I need some Fluffies names to use
I’m gonna be honest with you that sounds gay as hell
Better idea, tell me how old you are because if you ain’t 13 or older I’m banning you
But it might work
If it’s just going over lore that already exists, then it’d be some real shitty analog horror. Do it the real way and make a fake crime series about some dude murdering humans and leaving behind paintings of fluffies suffering the murders in question. Or whatever else analog horror is about. Maybe have the guy just kidnap humans and the paintings of their respective fluffy has a date for when to find them by to avoid them meeting that fate, so you avoid the no-human-abuse rule, I dunno.
Anything that’s not just rethreading old ground but with a static filter on top.
No. It was going to be based on the Hasbio thing
Your avoidance of my question doesn’t bode well
Why’s the category and title and contents different now? I didn’t even know you could change the category. The contents aren’t even related to the title now.
Also yeah I wanna know how old you are too.
(post deleted by author)
What was this originally? I already agreed with @Ace on this before knowing it was editted away. But now I feel like I really missed something hilarious.
So how gay was it?
This, i hate when i miss site drama, i need to know.
Is there a way to get notified when someone says something stupid to Za??
Also, stealing this thanks.
I am trying to imagine analog horror about tickles.
Yes, this is gay af.
Or idk, fluffies as, ahem, invasive species. Some sort of alternates lmao. You go to work, leave your favourite cat or dog at home and return to the disturbing sound of “Nyu daddeh? Nice hooman gib fwuffy sketties?” and something which resembles your beloved pet.
We do have a channel specifically for that in TFP, yes
It was nothing too interesting! It was just something like: “What if I make an analog horror video about fluffies? It’d be based on Hasbio and the PETA break-out”. It was also in community posts, had the title “analog horror idea”, and did not have any tags.
So no idea why it got changed to this, but the thought of someone making a shitty community post and then changing it to a well-written story so people are spouting vitriol for seemingly no reason is hilarious.
Go ahead! I honestly just described UrbanSpook’s analog horror series “The Painter” and added fluffies.
i’m surprised that this got shifted to text self posting, and yet @Mr_Owl hasn’t shown up to demand a namening.
because it isn’t supposed to be at text self posting