A little more info:
I have another longer project idea I want to try at some point but for it to make sense one of the fluffies will be a fluffy with tusks.
I know someone does use them quite frequently and I’m not sure if I’ve seen them used by anyone else.
For this project I want to try to use already established types, whether they’re well known like the main four or something a little less frequently used but still something the community would recognize. I don’t really want to start adding individual parts to one fluffy to create a new type because then that would raise questions about why I didn’t do the same with another.
I’ve tried searching on the subreddit and it looks like not only are they used by a few people but each of them has a different way of shaping them.
So that’s definitely a big help.
Does it say anywhere that they have to be unicorns.
All the ones I’ve found are except for one and they were foals that apparently grew their horn later.
Nah man part of that is left over from the hunting friend subspecies, from what I know tusk fluffies have two major differences from the other fluffies, they have thicker bones and they have a fight over flight response, but not suicidal like smarty fluffies. Sorry I don’t know more but like @Mr_Owl said it is unplowed land.
I think they were created to look as tough as possible with the most potential for combat, hence the tusks and horn. They were pretty much made to be guard “dogs”.
Of course you can depict them how ever you like, I just think the bare minimum should be that they have tusks or else the name doesn’t really fit anymore