time for for some BIG GUNS(by xiaoxia2qwq)



Name in the title


I wonder if that foal would fit in a casing.

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Makes me think of the Punt Gun, America’s most effective duck hunting gun



the fluffy silencer! Just shove the fluffy ass first onto the barrel and it’s quiet as a mouse. (Good for one shot only so make it count!)


@That1hugboxer, have you ever heard of this monster? What kind of ammo do they take?


It’s a puntgun used for industrial water fowl hunting , mounted to the front of a small boat called a punt hence the name. It’s a shotgun. Shotguns are rated in gauges or bores depending on the time period. A general rule of thumb is the lower the designated gauge/bore number the larger and more powerful the gun is . Example a 10 gauge is larger than a 12 gauge so on and so forth. Anything below a 12 gauge is used to hunt things like moose, bears things like that.

If it’s in the single digit it’s usually meant for industrial hunting .

That one in the picture is I believe either a 2 or lower bore

It shoots like over a pounds worth of different sized lead balls called shot at once. For reference a 12 gauge shotgun shell has the amount of shot inside it measured in ounces .

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Hope this helps


Trust me you don’t want that. Funny as a foal fired from a 50bmg might seem, here’s what you will actually get. A barrel obstruction leading to catastrophic failure, an exploding $20k rifle and if you are lucky only a few shattered ribs and facial bones. Don’t believe me look up what happened to Kentucky ballistic when his exploded.

Though to be honest I want to see this in a comic

Obviously i know this is fluffy land, but if Fluffies are going to have “realistic” consequences for their actions, I think the “fucketh about findeth out” rule should be in effect for the dipshit using an anti-material rifle as a foal cannon


Now if we have an overpopulation of ducks/geese we just have to put up with stepping in turds all the time. Truly wonderful of them to create a problem out of a solution and a solution out of a problem.:rofl:



This thing was so fun to use in World at War. It’s also part of one of my favorite pieces of WW2 apocrypha, apparently a Soviet sniper took one of these up to the top of an apartment block and just started blasting Nazis during Barbarossa, imagine being Hanz, pride of the SS and watching one of your homies go up in a red mist from this thing


THANK YOU! That thing is a monster. Not sure why I didn’t connect it with punting, but the name makes sense.

I’m pretty sure that gun could take down a Mack truck.


There’s no joke a type of bullet called .577 Tyrannosaur.

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Holy shit! I looked it up. The dimensions are nearly penile.


Behold the m88 patrone a bullet designed in 1888



Sad thing is, just looking at it, I can tell it was designed for use against humans.

There’s a video of a guy shooting a junk car with a 4 bore variant

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NICE. I’ll look that up later.

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Is that some sort of a PTSD?

That’s a peashooter my man.

If fluffies were real I’d get me a Heavy Gus. Just to make sure there’s no under kill.