Trash Day [by Maple]

Thank you @ThatsWhy for letting me borrow Tar! Warning, that post is WILDLY NSFW and in the controversial tag for a goddamn good reason.

Trash day was a good day for fluffies. All down the streets the humans would put their often overflowing bins out to get picked up. What didn’t fit in the bin would be set to the side, waiting to be tossed into the garbage truck with everything else.

Or, often, waiting for a hungry stray to rip into it.

Sometimes it was feral cats, occasionally pigeons or the rare lost dog. Mostly it was fluffies. Fluffies like you.

You moved quickly down the sidewalk, head on a swivel. Not many humans were out this early, the sun just barely peeking over the horizon but you couldn’t be too cautious. Your pale purple hooves carry you quickly between bins as you search for edible scraps. Sometimes you could find cans with a bit left in them to lick out. Old takeout boxes with stale but edible leftovers. Pizza boxes with a bit of dried on cheese to peel off.

It was one of the few days you’d head back to your den with a full belly, so it was your favorite day. You had no sense of what a week was, but when you saw the bins go out in the evening you knew that you’d be eating good the next day.

Darting around a half full bin, not worth trying to tip over, you paused as you saw what waited at the end of the next driveway.

It looked like a fluffy but huge, bigger than anything you’d ever seen. It sat on her rump next to the bins, cream colored head hanging low and obscured by its patchy black mane. You’d never seen anything like it. Fluffies didn’t get that big, and even if they did it wasn’t even fluffy. You could see its ribs under its short cream fur.

There weren’t any good looking trash bags near it, so you decided to avoid whatever it was. Better to play safe, you had no idea if it was some sort of monster.

Keeping your eyes locked on the creature you slowly made your way past it, putting a safe distance between you and it. Softly in the distance you could hear the roar of the trash monster, the beast that ate up all the garbage bags the humans put into it. You needed to hurry if you were going to get a meal out of this before the monster ate everything.

Softly something caught your attention. A small, stifled sob. You looked back at the creature. Its back was criss-crossed with scars and from this angle you could see some fairly fresh scabs. It made you pause, hoof raised into the air as you thought.

This creature seemed sad, and sad was no good! No one deserved to be sad, not even monsters! On the other hoof, what if it decided to cheer itself up by eating you? That wouldn’t be good either.

“Am bad fiw-fiw-filleeey… Huu…” it said softly, draging out the last part of the word awkwardly.

Well… if it was a filly that meant it was a young… whatever it was. You felt bad for it, even baby monsters needed to be taken care of, you assumed. Why was she alone? Didn’t she know the trash monster was coming??

“Tawrr am bad fiw-leey, bad bad bad. Worstest. Nu d’serv nuffin.” As you cautiously approached the creature she continued to mutter to herself. “Mastewrr nu wub Tawrr ‘cause Tawrr bad ugwly wowf-worrrthless whorrre.”

You waddled towards the miserable beast, head low. The trash can next to her was propped open by a large pink box, if you could read you would see the “discreet” and rather girthy Biophallus logo. Stopping with what you felt was a safe distance between you and the creature, you spoke.

“Uhm… am yu otay?”

There was a small gasp from her, and she fell silent. Her limbs shook slightly and from your position behind her you could see the hair on her neck stand on end.

Not hearing an answer you stepped closer, circling around her to keep at least a fluffy length between you.

“Wha’ am yu?”

No response to that either. You could see through her patchy mane flopped over her face, a single bruised eye flicking to you for just a moment before she resumed staring at her hooves. She had a muzzle shaped like yours and under her sparse mane you could see the tattered remains of her ears. She looked even more like a fluffy than you thought. You’d heard stories of creatures like this, giant fluffies that couldn’t speak and carried humans around.

“Am yuu a howse?”

“…Am whorre.” She corrected softly.

Whore, then. The stray mare you heard it from must have gotten it wrong. “Wai am whowe sad?”

“Masterr nu want Taw-Tarrr any morrre.” She said, her strange accent making you cock your head. “Tarr nu am tight nu mowe. Masterr get bettah enfie fiwwy dan Tarr.”

“…Wha’?” Nothing this strange thing said made any sense.

Before she could explain further you heard a loud bang. Looking down the street you saw the garbage monster drop an empty trash can, its contents dumped into its waiting maw.

“Nee’ gu!!” You urged Tar. “Twash munstah num fwuffies!!”

She didn’t reply, head hung silently.

“Hey! Wisten to fwuffy!” You darted in front of her to hopefully catch her eye again. “Nu knu ‘bout awe dat, buh nee’ gu! Nao!!”

“Tar am trash.” She said plainly. “Mastew-Masterrr say su.”

“Nu, Taw am awibe! Mastew am dummeh!” you snorted.

Tar replied in the form of a hoof slamming into your belly, sending you tumbling into the street.


As you slowly righted yourself, grimacing in pain, she seemed to deflate.

“Master. Sorry. Su sorry.” She bowed her head low as she sat back down next to the bin. “Tar wi-will be good. Tarr will wait with trash. Su sorry.”

You returned to your hooves, trying to get your breath back. “Pwease, Taw, cum wif’ fwuffy. Nu nee’ be twashies.”

She didn’t even lift her head, instead mumbling endless apologies to whoever this Master was. You looked nervously between her and the approaching garbage monster before turning and running down the street. It hurt to leave her behind, but you needed to look out for yourself and not… whatever Tar was.

At the end of the street you dove into a low bush, turning around and hoping to see her following behind you. To your disappointment, Tar still sat next to the trash can as the monster approached.

One of the trash monster’s humans stepped off it as it came to a stop in front of Tar. You couldn’t hear them but you could see his mouth moving, talking to Tar. Sometimes the monster had nice humans that would just chase fluffies off. You felt a small hope as Tar stood that was quickly dashed as she hooked her hooves over the edge of the monster’s mouth. After a moment of struggle, Tar pulled herself over the edge and laid down among the refuse.

You heard the grind of its jaws beginning to close around her, pressing her down into the garbage. Blunt metal teeth that you’d seen crunch through street signs and shopping carts reached her, showing no discernment between her and the other trash.

You looked away.


Whelp…She did it. I can’t say that I’m happy that she’s gone, nor that she left in such a miserable way. But…I’m not sad that she’s gone either. Her pain is over…and that’s a happy thing.


The trash really did take itself out

(A wonderful bit of work from you, Maple)

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Master’s toy until the very end.

This is most likey non-cannonical, as ThatsWhy seems to have more going for her. Unfortunately it’s looking like Tar has some more suffering to do.

I really enjoyed this. Well, enjoyed might be the wrong word—It’s very sad, and very well-written. In particular I really loved the way you did Tar’s accent! It’s possibly better than the way I did it, at least in some cases. Although I have a few minor and ultimately pointless nitpicks, the only real serious negative commentary I can make is that I wish there was more to this. I would have liked to see some real back-and-forth on the part of the protagonist and Tar. But even that’s just a fairly minor thing.

I’m really flattered that you’d even write this. Thank you so much. <3


I had a lot of fun with her speech patter, very much can see how i could have improved upon a re-read.

I’m so glad you liked it, Tar is a fascinating character and I hope you’ll do more with her!