time for for some BIG GUNS(by xiaoxia2qwq)

Translates to Anti-tank-self-loading gun pattern 1941, Simonov system .

Fires a 14.5x114mm round of ammunition.

14.5x114mm is often called the Russian 50 caliber .

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dang so many people likes and commented. thank you guys so much,this is just one pic of new pt of my comic


Here’s a video of a guy shooting one


That motherfucker could liquefy an ostrich.

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I read that in Samuel L Jackson’s voice

Just like postal 2 ha ha

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.375 H&H, .416 Rigby, .458 Winchester, .458 Lott, .505 Gibbs, 370 FL NE, .450/.400 NE, .450 NE, .470 NE, .500 NE and 9.3x74R, .600 NE, .700 NE, 2 bore, 4 bore, 70-110 Winchester

Gun autism active lol


Oh you and I are going to get along just fine


No, it’s an L/40.6, 31.5”/80 cm, 7 ton projectile. We’re not shooting gnats here. We’re going for the big guns. That’s what gun autism is all about.


Have you not heard of the king of stupid bullet names? Behold the .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer


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That’s hilarious. Gun designers have wild senses of humour.


There’s literally a pistol called the Yeet cannon. It’s made by high point

I can’t laugh, because half my family is in one room, but I want to.

I mean high points are despite what gun snobs say actually decent guns. They were originally designed to arm people who couldn’t afford a traditional gun.

They are heavy bulky and a pain to take apart for maintenance/ cleaning. But they run well especially for a $100 ish gun. The yeet cannon is significantly more expensive at $210 but that’s still far less than the average pistol.
Here’s a high point next to a Glock for size comparison

Both by the way fire the same 10mm bullet but the Glock is more than twice the price and holds more despite having a smaller profile


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What’s the weight difference? The Glock looks more comfortable to hold.

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The Glock weighs 39 ounces and the high point weighs 3.9 pounds

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Yeah, that’s a bit of a difference. One is 39oz, the other is 62.4.

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An anti-tank rifle, or a “whole flock of ducks with one blast” shotgun? Which is the better solution for dealing with fluffies? I’d need to try out both before I picked, honestly.

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So of course the fluffy gets a caulking gun. I guess it’s big for a fluffy, haha.

No wait, that’s the ammunition. Still almost as big as the fluffy.

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