Toilet-pal by Peaches


It’s all shits n’ giggles until you have to dispose of the corpse


“This just feels like regular shitting with extra steps, what’s the point of it beside senseless cruelty?”

“The cruelty IS the point.”


I say this on Turbine’s posts a lot but those shelter workers should start saying the fluffies want to eat nails and get kicked in the balls every day to ensure they have a happy life.

Beyond that though? Look at how that little fucker knocked over it’s kibble. What an asshole!


Meh, just chop it up with a knife on a stick and flush it. :ahahaha:


The stench of that soggy, shit coated carcass would be enough to deter me from ever using it

Also, I would rather drag my ass on carpet than let a fluffy give me ‘licky cleanies’


Skibidi dom yes yes

I’m so sorry :frowning:


The only thing those signs say is the way they are going to screw that shitrat, which never goes well for them xD

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Imagine someone reads it and is a hugboxer fulfilling what the paper says xD


Use a camping toilet and it’s already bagged.

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Shelter’s partly to blame for spoiling this one.


Buenos dias mi nombre es burbuja,y amo se sodomizado ,mi papa no quiso convertirme en un bebw enfie y eso me mio muchos dolores de corazon,busco un hogar donde todos abusen de mi,prefiero dormir sobre una superfice dolorosa y fria ,preferentemente clavos oxidados y rechazare cualquier alimento que no sean heces .si pueden cumplir estas exigencias tendran un compañero fiel/ Good morning my name is bubble, and I love to be sodomized, my father did not want to turn me into a enfie baby and that gave me many heart aches, I am looking for a home where everyone abuses me, I prefer to sleep on a painful and cold surface, preferably rusty nails and refuse any food other than feces, if you can meet these demands will have a faithful companion

something like that?

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This is a great way to deter smarties.

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Your fluffies are so friggin cute I almost feel bad for them. Almost. :ahahaha:

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I know exactly what you’re referencing and I hate it

Go eat a towel


Huh? I wasn’t referencing anything. And I’m scared to look it up lol :joy:

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“But hey i see her tongue
 oh it was removed. So that’s all feces logs
” i like this. Good for him. Its a toy and doesn’t deserve a 99 cent can of skettis it deserves whatever you feed it. Maybe try eating corn and laxatives. Spray it with nutrition lmao

I felt sorry for the foal then I read the fluffy bio, yeah fuck that little shit.

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