Trap Foal (by Chikahiro)

I figure it would go;
“How do I keep it sterile while inside the tentacle? It keeps mixing with the enticement fluids and can contaminate my tanks? I’ll take a vacation day to hang out with (her Fluffy Fritz).”

“(After seeing an advertisement somehow) Oh, that’s a much better idea for finding some high-stamina ones, I can weed out the lone wolfs harassing my test herds, and I could rig one up without the payload to directly fertilize the ovum I placed into the tanks from my donor Mare.”

“Shit, what do I do with test subjects V3 and V4? Eh, I’ll dump them off near the feral herd grounds in Akron. I’m sure they’ll be popular.”

Then suddenly almost no males in the Akron herds aside from some momma’s boys, in suddenly matriarchal herds. Which is an idea I’ll want to use later. Maybe the vagina tentacle ones start a religion based on science mom or something, I dunno.


oh i want like 20 of these suckers

skia could use these to weed out the baby rapers since he’s taking in a lot of fluffs


A nurse in the back muttering while entering patient data: “It’s not like those things don’t come with solvent…”

(I laughed)


(Patients leave, teen visibly crying from embarrassment. Doctor leans into back office.)

Yeah Flo…it’s a pain in the @$$ (and elsewhere), but since they’re charged over a grand a case, who am I to complain?


I get the feeling that insurance companies might balk at paying for that :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe, once they’re done laughing about it.

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Oh yeah that shit sucks like when you’re at your house reminds a mansion they start eating your flowers and the smarty tried to give me sorry baby so I trapped him in a giant have he shitted itself to death it fill up all the way to the top I wanted to open it it spilled out a little bit s*** and then I closed it back up I torched so it became hard like cold then I put it outside in the Middle where everyone can see it mostly fluffies cuz I’m far away from humans so it shows that you eat flowers you turn into it by it s*** vase yay

Ok, so that trap DEFINITELY works. Caught that pedo fluff today with the superglue trap (even hung a bell around the neck so I would hear it) and he would not stop begging to me to get it off him. Broke his spine and ripped him off the trap (ripping his dick off in the process) and left him there to die. I mean there is a stray cat that comes by so free food for the cat.


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