David wakes up to the sound of construction, he sits up on his bed and sees Cherry sniveling.
“Scawwey noisies make Cherry’s sweepies stop”
Cherry stares at David with Heartache. David goes to see Matty in his cage, he sleeps soundfully but his breathing is labored and his eyes are clenched.
“Wake up shithead”
David kicks his cage, causes Matty to jump up and hit his head. David opens the cage and uses a makeshift leash and collar out of a measuring tape.
“Wat Mistuh doin?”
“You’re going potty outside”
Matty is seemingly eager and happy to go outside. David opens his back door to find the Fencing and doggy doors are almost complete. Matty becoming shy and fearful of the men moving the posts around clumps down the back door and steps into the yard. He has his body to the ground and is cautiously crawling as David leads him
"Go poop here "
David points at a patch of aligned dirt in the middle of his garden. Matty stares with worried eyes
“Mwatty dunt nee to go poopies”
“Alrighty eventually you will”
David grabs a garden lamp pulls in from its patch and spikes it on the slab of dirt and ties the other end of the makeshift leash leaving Matty stranded in the Garden.
"When you’re done I’ll get you breakfast”
David returns to the kitchen and grabs the bag of kibble and fills two bowls. A rapid session of foot steps gets closer to David.
“Nummie nummies nummies!”
Cherry is sprinting towards David, but David takes the surplus bag and swings it at her making her roll over 5 feet.
“Jesus Cherry watch out”
David puts a placemat for her and Matty and places the two bowls. Cherry still dazed and dizzy tries to run for the kibble but Rams her head into the wall and her face lands on a bowl. David goes to clean the playroom litter box and sees the Pink foal still alive and well, David sees Alban attempting to play with Cayo by getting him to grab a small ball, but to no avail the brown foal has no conscience.
“He’s still a chirpy baby, it’s gonna be a couple days until he opens his eyes”
“Aww but I wanna pway with bwudda”
“In time Alban go eat”
David eats and browses on his phone for about an hour until he realized he forgot Matty was outside. David steps outside to see the guy from the day before talking to Matty.
“Yo what the hell happened there”
The man inquired
“It’s a form of a STD, I’m doing a test but keeping him away from the other fluffies”
“Jesus never heard of something like this”
“Yes don’t get too close he’s a little shit, he’ll poop on you”
“Oh a smarty huh?”
“Yeh he’s a destroyer of furniture, so he’s a outside fluff”
David sees Matty had defecated on the patch.
“Good you’re starting to listen, now you get to eat and I don’t have to beat the shit out of you…unless you give me a reason to”
Matty looks at David looking very defeated
“Wai meanie mistuh keep Matty wen u no wike fluwwies, but wike poopie babbehs”
“Cause I’m giving you a shot, if you don’t wanna be here I can just kill you right here and now and Cherry as well as your babies too”
Matty looks at David with fear
“NUH NUH NUH fwuffies wan stay”
“Good, listen, follow my instructions and you and Cherry will be safe, if not I will give Cherry to other smarties for special huggies”
Matty begins to shake
“Here go eat your food…. CHERRY!”
Cherry had eaten both bowls. David prances to his room to find Cherry feeding her foals
“Gud babbehs get bestest miwkies fwum mummah”
She sings with a cheery face eyes closed , smiling and bobbing her head side to side
“Well would you look at this Matty she ate all of your food”
Matty follows David and looks at Cherry with a shocked face. He then goes back to the bowls to only scourge and eat two kibble bits.
“Wai speshew fwend eat nummies, smarty am hungie!”
Matty begins to get into a aggressive stance and Cherry backs herself against the bed
“Mummah nee aww da nummies for Babbehs stuped smawty!”
Cherry is angry and points a front hoof at Matty, and Matty inches closer
“Stwuped mare n babbehs gets sowwie poopsies”
“Matty if you poop in my house I’m gonna fucking kill you”
Matty stops to look at David
“Gib sowwie enfies”
David is curious to see how he’s gonna pull that off. He goes to his bathroom and opens the door
“Here Cherry come here to this safe room for you and the babbies”
Cherry runs into the bathroom with her spawn and David closes the door.
“Mooove thing pweas mistuh Smawty wan enfie mawre”
“You want special hugs?”
“We’ll go get her cowboy”
David opens the door and Smarty runs in
Matty bites her neck and brings her head down as he positions her. Cherry is bawling and reaching for a foal and fails to reach
Matty brings back his hips and thrusts
“Eeenf….eh? Wai spesew pwace no feel gud?”
David orbits to behind them to see Matty’s squid like penis flap about against Cherry’s legs, it has no structure just torn tendrils of almost dead tissue.
David is laughing hard and leans on the wall
“Wai stuhped hoomen waugh?! Shuddup SHUDDUP”
Matty tries to have sex with Cherry, but only the sound on the ripped skin can be heard flailing about. Cherry stops crying but stares quizzingly as her frustrated mate pushed rope- …strings* against her back.
“I didn’t take them, you ripped them off yourself remember”
Matty gets off Cherry to look at his desecrated privates and starts crying
“Nu wan be spesew fwen no more”
“Nuh huu huu”
Cherry lays down hugging her babies
“Wan die…hoo hoo wan die…”
“My friend what I have plan for you is gonna make you wished I killed yah in that parking lot”
Cherry glides around her crying mate, and David picks her up.
“Agh bad uppsies”
Cherry panics but sees David puts her on his arm and realizes he has no malicious intent. David put her on his bed and puts the covers over her
“Go relax I’ll go feed stinky over here”
She smiles and coos as David places her foals around her. David feeds Matty? Matty eats with a disdain to himself, he slumps his head with a dread of hopelessness. After all in their programming a Smarty’s initiative is to breed more so than lead and eat, simple lives can be rewarding but for the fluffy all hope for it is lost. Matty had it good a Harem of mares, and lone building filled with trash coming from people who don’t eat their entire lunches, all the babies, a safe home; all gone to this monster that invaded his home killed his herd and took away his stallion-hood. He even nurtures his little rivals that fluffy lion and the poopy baby too, is he lower that a poopy baby, is that all he is worth lower that dung? No Matty believe he is the smartest of all fluffies and is worth more than all his herd combine, he’s gonna give this monster a forever sleep, take Cherry and find new mares and have lots of babies, YES that is the life and he is gonna take it back. Smarty begins to run at David. David kicks the smarty and grabs him and takes him to the sink, he grabs a rag and forces it around the smarty’s face and begins blasting sink water on it essentially water boarding him.
“HehehehAHAHAHA You still blame me don’t you, I understand, but you got to see Matty you’re a parasite, you’re a abomination, I keep you here to qualm my anger, besides hurting things like you makes me feel so Goddamn good, so thank you for being a Smarty and for justifying THIS!”
David takes the sink head stuffs it inside the smarty’s anus filling his intestines with water. David picks him up, wraps a arm around his gut and points his anus at the sink
“New from the Hellscape of Has-Bio, the Super Smarty ass blaster 9000 not for ages 3 and under”
David squeezes Smarty shooting the water into the sink like a hose. David is laughing uncontrollably and Smarty falls to the ground and begins to wheeze and panic
“G-go way munstah”
David let’s him be, he snorts and gets up to his living room couch and sits back with his hands behind his head. He sighs with relief and smiles, he feels a sense of happiness and release he hasn’t felt in ages, all the kempt up cortisol going away in an instant. He lays down, and turns on the TV, he laughs to himself
(This is only gonna get better and better, and they’re just out and about in the streets and wild? Good)
David goes out to see his new completed fence line, it’s perfect design to have the scents of his fruits and vegetables to pass through the low bearing lattices. The young avocado trees have been taken from their pots and planted into the spacey part of the inside of the fence. David got on array of flowers to the front and back of his house. Marigolds, Zinnias, Cosmos, etc etc all the flowers to make his house bright and attractive to fluffies from all around. Marty’s dung has proven to be very helpful into growing produce, David has already see the fast progress of Cabbages and carrots. It is true the feces of fluffies do great things to the environment, but they eat everything like crazy. David wants to proceed towards his plans and ordered a construction kit to makes pens and coops and another for one designed to be placed inside a house for breeding purposes, one of the kits will be delivered tomorrow.
David begins getting ready to work for his midnight shift, he puts Marty inside his crate, he closes the door to his bedroom leaving Cherry sleeping on his bed peacefully. He goes to the playroom to see a figure running with Alban
“What’s this now?”
David goes inside to see Cayo had finally open his eyes and already began running.
“How did you knew your name was Cayo”
“Awban cal me Cayo”
Cayo smiles and runs around the playroom
“Well good Alban you taught him his Name, well Cayo you’re right I am daddy but my name is David and you also have a sister over there name Hera”
David finds Hera sleeping in the cathouse and David picks her up, but Cayo screeches when he sees it has both wings and a horn. David grabs Cayo and puts him right next to Hera, he shakes and tears up
“Easy now, this is Hera, she’s not a monster she’s a fluffy like you”
Cayo watches her cautiously, David sets her down and Alban comes to her and hugs her
“Seee bwudah She no munstah she sistah”
Cayo stops tearing and shows interest, David places him down and Cayo inches towards her nudging her making her squirm to her other side
“Thas no munstah dats a chirpy babbeh”
“You see, anyway Cayo, I’m gonna be gone for the night don’t stay up to late and keep your sister warm. Goodnight love you guys”
David shuts off the lights and the nightlights David installed earlier kicked in.
David goes to his site, the lonesome building glowing with eeriness as the faint lights illuminate its grey concrete. David drives to the front of the entrance to clock in. He lays on his desk and turns on the feed, the terrible resolution barely able to make out figures in the dark. For an hour he patrols the inside until he remembers about Sunny the yellow mother from the basement parking level. He goes into lower levels and opens the garage hearing a gasp and a squeal.
“Sunny it’s me!”
David cries out
A yellow eye can be seen sticking out of the darkness of the large crack in the wall. The yellow mother comes out to greet David with Weanlings coming out as well
“My God they grow fast”
“Nice Mistuh”
“My name is David”
“David David David”
“Good enough”
David grabs a weanling carefully, it chirps with happiness as David scratches his belly.
“So any new herds come by here?”
“Neu fluffies come they seem pwetty, they have lots of fwuff”
“Lots of fluff? different kind of breed maybe, do they know you’re hear”
“Neu fwuffies are too fat to fit through smol pwaces”
“Good, for the sake of yourself and your babies stay hidden”
David takes a look at her foals and sees another lion fluff
“No fucking way”
He goes over to the lion fluff, it’s fur was a reddish brown and it’s mane was black
“Can I have this baby Sunny? I’ll give him a new house with sketties”
She stares at David and looks at the lion fluff. She contemplates if she can trust David after seeing what he did to the other fluffies, and she doesn’t see the other babies with him.
“Wher other wion babbeh and bwoun babbeh?”
Sunny tilts her head at David
“At my house of course they have a play room”
“Pwaywoom? Why not Daveed take Sunnies to be mummah and watch babbehs fo Daveed”
“Because you’re not safe yet I’m building another room for fluffies and they purple smarty is still there”
David is amazed by her intelligence
“Because I’m doing a test, Smarty won’t stay for very long but when he is I want you there”
Sunny looks down and back at David
“Okeh, Sunny wiw wet you hab wion babbeh”
“I also have more spaghetti with me, the Good spaghetti”
She lights up and puts the foals on her back. David takes her to his car
“Alright wait her I’ll be back in two minutes”
Sunny smiles and nods rapidly. David grabs a can of chef Boyardees speghetti-O’s and heats in a foam bowl. He grabs a soda and heads outside to see a herd of thick big eyed fluffies by his car
“Can never catch a break FUCK”
He runs towards the Door
A herd of fluffies is approaching Sunny all of them speaking their mind
“Hewwoo fwuffy am neu fwend?”
“Wat wit dat babbeh dat babbeh hab funny mane”
“Dummeh mawre come join smarty herd and be mummah wit outta mummahs”
“Hab any nummies nee nums for bestest ba-“
David opens the door loudly making the herd jolt back
“Sunny come inside now”
Sunny runs towards David and gets inside the building embracing her babies. The herd sees and smells the bowl of canned goodness
David sees he still has the bowl of poverty food in his hand and opens the door and places it inside, when David opened the door they all began running in. Sunny was terrified, but David slammed the door in time. The herd look in despair as Sunny began pulling the bowl away from the door and began eating the spaghetti-Os. David saw something different about these fluffies, they look more thicker as their fur was more thicker and textured and their eyes where big and shiny, they also look more doughy, and he even noticed one mother further away unable to walk as her pregnant stomach made it impossible for her feet to touch the ground. These fluffies were Mcgonagalls! These were far more expensive than some of the other breeds, higher quality coats and hairs, bred in England, one of the finer breeds, David even noticed the collar on the smarty… “Spike” must’ve been a pet.
The herd was banging on the door crying and pleading “NUH” to Sunny. Sunny unaware of the fluffies as the bulky door and glass made them inaudible and licked the bowl clean in glee. She then took the babies and ween them. This drove the herd mad especially the mares.
And David has found his next batch of shit for brains. The mares will be unharmed but the Smarty can fucking die. But unfortunately that’s for another time as David needs to get these fluffies back to his house, maybe he can get Smarty back to his owners and get a reward.
“Sorry fluffies this is for my Sunny, if you want you can come to my house and have all the nummies you want”
The herd lights up all cheering as they think they found their golden ticket
“But one condition you have to work for your nummies and toys”
The fluffies looked confused staring at each other for an explanation
“What wok?”
“Maybe das means we gib huggies to neu daddeh and then daddeh gib nummies!”
David laugh and grins
“Well hang out and until the Sun rises, when the sun is up come here and I’ll take you to new housies”
The herd agrees and they all talk about their plans for playtimes and hugs and food and what happy life they will lead for the rest of their meaningless life
David goes inside seeing Sunny nap against the wall, David carefully picks her up and takes her to his desk. He puts his jacket on the desk and lays her on it, letting her and her foals. As he pets her she grabs his hand and hugs it like a child with a stuffed animal. The sight made David blush and smile. As time passed the sun rose and David lightly shook Sunny
“Hey sleepy head it’s time to go back”
Her eyes creak open and mumbles
“Inna wiw bit mummah sweepies”
David sighs and picks her up and her foals and takes her to her crack in a wall.
“Also I got you something”
David brings out a dog bed and stuffs it inside the crevice and places a giant metal bowl and opens a package of a thick kibble design to easily fill the fluffy with just a couple bites hopefully filling her throughout the week. She coos with happiness as David places her ontop
“Daveed is good Mistuh, Sunny hopes to be wit Daveed and babbehs soon”
David grabs a cheap blanket and covers her and gets a dark grey fabric and duct takes the top of it over the hole so her home can blend in with the wall, and finally he grabs a couple of yellow glow sticks and cracks them and lays them inside as the faint glow gives Sunny relief of having some light in the desolate lower level. He closes and locks the gate right ensuring no one can pass through. He goes up to his car and sees the herd waiting for David
“Whew is Humman?”
“Yeah wew neu daddeh”
“Daddeh said when big bright light comes he comes and takes us to neu housies”
David comes around
“Ready to see your new house fluffies!?”
The herd goes wild hoping around and playing with each other. David opens the door to his car and points into the back seat
“Come right inside the carriage to nee housie”
Most of the fluffies jump right in all clamoring about what they plan to do, but the pregnant mother is unable to move. She begins to fall out to her friends but they can hear her through the ramblings. She tries to push herself, but strains to hair feeling a sharp pain in her stomach
“Fwends halp soon mummah uppsies, can’t mov”
Still no one hears her, she starts to whimper and cries
David closes the door and she begins to freak out shaking all her limbs as she believes she’s gonna be forgotten and starve to death.
“Huu huuu nu wun cawes fo soon mummah nu wan die”
“Who says you’re gonna die yet”
David slowly puts his arm under her belly and lightly lifts her up. The pregnant mare sighs with relief as David opens the passenger door and places her on the car seat
“Now you get to sit on the special mommy chair with daddy”
“Haaa?? Am special mummah yeeee!”
The pregnant mare smiles and cheers
The mares in the back look down as they see their friend get special treatment.
“Now now this carriage needs some time to start up, so you all need to be patient and wait for a little bit then we can go to your brand nee house”
David smiles
They all agree and begin continuing their rambling. David waits 30 minutes to end his shift, he hears a hunk of metal rolling through and speeding over speed bumps.
“How the fuck is that car even running”
David goes to his car to greet his coworker. The shitbox parks at the far end of the lot again, and as soon as he climbs out his car David yells out to him.
David gets into his car before he could yell back and puts the gear into reverse. David looks back to reverse and sees the Smarty having sex with a beige and blue mare
The Smarty sticks his tongue out as it in their nature to not stop for anything during sex. David yanks him off making them both scree
“If you don’t wanna listen, then no new housies for any of you, one bad fluffy means one bad herd so if one of you can’t behave then I won’t take any of you, you hear?”
They all nod and Smarty pouts and lays next to the pregnant mare. There 8 of them 3 males and 5 females along side with 3 foals with a mare. David names them accordingly except for the blue and indigo haired Smarty as his collar says “Spike”
The Beige and light blue hair Mare her name is Peach
A Orange and black hair mare will be Jackie
A piss yellow and brown hair mare will be Marigold
The off purple white mare with black hair will be Lavender
Another pink mare with white hare, quite a catch and possibly can be sold for a hefty amount or perhaps be a breeding mare …her name is Cotton
The Dark green stallion with bluish gray hair is Oak
A Red stallion with dark blue hair is ….Pete
They all doltishly accept their new names with no complaints. The herd is peering out the window looking at the landscape whizzing by with “Ooo’s” and “Ahh’s”, but Spike is unbothered by it and stands on the Dashboard
“hey Spike get down or you’re gonna fall”
“Nuh Spike am brave stawion”
(God I can’t wait to sell you back)
David slams on the gas and shifts the engine to overdrive 3
Spike flies back into the back seats the other fluffies crouch down in fear
“Heahahah told you”
“U mean”
“You stupid”
David finally arrives at his house and the fluffies see the garden full of flowers and trees and their eyes widen and their smiles show the abyss of their throats.
David sees the giant boxes for this ikea like fluffy coop. He brings the car to the back and get outs without any of the fluffies coming out. They bang on the Windows to get out and David opens the gate then goes over to the car and opens the back passenger door. David halts them before they pour out
“Now one thing, Do NOT eat any of the plants until I say so, if you do, you will have bad consequences, now wait inside until I get everything ready”
The fluffies still jumping about
“Fine ready set go”
He steps aside and they all run inside the garden looking and gazing at everything. He grabs the pregnant mare and plays her under the shade of a Avocado tree. She coos and laughs with her herd. David closes the gate and locks it, he stops and looks up and looks at the herd
“Huh huh ….hehehehe AAHAAHAAAHAHAHAHAH”
The fluffies stare at David, as David laughs manically
“Don’t worry just yet fluffies, I get you your nummies just got to set up the housies ahahahah”
They all cheer again knowing they think they got their own play pen and what not. David grabs Spikes collar and goes down the street to the local gas station. He goes on the pay phone and puts in two quarters and dials the number on the pendant of Spike’s collar. A couple of dial up tones can be heard and a sudden
A man’s voice is heard
“Hey it this Spike’s owner”
“Huh yes it is! You found him?”
“Yessir, I found him in my garden patch”
“Oh that little bugger, can you drop him off we live at 45 Wiggins Lane, our kids are gonna be very glad he’s back”
“Whoa he’s came a long ways ,I’m kinda 40 miles away can we meet in the Middle East of where you’re at?”
There is a long pause, David hears a tongue making a “tsssk” sound
“I can’t … I uh don’t really want to make the drive if you could come near my place that be awesome”
David finds the street view address to see a house in the La Jolla community a neat looking neighborhood
“Alright fine but hey since I’m driving all the way to your place can you at least send some gas money my way I’m a bit broke”
“Egh sorry I can’t do that”
“Not even as a reward for finding your pet”
“No, like come one you can’t expect an award for doing someone a favour”
“Fine then go buy another one, sorry for wasting your time”
“Wa-wa-wa-wait, cmon dude don’t be such a douche, my kids miss the little guy”
“And obviously you don’t considering you’re not giving a rats ass on getting him back”
“Well no but my wife kinda has been on my back ever since”
“Yep I understand but I don’t have the gas money”
“….dude why do you gotta be hard”
David indeed does have the Gas money, but his attempt to extort the owner of the smarty seems to have failed
“If I could I would”
“… Can you at least try”
“I just searched up the address you seem to live in a nice place, unless you’re living as fucking house servants on a shed in the yard, you seem more than capable to lend some couch change do a nobody”
“That’s besides the point”
“Of course, lemme guess little shit stain is a nightmare to have around the house, so either you kicked him out and ruled it as ‘oh no fluffy ran away’ or he really did run away from a cheapskate like you”
There was a long pause
“Yeh but I regret it, I really don’t want to waste resources on that thing so please just send him back”
“I’m gonna sell him to a group of sweaty dirty Mexicans so they can pitch him against some methed up rooster so they can film him getting massacred to sell to a bunch of fat assholes to get their rocks off, maybe that’ll be more profitable that sending him back to your bitch ass”
“Listen here Buddy I got your number, I’m getting my fucking lawyer if you touch a hair on him”
“Geez you rather spend a fortune on a lawyer to defend your small penis than to lend 20 bucks to get a fucking pet back?”
“Now you listen Buddy I nee bou tree fiddy to get a gud ole whipping from yee mastah”
“FUCK YOU, when I get your IP I will Fuck you up!”
“I hope Spike can learn Spanish well”
“What NO YOU BE-“
David hangs the pay phone
“Thank God for pay phones hahaha”
(To be Cont)