Note: I am not medically trained so some surgical elements of this chapter might ring false. However since Fluffies aren’t real, I doubt it matters too much.
Josef Mongola was not an easily disturbed man. He had survived the physical and emotional abuse of his father, he had seen the still beating hearts of surgery patients during his studies in the operating theatre, and he had seen Fluffies do the worst things to each other, and have the worst things done to them by himself, with everything from infant rape to disembowelment. There was little that could churn his stomach anymore.
Which is why he was caught off-guard when his friend Pete Langford asked him for his expertise, and found himself sickened by what he was being asked to do.
“Get fucked Pete, I’m not doing THAT!”
“Oh come off it Joe, you’ve done this shit before, this should be fucking child’s play.”
“I’ve castrated many a Fluffy, yes, but you’re asking me to psychologically and physically turn a stallion into a mare. That’s beyond fucked-up, even for me.”
Pete sighed and fell back in his chair, he looked around the table for someone to come to his side, to his left, Vincent Harkness looked deep in thought, as though trying to find the best middle-ground response between the two men. To his right, Augustus ‘Gus’ Kemper looked a little too interested in the conversation, Gus looked over at Pete and shrugged his shoulders with a sadistic grin on his face.
“I’ll do it.”
“No offence Gus, while I don’t doubt your skills, Joe’s the expert here and I trust him to avoid as many complications as possible. Plus he has that secret tool in Crimson, that fuckin psycho will turn even the strongest Smarty Cunt into a little bitch.”
“I’m glad you’ve put a lot of thought into this fucking shitshow.” Josef spat back at his so-called mate.
Vincent leaned forward, putting himself in as a barrier between the two men. “Josef, at the very least hear Pete out on why he wants you to do this, admittedly very disturbing task. There might be a good reason for it, or a very bad stallion who deserves it.”
Josef smirked and shook his head. “Nah, I know Pete, there’s only one reason he does anything and it’s to prove a point. This is a punishment through and through, isn’t it?”
Pete nodded, pointing his thumb back towards a cage he’d left on the floor in the hallway. “Found that little bastard by the Pits a few days ago, broke in and killed some of my best fighters. Usually that would be enough for an audition but the fucking shitrat kept killing the other fighters during training, didn’t matter how many times I smacked him about, he still killed them, and the ones he didn’t kill, he’d fuck them instead. Think he was showing off cause he’s a Smarty Prick, had to prove he was hot-shit.”
Josef looked over at the cage, he couldn’t see the Fluffy inside, but he could hear grumbling, the telltale sound of a pissed-off Fluffy.
“Alright, I get you want him punished, but why the whole mare thing?”
“That’s part 2 of this plan, one of my fighters; Harrow, has been getting antsy about becoming a dad. At first I thought it worked in my favour, made him fight harder so he could fuck the mares afterwards, but he’s won enough fights that he’s starting to question about his unborn foals, he’s holding back because he’s scared he won’t get to meet his kids.”
“I thought you castrated the stallions to control their testosterone levels?”
“We do, but Harrow doesn’t know that, he thinks he’s still 100% intact, lumps and all, and we’re not gonna tell him any differently because that’ll set off a whole fucking chain of shit. Besides, we tell him he’s a eunuch and he’ll be too depressed to be a fighter again, and Harrow is too fucking good to give up that easily. The plan is, once you’ve fucked with that Smarty cunt enough to make him think he’s a she, I give him to Harrow as a ‘special-friend’, give him the family he’s always wanted.”
Josef sat up, slightly confused about Pete’s end-goal for all of this. “That seems a little too nice for your tastes Pete, Harrow knows that fucking leads to foals, even if I can get the Smarty to believe he’s a mare, he won’t ACTUALLY be a mare, they’ll notice the lack of kids after a while.”
Pete’s smile unnerved Josef, which again surprised him. “Ah but there’s the twist Joe. I can get foals, either I buy ‘em, steal ‘em or breed ‘em but I can get foals and I can trick Harrow into thinking they’re his. Harrow can have his family, but that doesn’t mean he can keep them, I’ll run him ragged trying to get enough food so his ‘mate’ can make milk, and when no milk comes and the foals starve to death, I’ll be sure to make Harrow know that it’s all his fault, that he’s not ready to be a dad yet and to shut up and get back to killing who I fucking tell him to kill.”
Vincent looked over at Pete, slightly disturbed himself at the whole plan. “Why not just use a spayed mare, or one who can’t produce milk, should be easier to find than going through this whole spiel with Josef?”
“2 for 1 deal Vinny, Harrow learns his fucking lesson and that Smarty fuck gets what he fucking deserves. All I need is Josef to take the job.”
The three other men looked over at Josef, waiting on his answer, he was still creeped out by the whole thing, castration and psychological torture was one thing, he’d pushed plenty of Fluffies to the brink before now. But complete a complete psyche rewiring and a forced gender reassignment, that was a lot, on both the Fluffy and on Josef, it would be a challenge.
A challenge Josef could use right now, he was still pissed off about losing Sweetheart and with Crimson locked in the basement, he hadn’t been able to let off some steam for a few days now. Pete’s idea was sickening, but maybe Josef needed to go a little overboard right now.
“Fuck it, I’ll see what I can do.”
Crimson was woken by the sound of footsteps and a low grumbling, he looked up to see Josef carrying a cage to one of the worktops in the basement, Crimson recognised the sounds to know there was a Fluffy in the cage, and a Smarty one at that.
“Whu da fuk am dat?”
“Latest experiment, Pete wants me to try something new with this one.”
“Wha he wan daddeh tu du?”
“Wants me to turn this stallion into a mare, physically and mentally.”
“…Dats fuked up.”
“That’s what I said, but I took the job anyway, partly because I’ve nothing to focus on since YOU lost Sweetheart…”
“Oh gib Cwimson a fukin bweak on dat shit.”
“…but mostly because I was curious about whether or not it could be done. Fluffies are simple creatures but that just means their personalities are hardwired into them, they very rarely change their personalities except in extreme cases, much like yourself.”
“Cwimson nu fink dat da same fing.”
“Potentially, but as a baseline your mental switch proves that, theoretically, it is possible. The question here is how much to put him through without completely breaking him. We still need to use him once we’re done here.”
“Du daddeh wan Cwimson tu fuk him?”
“What makes you immediately think I’m gonna have you fuck him?”
“Cos am Cwimson. AWW Cwimson du is fuk udda Fwuffies, an kiww udda Fwuffies, and num udda Fwuffies. Cwimson fink he need git paid fow dis.”
“The Fluffies you eat ARE your payment.”
“Den Cwimson wan a waise.”
“No. But to go back to your earlier point, I will need you to fuck him, but not yet. The mental trauma can come later, we need to start with physical.”
Josef approached the cage and opened the door, almost immediately a fat orange unicorn with a black mane came tumbling out. He wheezed and spluttered before looking up at Josef and puffing his cheeks.
“Dummeh hoomin, gib Smawty skettis wight NYO!”
“Boy that never gets old does it?”
“I said hey there, you got a name?”
“Hmmph, Smawty am Smawty.”
Josef’s smile hid a nuclear level of annoyance as he took a deep breath. “Ok, but do you have a REAL name?”
“Weaw namsie am Smawty.”
“What were you called before you were called Smarty?”
“Smawty awways be Smawty, cept wen was bestesh babbeh.”
“Fuck sake you cunts are all the same.”
“Wha dummeh hoomin say?”
“I said you’re name is Sporus, congratulation, you’re a fucking real boy.”
“Spowus? Dat fag namesie, wan be Smawty.”
“…Well congratulations Sporus, you just turned what was going to be a very mundane experience for me into something I’m now actually going to enjoy.”
“Hoomin tawksie tuu mush, gib Smawty bestesh skettis yo ow git wowstesh sowwy-hoofies an foweba sweepies.”
“In a moment Sporus, I just need you to do one thing for me. Can you tell me what that is over there?”
“Oba whewe?”
When Sporus turned his head to follow where Josef was pointing, Josef used his free hand to jab Sporus in the neck with muscle relaxer, since anesthesia was still lethal for Fluffies, Sporus had to be conscious throughout his proceeds. He wouldn’t be able to move, but he would see and feel everything.
Ideally Josef would’ve preferred to have done this more subtly and then gaslit Sporus afterwards, but A) He didn’t have the time, B) The emotional trauma would still be a good starting point for breaking him down, and C) Josef just wanted the little fucker to suffer a bit more.
It didn’t take long for the compound to do its work. Sporus swayed and wobbled for a few moments, feeling a terrible weight almost crushing him with each drunken step he tried to take, before eventually he crashed onto the worktop, every muscle in his body suddenly too weak to lift his heavy load, even talking felt like a laborious task.
“Wha a da? Wa smaaa na fa waagaas?” Sporus dribbled out, unable to move his mouth.
Josef couldn’t help but smirk, seeing the loudmouth brought down a peg or two. Callously he flipped Sporus onto his back, knocking his legs open so that his genitals were on open display.”
“Na tash spa-sah wans.”
Josef ignored him and sprayed Sporus’ genitals with disinfectant, the combination of a cold mist and the sting of the chemicals made Sporus even more uncomfortable. He winced and cried as he felt his no-no stick burn slightly.
“Na wak, na wak.”
Satisfied that the area was in no immediate danger of infection, Josef paused to consider what he was about to do. Forced gender reassignment was very rare in Fluffy circles, but not completely unheard of; there was even a famous case a few years ago about a woman who had turned her male Rainbow Dash into a functioning female – minus the womb obviously – and she wasn’t even surgically trained. Josef knew enough to know that he could pull the operation off, but he still felt icky about the whole thing.
Fluffies deserved punishment of course, but Pete was looking for complete psychological destruction on little more than a Smarty prick.
‘Fuck it’, Josef thought as he quickly corked Sporus to keep his shit inside him, if he started growing a conscious now then he’d never recover. Picking up a scalpel, Josef made the first incision along the base of Sporus’ scrotum. Instantly the paralysed Smarty froze, the cut was only a minor nick, little more than a paper cut, but he felt that short stab of pain followed by the unmistakable stink of blood.
His blood.
Sporus tried to crane his neck, doing little more than just moving his eyes due to the effects of the relaxer in his bloodstream. From the awkward angle he couldn’t see what Josef was doing, but the vague feel of something between his legs was making him feel more and more uncomfortable. What was this meanie mister doing to his special lumps?
Sporus unfortunately got his answer quickly when he felt something cold and hard pinch the glands inside his scrotum, followed swiftly by Josef slicing off his testicles.
“AAAGGGGGGHHAHHHAAHHA!!!” Sporus gargled as he felt his most precious extremity carved away in their most delicate stage. He tried to kick and twist his way to freedom, but his movements were only miniscule.
Josef pressed a hand down firmly on Sporus’ stomach, trying to keep him still as he cut away at the glands and vessels inside of Sporus’ scrotum, the clamps prevented the Smarty from bleeding to death but it was still a difficult task to castrate the stallion without causing too much damage to the sack.
But Josef was a professional and it wasn’t long before he had two unsheathed testicles laying a foot away from their owner on his table. Next was the penis, and thankfully Sporus had a decently sized one, for a Fluffy anyway, which would make the inversion into a vagina easier and not require extra skin grafts.
It would likely also add to his traumatic breakdown since stallions valued their larger appendages much like humans do.
Josef’s scalpel slit Sporus’ penis from base to tip, allowing the mad doctor to essentially flay the penile area with nary an issue. With the inner workings of the penis now exposed, Josef worked quickly to sever two blood vessels – the corpus caverosum if he remembered rightly – from a spongy column of tissue from which Sporus’ urethra was found.
Sporus was in agony, every cut, every slice, every pull every press had been felt by the former Smarty, whenever he expected it all to be over and for his precious lumps and stick to be left alone. He had long stopped crying out for help, his open mouth too parched and painful to keep trying and the stench of his blood in the air so thick that all he could do was taste it. All his limited energy had gone towards his tears, the blurred vision being his only solace to whatever horrendous acts were being forced upon him.
Sporus didn’t know what he had done to deserve this, but he silently promised to never do it again.
Unperturbed by the Fluffy breaking down in front of him, Josef finished severing the blood vessels and set about inverting Sporus’ penis, cutting a small hole just between the penis and what remained of the testicle so he could press the spongy column inside of Sporus’ body whilst still keeping the urethra uncovered to allow for urination.
With the job mostly finished, Josef took a needle and thread and started sewing up the part he would no longer need, firstly covering up all of Sporus’ vessels and glands then using the loose skin of the scrotum to form a rudimentary labia before excising the excess skin.
Josef put the last of his tools down on the table and took a step back, Sporus was drenched in blood, covered in teeths and drowning in snot, his breathing was laboured and croaking, his body uncomfortable still except for the slow rise and fall of his chest, but he was alive.
And between his legs, a passable Fluffy vagina.
From behind him Josef heard Crimson throw up onto the floor.
“Fuk. Dat am… Bwwargh… dat am wowstesh fukin fing Cwimson eba see. If sumfing wike dat happen tu Cwimson dik den jus fukin kiww Cwimson cos dat… bwwwaaaaarrggggghhhhh.”
“Get over yourself Crimson, once he’s healed up I’m gonna need you to do your thing. And for Christ sake, at least try to get some of that into the bin.”
As the sounds of Crimson throwing up were muffled by his move to the bin, Josef picked up the still weeping Sporus, he started by uncorking him over the sink, letting a rancid stream of shit pour out of him before wiping Sporus down with disinfectant wipes and placing him back into his cage, giving the former stallion a quick syringe of oestrogen to start his hormone therapy before finally closing the door.
Sporus didn’t even react to the pointy-hurtie.
With the operation over and only time to tell if it was a success, Josef climbed back up the stairs and left the basement. The sudden onset of sunlight caught him off-guard after spending so long in the dingy basement, he went to cover his eyes but in doing so, he caught sight of himself in one of the mirrors.
From the stomach down, he was covered in blood, tiny pieces of severed skin and Fluff stuck to him like static and the memory of what he had just done came flooding back to him.
For the first and only time of his life, Josef regretted losing his doctor’s license.
“Should’ve been a fucking chiropractor.” He grumbled to himself before heading to the kitchen to fix himself a strong drink.