pain in one of his tails as the dog bit down.
Rambo was being tugged backwards again.
“Nuuuuuuuu! Wambo nu am nummies!”
With a supreme effort, taking everything he had, Rambo surges forward again, pulling hard.
He was lucky that the stray dog is in a playful mood, otherwise, it would have been a hopeless gesture for him.
He would have been pulled back to have his soft belly torn open.
Instead there was a great tearing pain, a popping sound, as Rambo left something from himself behind. He skittered into the backyard onto the grass.
One of his tails was mangled with the top sheared off right down to the bone, but he doesn’t care. He didn’t even feel it.
He was running on adrenaline and fear.
The kitsune fluffy shuddered as he laid on the grass. The dog scratched and barked at the fence, trying to get in but found soon that it was futile.
It trotted back to its killing ground.
Rambo cried.
He cried his little eyes out.
He cried his heart out.
He cried till his heart shuddered.
He cried till it broke.
Hugbox ending
He walked in on a disconcerting sight.
An upturned shopping cart. Its wheels pointing to the sky. The sun glinting on its metal frame.
Several red bricks laid nearby with rather ominous implications.
In one of the corners of the carts laid…
Rambo rushed to her as fast as he could.
He couldn’t believe it.
He couldn’t believe he found her.
“Wambo?” Snowy got to her feet. She couldn’t believe it either.
She thought he had given up on her, and forgotten her.
The two fluffies tried to reach for each other through the grates of the cart.
They were so close to being able to hug each other.
So close, but not quite.
Nevertheless, this was the closest they had ever been.
They chirped at each other in happiness.
After a while, Rambo asks what happened.
“Munsta hoomins” Snowy replied.
She told Rambo how she was tricked into coming here. Lured into the make-shift prison by skettie treats. And then, suddenly, the human pushed over the stack of bricks and the cart snapped shut.
The bricks were still lying inside the cart.
So was Thundercracker which she carried with her everywhere.
That was 3 days ago. The humans haven’t been back yet.
But Snowy worries that they will be and who knows what will happen then.
“Nu wowwy nu mowe” said Rambo “Wambo wiww getchu ou”
“Weawy” said Rambo, his chest swelling with pride.
But in truth, he had no earthly idea how to do this.
He could go home, yes, and ask his owner to help, and he was fairly certain they would, …maybe. They could also lock Rambo away and tell him no.
He didn’t want to risk that.
Or equally bad, Snowy might be gone when he returned.
…or worse.
But he didn’t want to think about that.
So whatever happened, he was going to do it himself.
Rambo walked around the cart.
He looked at the cart. he looked at the bricks.
Snowy looked expectantly at him.
Rambo pushed the moving door mechanism of the cart.
…It moved.
It was heavy, but it moved, it could be pushed.
The gears were slowly turning in his fluffy brain.
Rambo looked at the hollow bricks.
They looked like blockies.
Blockies can be stacked. He knew this.
Blockies also can support things and things can be placed on top of them.
The gears turned more and more and a plan starts to formulae in Rambo’s brain.
All of this takes him the better part of an hour.
Fluffies are not fast thinkers.
Rambo had a germ of an idea in his head.
It may just work, but he didn’t* know how to explain it.
He lacked the words or the understanding. All he could do was try.
“Wook” said Rambo. “Wambo hab idea.”
He walked to the bricks and tried picking one up. They were heavy but with lots of effort, he could pick one up.
For now, he chose to push it forward, further, and further.
Rambo reached the cart and put his idea to the test.
He pushed against the door mechanism. it swung forward and with supreme effort, he pushed one of the bricks against it.
The door stayed in place.
Snowy tilted her head.
She had no idea what she was seeing. she had no words for it.
“Wambo.” she looked at him. “Snowy nu unnerstan.”
“Wook,” said Rambo “Wook.” He pushed the door and the brick further and further until the edge rested on the brick itself and there was a small space under it.
This took a lot of effort. Every muscle in Rambo’s leggies and back were hurting and he had only just started.
“Wook,” said Rambo again. “Am bwokies, bwokies can stacksies”
Snowy still didn’t understand, so Rambo just shows her what he meant.
He pushed against the cart door with all his weight and raised it further and further until there was enough room for another brick to be placed under it.
“Stack…bwockie” Rambo wheezed.
His legs trembled from the effort to keep the door raised.
Realization finally dawned on Snowy.
The bricks in her prison were her tools to freedom.
With lots of effort, she pushed a brick on the first brick, and the opening grew larger.
With lots of effort, the two fluffies managed to stack 4 bricks precariously on top of each other.
The stack fell over at least twice and they had to start all over again.
But now, hours later they managed to do it, sweating and hurting all over.
Rambo was sore in places he didn’t even know he could be sore in.
But the opening was just big enough for Snowy to crawl through
As the precariously stacked tower of bricks wobbled.
It wouldn’t hold for long.
Snowy dropped to her stomach. she hoped nothing would happen.
Long minutes passed, or, at least, it felt like that for the two fluffies.
Snow flattened herself as best as she could. Her rib cage hugged the ground.
The clearance was so small that if she inhaled, she brushed up against the edge of the cart door.
She crawled under it as fast as she could.
Just in the nick of time.
The bricks wobbled and toppled over, against the door, slamming it shut, scooping Snowy up and sending her flying, right into Rambo.
The two fluffies tumbled over each other before they landed a few meters away lying on top of each other.
“Oww” said Snowy “Meanie bwockies, why huwt fwuwwy?”
She then suddenly realized she was lying on top of Rambo.
Not quite how she imagined things to go but she wasn’t complaining.
She hugged him gratefully and he hugged her back, wrapping her in all of his tails.
“…Wambo…Wambo wub Snowy,” Rambo stammered as if he was afraid of her reaction.
“Snowy wub Wambo tuu,” she chirped “Wan be speciaw fewnd.”
Rambo’s heart swelled to ten times its original size and he wanted to cry with joy, but he also suddenly realizes where they were.
*t was not safe here.
“Fwuwwies nee to wun” he said. “Wun to Wambo’s home.”
On the way home, which Rambo managed to find without issue, he worried about his owner’s reaction to Snowy. If need be he would walk out with her.
Rambo let Snowy go in first.
She had no trouble slipping in, being as thin as she was.
Rambo had a bit more trouble, but he managed to slip through after a few minutes of effort and went looking for Snowy.
He found her sitting under the tree looking around in awe.
This was better than she could have ever hoped for.
Rambo sat down next to her, his tails curling around her.
Snowy snuggled up next to him.
Both fluffies suddenly notice just how tired they were.
It didn’t take long before they fell asleep in a small fluffpile.
They woke up when they heard the front door click shut.
Rambo told all about his adventures to his owner.
He readied himself to hear that Snowy must leave and if that happened, he would leave with her.
But to their surprise and delight they were told Snowy was allowed to stay.
It was clear that Rambo was happy when she was around.
The two fluffies fell asleep in Rambo’s basket after the biggest bowl of sketties either of them had ever seen.
Rambo had his tails wrapped around Snowy again, lying in a small fluffpile.
Rambo’s owner wondered how they ended up with 2 fluffies suddenly,
but that was a problem for another day.
Extended Hugbox Ending
They wake up when they hear the front door click shut.
Rambo readies himself, this is the moment he has been looking forward to and dreading all the same.
The moment his owner walks in Rambo can’t contain himself anymore, and his tale of adventure spills out.
He tells it as fast as he can, the words tumbling out of his mouth, nearly tripping over each other.
He talks so fast, almost as if he doesn’t want to give his owner time to react or find an opportunity to reply.
But fluffies aren’t that smart so it’s either an instinctive reaction.
Or just his hardwired need to be forthcoming with his owner, whatever the case.
Whatever the consequences.
Rambo tells his tale.
He tells it all.
He tells it true.
But as he talks, the reaction of his owner makes his heart flutter with worry and disconcert.
He had expected anger,instead he is greeted by a blank stare and deafening silence, that somehow makes him feels worse as it goes on and on.
Awful suppossions race through his head, as he races to catches up with his own words.
Would he be punished ?
Would he be hurt ?
Or worst of all, would Snowy be hurt ? s
He can feel her standing behind him. hiding as best as she can behind his four tail as she looks up afraid.
She hasn’t had much luck with humans, ever since she became a stray, which seems a whole lifetime ago.
Longer even.
Rambo’s heart aches, pounding so hard in his throat it hurts, and the overriding desire to protect his special friend.
Because he knows that she is, with every fiber of his being, now and forevermore.
And she knows this as well.
As he finishes talking, the silence that descends is almost deafening.
Rambo takes the initiative, almost automatically he flares his tails to protect Snowy.
He can’t he won’t allow her to be hurt ever again, to be taken from him.
It’s something he can’t even bear to think about.
He locks eyes with his owner, both desperately afraid and desperately defiant.
Laying his heart bare and whatever may come will come.
“Wambo …Wambo nu wann be awone nu mowe. Bu Snowy nu wan be awone nu mowe tuu. Wambo nu wean be bad fwuffee bu if Snowy nu can stay …den…den Wambo wiww gu wiff Snowy.”
He can practically feel Snowy gasp behind him.
Rambo know that this is a desperate gamble, his only gamble really, but he means every word of it.
He is ready and willing to brave the great big dangerous outdoors and the coming cold times.
He doesn’t know what to expect there.
But he would for her anyway, always and only for her.
The fluffies steel themselves for the angry reaction to all this. A reaction that never comes.
Rambo’s owner sits down and sighs.
“You know that I never wanted a fluffy Rambo,” they sigh. “Let alone two.”
“So what am I supposed to do with you two ?”
“…But as you know Rambo, we have some rules here. So you are going to have to teach snowy what they…”
The rest of the words are drowned out, by the explosion of joy coming from the two fluffies when it dawns on them.
Snowy is allowed to stay.
She is allowed to stay !!
The two fluffies fall asleep in Rambo’s basket, after the biggest bowl of sketties either of them has ever seen.
Rambo has his tails wrapped around Snowy again, lying in a small fluffpile.
Rambo’s owner wonders how they ended up with 2 fluffies all of a sudden, but that’s a problem for another day.