Toy Tries Her Best (Ace)

Toy rummaged around through the scrubbish woodlands as she did every day. She was a fully grown soft orange fluffy, a solid color, though her fur was matted heavily with various twigs, leaves, and mud. Nibbling berries, she would spit out the ones which were bitter. Mushrooms she would squish and see if they leaked the bad stuff. Any bugs were fair game. She needed lots and lots of food.

Trotting back to her shared nest, she would present her mother with the bounty of the day. A collection of foul-tasting roots, a few pretty flowers, a grasshopper she had valiantly squished with one hoof. Her mummah was a very sickly looking fluffy that was orange just like her daughter, though she had a green mane and tail.

“Mummah Pumkin, bwought nummies.” Pumpkin looked to her daughter and didn’t say anything, instead she just began chewing on the root beside her head. It was not pretty tasting, Toy knew that, but her mummah didn’t complain. She rarely said anything now. Once she had lived with humans and had talked a lot about that before. She had named all of her foals after her favorite things. Toy, Teebee, Bwight Time, and her bestest, Sketti. Only her and Sketti remained.

Sketti was right there as he always was. He seldom ever moved except for useless flopping. An incredibly obese ball of blue and orange fur, all he could day all day was suckle at mummah, who had to constantly eat to keep him alive. “Mummah wub babbeh, babbeh wub mummah…” She croaked to the stallion which was practically affixed to her teats. Sketti would always peep and cheep, letting out bad poopies. There was nothing anyone could do about it. The mound grew ever larger and the smell was horrible. Pumpkin would roll slightly to allow more of it to grow, Sketti flopping uselessly on his belly after her.

“Wub Sketti bwudda.” He might be fat, stinky, and useless but Toy didn’t want him to go. It was really hard to think of what mummah would do. The mare nuzzled at him, the sensitive babbeh turning his head slightly to suckle on the tip of her ear for a moment. The closest thing to a return of affection.

It was difficult to basically keep two other fully grown fluffs alive (not even including herself) but Toy went back out again to forage. All the pretty flowers, green grassies, and crawly bugs and worms. She knew that she had to be back by dark times though.

Eventually the sun began to set and she wandered back to the nest with a fresh collection of stuff to eat. Setting it down to mummah, she would again look to her brother. It was only a matter of time now.

There was another component of this family who only ever came back after dark. Meanie daddeh. He came trotting back into the nest looking well fed, a bright red alicorn that fluttered his useless wings as if to show off. He lived with humans during the day but left at night to visit the nest. Toy hated him.

“Speciaw fwiend stiww hab stupi’ babbeh?” He sneered at the mummah with her special (not so little) stallion. Toy’s mummah never even looked up from her place on the filthy ground, instead deciding to chew flowers while croaking out her usual song to her child.

He only came back here for one thing: Taking Toy’s tail and yanking her back, the stallion would mount her. “Enf…enf…speciaw-huggies wif dummeh mawe…!” She couldn’t do anything to fight him off. Or run away. Feeling his horn stab into her as he gave her bad special-huggies, the mare knew this was her existence. Tears streamed down her face as her meanie daddeh hurt her like he always did. He would finish, eventually, leaving her prone on the floor. The stallion had kibble food back at home but it didn’t stop him from trotting over to steal what little remained of the scraps Toy had gathered up earlier.

“Bad nummies! Nu taste pwetty!” Instead of leaving it for either of the mares to eat, he’d instead lift his tail and cover it with poopies. He went back to Toy and grabbed her mane with his teeth, yanking her around from side to side. “Gib bestest enfies tu Wex.” He looked to Sketti, chirping and peeping. “Mehbe gib enfies to stoopi’ babbeh if not.”

That was always the threat. If Toy didn’t comply, he would give bad huwties to her brother. Stompies, bites, and the wowstest special-huggies which would really hurt him. It was why she couldn’t run away or do anything about it: She needed to care for her brother and mummah.

The mare would be used all night, just as every night. When she awoke, her munstah daddeh was asleep. Sore and tired, she would nuzzle her brother and go out to forage again. All she could do was keep at it.


jesus christ dude.


i dont even know what to say.


Told you it was happening

Even I felt bad. Though, the smile on my face couldn’t be erased either. lol


can we see Toy try to kill her father?

I don’t think you’d care for the results


working as intended

I wanna see Rex take out that dumb sensitive baby out of spite, and maybe make things even darker, cause Toy to become a soon mumma. Probably a little too bleak as likely because he’s an Alicorn he won’t be punished but it would make for a cruel, dark but fun dark turn :o

I want Rex to be ran over


Oh shit I just posted something with a similar idea


Damn bruh…

I’m sure it would be worth it.

I know. I was the one who initiated the convo because I thought it was dumb that ferals would name their kids things like Sherbet or Azul or whatever.


I’d like to see her follow him to the humans. If I found out my pet had a secret family and was treating it like this, I’d cap his ass and adopt them.

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Just got done playing Disco Elysium and couldn’t help reading this in the narrator’s voice. Absolutely loved this.

Thanks! There’s a few other stories under ‘Toy Tries’ and more featuring Toy under the title ‘Pretty’s Bitch’

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