Trying to draw fluffies for the first time (by SimonTheWeirdo)

Thanks for the advice! I’ll make sure to practice as much as I can :3
You can ask me for advice on getting started on digital art too, if you’d like


I’ll keep it in mind, though I just want to color.
Right now i am just treading water ( wawa bad fo fwuffy ! ) i am in Europe and my tablet and software need to come from the USA.
So depending on the mail gods i either need to wait a month or it shows up later this week.

So i wil have to get back to you on that later.


Nicely done , do continue these are great designs :+1:


Thank you so much!!! I’ll keep drawing fluffies then >:3


By all means.
Hell I only started drawing them 6 weeks ago.
Been a lurker on the booru since 2018.


That sucks. I always hate waiting for the mail to arrive when it’s something I’m excited to use. And coloring is how it started for me too, so I’m sure you’ll be able to make full drawings from scratch digitally in the near future >:3

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Wow you all are more encouraging and supportive than any fandom I’ve ever been a part of


I think being a small community helps


Well we wil see.
I stil have to wait for everything to arrive.
And looking at tutorials is a bit pointless if you got no tools to try them out on.
Other then an ancient ass copy of Photoshop Elements thats so old there are no tutorials for it and the layers are doing my head in !



Makes sense. Hope it stays as warm if it ever grows

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Its cause fluffies are weird.
But @pink is right we are niche a tiny tiny community and most of us lurk.
So the vocal ones like to see new artists thrive and help them out as much as possible.

And the people who do comment and create content eventually get to know each other because there are only so many of us.


Oh yeah, the layers are the hardest part to get used to, but they end up being the most useful part of digital art next to the reset tool. I hope your pakages arrive soon and safely!

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So do I, but all i can do is wait and tread wawa.
I heard manga studio is pretty easy to get to grips too, so i went for that.


It makes sense. I wonder if the furry fandom used to be like that way back when it was new on the internet…

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Though I am sure most fandoms were like that at first.
Small and tight knit, like the original newsgroup transformers community.

And then fandoms get bigger and become more and more fragmented.


Yeah, waiting bad fow fwuffy.
I personally haven’t tried manga studio yet. I use clip studio paint that’s from the same company though, so maybe they’re simmilar. I actually started off with photoshop and it was torture lmao

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They are not just similar they are the same thing
Manga studio is the old name.
But 4 was cheap on evilbay …err ebay.
So I figured why not ?

Sounds like i can ask you for help after all.


That’s kinda sad. But maybe this one won’t grow so much considering how niche it is

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I’d be glad to give you a hand in whatever you need to know :3


Every fandom needs to grow.
But personally i’ll be fine if fluffies stay the weirdo niche they are.