Twiwight Pwace: the smawty who got everything

Twiwight Pwace - the smawty who got everything

After the show, Wod Stewling’s picture disappears, replaced by a simple room. A woman is in the room, working on a computer. Wod’s voice is heard.

“Dis am Whonda. Whonda wowks in magicaw pwace, faw ‘way. In dis pwace, dewe am big bowws of sketties, toys awe made by siwent machine, an’ Whonda sends them to dah gud fwuffies. Soon stwange bocks awwibes at whonda’s wowkpwace…”
The picture shows a big box with dozens of dirty, wild fluffies crawling out of it. At the head of them is a big earthy, looking around malevolently.
"Dis am smawty. Smawty am bad fwuffie. Smawty found out whewe whonda was an’ awwanged fo’ him an’ aww his bestes’ wiwd fwuffies to get in hewe. Buh fwuffy doesn’t know whewe dis pwace am. Dis pwace… am dah Twiwigth Pwace.”

Smawty hits the fluffy next to him on the head.
“Go and wook fow the spaghetti, but if you get into it, you’re gonna get beat up bad!”
“Yes, Smawty,” the unicorn replies and scampers off. Smawty gives orders and then sits on another fluffy, who struggles to drag him along.
“Faster, you silly fluffy!”
“Fluffy’s sorry. Fluffy hurry!”
The unicorn runs back to Smawty.
“Human! Is that the new mama?”
“No, silly! All humans are evil! Only good smawty, me, can be good!”
Smawty smacks the unicorn on the head, then again when he starts to cry.

The door opens, and Rhonda looks through the fluffy.
“Hi! Are you guys new here?”
“This is Smawty’s house now.” Says the big fluffy. Rhonda smiles.
“It’s our house, and all the good fluffys are guests, but you can’t stay here too long.”
“No, Smawty will be here fowehah, because thewe’s food and toys and wawmth! This is all Smawty’s and Smawty gives it to the good fluffys! No need for the silly human!”
“Oh? In that case, I’d better go, hadn’t I?”
“And you, other fluffies?”
The fluffys try to answer, but Smawty yells and snaps.
“I see. I’ll be back then, and you will be good.”
And with that, Rhonda disappears behind a door.

Montage, as the fluffies stuff themselves to the brim, as they pile up the dice and the plushies and the balls. There are more and more fluffies everywhere, and there’s always plenty of spaghetti in the tubs. Smawty yells at the fluffies a lot, taking any toy he likes.

“Mine! You am a bad fluffy!”

“My spaghetti! Get away!”

“You’re bad!”

“Silly fluffy!”


The camera pans across the rooms. The wild fluffys, big and small, all fat and not happy. Their bellies hurt and they’re too fat to play. One little fluffy tries to push a ball, but it won’t budge - he’s just as big as the ball.
Smawty is simply too big, unappealing, almost five metres in diameter, his tiny legs hanging limply next to his huge belly. Where there are no fluffies, there are piles of toys, but no one is playing.
“Tummy ouchie!” The fluffies complain. Smawty screams, but only a belch comes out.

Then the door opens and Rhonda steps in. She steps deftly through the piles, then stops in front of Smawty.

“Not having fun? Maybe a new toy bear would cheer you up.”

She shakes the toy. Smawty snorts, bored.

“I have lots of them, but I can’t play with them.”

“Then maybe some more spaghetti.” She raises a spoonful of hot, fresh spaghetti.

“No, too much. I don’t want any.”

“Well, well! Like you’re not happy with Smawty-land. But you’ve got everything you could want.”

“Silly fluffies just eat and squiwm!” Growls Smawty. Rhonda looks at the wailing fluffies.

“Who wants some carrots and ice cream? Just a short walk in the park.”

“Ice cweam?”
“A walk?”
The fluffies are getting healthier as they start to walk out with Rhonda.
“We might even make some friends!”
All the fluffies are happy, healthy and smiling. Rhonda stops in the doorway and looks back. Smawty yells.
“Smawty dun’t have to go. It’s all here.”
“But no one will be here.”
“No one has to! Smawty will sowt it out!”
“All right… but we’ll come back after we’ve had a good time.”

Outside, happy, well-behaved, healthy fluffies play, run, jump, and munch carrots. Rhonda sits on a bench and hands out ice cream. Lots of happy fluffy cuddles.

Smawty is alone in the room. She looks around, then starts to cry.
“I want to go to the pawk and cawwots and sun and fwiends!”

Wod Stewling speaks again.

“Smawty, who got ebewythin’ fwuffy wanted buh wost his fwiends ‘cos of it. Fwuffy’s awone, wiff aww dah toys in dah wowwd an’ awmost endwess sketties, buh ‘cos fwuffy wefuses to shawe, won’t wisten to dah gud mummah, an’ thinks of nothin’ buh himsewf an’ nao, fwuffy stays hewe. Awone, in dah depths of dah Twiwight Pwace.”

Translated by DeepL.


I made this for the Twiwight Pwace event. I may need some help to fix it.

Solid entry, it’s a story I’ve considered doing myself. Give a Fluffy everything they want and watch them struggle with crushing boredom.

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I had not seen a lot of Twllight Zone episodes myself, just seemed like this would fit. Can this be improved?

Don’t worry, I’ve not seen much myself either.

Improvement wise I think this is good, you could add more details if you want but that’s just for flavour.

Maybe have Rhonda introduce the Fluffies to carrots rather than having them know what they are, give you the opportunity to give the Fluffies an alternate to sketti plus opens up the coup against the Smarty’s bullying.

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I am not sure how to write this. Even this one was checked.