Da Twiwight Pwace: Episode Guide

A few days ago, I put up a call for people to work together on a new Fluff-TV series based on The Twilight Zone. If you’re interested then all the details can be found HERE.

We’ve already got a few entries in already so I’m starting an Episode Guide where each story will be collected and placed here for easy access. Reminder this is an ongoing project with no end-date so feel free to upload your own entry whenever you like.

1X01: Button Button by @recreationalsadist

What happens when you’re given the choice between instant gratification, and the weight of another’s life on your hoofs?"

1X02: A Nice Place To Visit by @NobodyAtAll

A hellish Smarty gets his comeuppance.

1X03: Five Characters In Search Of An Exit by @recreationalsadist

Confusion and pain is all that awaits these Fluffies.

1X04: Pretty On The Outside by @BFM101

A pretty Fluffy with not-so-pretty genes.

1X05: The Smawty Who Got Everything by @KovacsAmbrozia

How can a Fluffy with everything, actually have nothing?

1X05: The Shadow Man by @DrExposition

New friends? Or something much more sinister

1X06: Living Huggie Friend by @VampiricFluffy

A new toy doesn’t care for playtime.

1X07: The Jungle by @recreationalsadist

The laws of the jungle apply to the bathroom as well.

1X08: Dare To Dream by @BFM101

A self-fulfilling prophecy plagues the toughest Fluffy ever.

1X09: Pick Of The Litter by @BFM101

No bestesh babbehs allowed.

1X10(1): The Root Of All Evil [Part 1] by @BFM101

A poopie stallion starts a happy new life, or does he?

1X11: Number 12 Looks Just Like You by @Ace

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

1X00: The Eye Of The Beholder (Preview) by @FluffyDaddeh

Wod previews a coming attraction


Confusion and pain is all that awaits ALL fluffies.


I wrote you a story too.


I’ll be bringing this back for a one-off story but if anyone wants to add in another themselves then feel free. Same as always, just make sure to tag me so I know where to find then

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Don’t forget the Twilight Zone Episode “To Serve Man”