Cleared out my drive. This should be the last one.
The guy who cleans the cans, I hope they pay him well, I wouldn’t open them I would throw them away immediately xD
My dumbass forgot to get him out of the can because I don’t give a fuck
This is why other depictions involve a butt plug or waste tube is shoved into the foal’s ass.
Though, it is fun to watch a shitrat rot in its own filth.
Another great one, that middle panel with his little nose shoved against the glass <3
Could be this product is an defect for not having one, or maybe it is marketed towards a different demographic who prefers it this way.
Hope that fuck didnt break the tube on the way out!
was planning on trapping feral foals with it.
Get back in!!!
I’ve always wondered. In the last panel, has the built up shit pushed it out, or is it trying to escape abuse by going back into its former prison?
Judging by the direction probably the first one, but the latter is probably a nice final kick in the nads if thats the case.
I will choose to believe it’s option two then.